A well guarded ,diplomatic and evasive reply but for which the external affairs minister could have given any other thing in the circumstances of the matter.
and proclaim a communist dictatorship in Nepal, India should intervene decisively.
As long as Nepal remains a democracy with fair and free elections we should we watchful.
But the trouble is that even fair and free elections is fraught with fraud and intimidation in communist ruled states. Look at the states of WB and Kerala for example they are virtual Cubas in India.
Same old party comes to power by threat,intimidation and assassination.
Indian Politicians and associated advisers are always one-step behind to understand the motives of Pakis and Chinese. As per the nature of Commis, probably this election would be the only democratic one in the history of Nepal and that country is going to be a Communist Country. India should have prevented this Maos beyond its boundary from achieving anything including political goals Learn from CIA (US). I hate the rubbish, soft, people those who sit and rule India. Subservient Idiots.
India intentionally let nepal become communist and to allow nepal to give up the prided tag of being the only hindu nation on the earth. This is because India is under the influence of Islamic funds which is geared to ensuring the annihilation of hindus and thus the govt of India sleeps and ignores the hindus. Shame on Indian govt to allow this to happen and now they will further take money from the Islamic ruckus and not allow king of nepal in. Just like India threw out Taslima who spoke the truth on Hindus being decimated in Bangladesh and in continuance, UPA ensuring that Bangladeshis infiltrate Indian borders and become muslim vote banks for UPA besides raping Indian hindu women on Indian soil and getting away with it. Indian govts are so shameful. Damn them
RE:Nepal king and India
by tamil on Apr 18, 2008 11:41 PM Permalink
Nepal a waste country.. led by a murderer .. think India can take over that poor country..
RE:Nepal king and India
by mumbai on Apr 19, 2008 12:43 AM Permalink
nepal ceased to be hindu nation. Who is responsible? Hindus. They only selected communists. First we should think that what makes others to win over hindus. There were Hindu leaders before BJP Shivsena Bajrangdal etc.etc. Their aims is only to creat violence than developing hinduism. Still the time is not gone. read the writings and teaching of RAJA RAMMOHAN RAI, VIVEKANANDA AND SARDAR VALLBHAI PATEL RAMAKRISHNA PARAMHAMS. spread their teachings to all hindus. the word HINDU used for politics only. anything concerned to hindu is used to creat political divisions and only used to support few politicians. But these politicians are destructive to hinduism than support. Teachings of true hindu leaders developed the good nature of hinduism. Political hindu leaders have destroyed hinduism and still destroying.
Indian Politicians and associated advisers are always one-step behind to understand the motives of Pakis and Chinese. As per the nature of Commis, this election would be the only democratic election in Nepal%u2019s history and Nepal is going to be a Communist Country. India should have prevented this Maos beyond its boundary to achieve any political goals. Learn from CIA (US).