It's time the communist ideology is banned and every communist voice is sileneced....Indian Army is the only defence we have that is potecting us from these commusnist a88ses. Communist have a secret agenda of weakening Indian Army. We should not forget how communists staged protests in support of China in 1962 during Indo-China war...hundreds of Indian soldiers died due to the communists acting as chinese spies and revealing indian armies moves to china...Communists never protested when china tested nuclear weapons for almost 0 years however these sick communists were the first ppl to raise voice when India tested nuclear weapons...indian communist are anti nationals..let not the evil designs of the indian communists succeed...they are worse than the militants of kashmir bcoz these communists leeches are living among us and sucking our country from's time we teach communist abti-nationals a lesson....Mao sucks so does karat, raja and yetchury!!!...Jai Hind
you r right ppl in india have lost sleep over nepal ... no body has been able to eat, drink or do anything since this news has come out ... coz obviously nepal is so important to india ... actually it is even more imp than our own country ...
and oh ya .. that old rogue americans ... they are also quite unnerved about it ... this will be the most imp issue in US presidential elections ... just watch out for obama, clinton, etc outpourings for prachanda, nepal and all the shaabjis of the world
On June 15th, 1998, Gopal Siwakoti 'Chintan' had been presented to the Kathmandu District Court where he was charged with anti-state crimes for disturbing the public order and peace and for being involved in pro-Maoist activities, prejudicial to national integrity and sovereignty.
The main reason the Maoists won is because they terrorized the electorate into voting for them by issuing the following warning:
If you do not vote for us we will resume the civil war and ruin your lives and that of your sons and daughters and you will never be rid of our constant attacks. We will continue to kid nap your children to serve as child soldiers for the war. We will continue to raid your houses and steal your savings.
The electorate of Nepal submitted meekly to this infernal threat.
I hope in the coming few years there is a gathering storm of the forces of the RIGHT and the NEPALESE ARMY along with the INDIAN ARMY oust these charlatans and criminals from Kathmandu and establish democratic rule in NEPAL.
RE:The Whole analysis is crap.
by satyarthi on Apr 18, 2008 08:18 PM Permalink
As such Modi was/ is quite popular in Gujrat. There was no need to terrorise a particular section of votrs in Gujrat (8% muslims). Maoist campaign for power in Nepal cannot be compared with any state election in India. Even in west bengal marxists use a softer variety of threat, viz., displacement of bagardars (share croppers) from unauthorised lands.
RE:The Whole analysis is crap.
by satyarthi on Apr 18, 2008 11:28 PM Permalink
Baburam Bhattarai, had warned that if the Maoists lost the election, it would take them "ten minutes" to lay claim to Kathmandu.
RE:The Whole analysis is crap.
by satyarthi on Apr 18, 2008 07:43 PM Permalink
Maosit win in Nepal was nothing but a fromality; where world led by USA indirectly approved and accepted control of arms militia over Nepal.
LOKTANTRA vikas ki ek matra sambhawna hai LOKTANTRA ki talash mein nepali bhaya ke ghar mein prawesh kar gaye hain LOKTANTRA ke liye sampurnakranti ki jarurat hai bhai aur bhukh ko samarpit hone ki nahi RAJMAHAL HATYAKAND ne rajtanttra ko nepal mein puri tarah asaphal sabit kiya VIRATA AUR BUDHI se hi bhai aur bhukh se mukti ho sakegi
now we captured nepal and hindu monarchy is finished off...our rule is unchallengable in tripura,bengal and we will capture tamil nadu & andhra while our maoist brothers will capture chattisgrah,orissa and 2020 we will make india into a communist dictatorship with karat as the pm
RE:by 2020 we will make india into a communist dictatorship with karat as the pm
by kraft on Apr 18, 2008 06:32 PM Permalink
Karat the PM? What about the ageless Surjeet,Basu,Bardhan and the others of the Jurrassic Park? Why, even Narayan can become PM WHEN YOU EXTEND THIS Foolish Dream! Go to sleep and resume your Dream man!
RE:by 2020 we will make india into a communist dictatorship with karat as the pm
by satyarthi on Apr 18, 2008 08:20 PM Permalink
"de sataset de sataset...." What an anger? muslim anger?
RE:by 2020 we will make india into a communist dictatorship with karat as the pm
by motor mouth on Apr 19, 2008 12:32 AM Permalink
i request rediff to take a note mr.narayan's comments..and pls track his ip address...and make him accountable for his remarks...i must say next time the riots wont be against any minorities but against cimmunists unless they stop their evil plans of disintegrating india...let every commie voice be silenced for ever....
RE:by 2020 we will make india into a communist dictatorship with karat as the pm
by kraft on Apr 18, 2008 06:28 PM Permalink
Last Commie Dream, after loosing Russia, Eastern Europe and the rest of the World! The Indian Commie can compensate huge losses by abi-election Victory in mallappuram!
The Wrong side of Terrorist Leadership who is keen in making his dream come true has come as a reality. What an inhuman culture lived a decade ago also has been undergoing cannot be forgotten. If Maoist can win elections with the power of self army and terrorising rural and urban innocent peoples, Why not all the political parties across India and rest of the world also do the same . Why not Congress party in India has it's own army or the BJP. Why not let Osama Bin Laden fight elections across the world . Why is he, Dawhood Ibrahim, LTTE's Chief and so on is been haunted and not Prachanda. Does it mean the Nepali parties , armies and people across Nepal has lost faith in sovereignity.Todays biggest questions -Is the Nepal Army ready to defend or protect the once the haunted person because of Constituent gain. Will the Nepal Army is ready to merge with the maoist terrorist army. Why were these leaders given enough space to breathe all of sudden and not put behind bars. Or do we have to say that Nepal's sovereignity lies in the hands of these once terrorist Leaders. Above all if they have won the elections fairly, why is that, they doesnt let KING stay in his palace. Does this they are scared of KING ? This shows they want to dominate Nepali's in their own country. If they were underground for a decade it was not for anyone, but for themselves, but today they have to be also for NEPALESE around the globe. The old leaders has been changed.
RE:2000 indians killed in Gujurat and many more . Now those killers are crying cocodile tear on the issue of human right
by PKN on Apr 18, 2008 06:23 PM Permalink
This is that moron KK Sahedevan come under another name ! The bloody commie moron is so trasparent you can recognize him by the quality of his English !
PS : you shed crocodile tears not "crying crocodile tears"
RE:2000 indians killed in Gujurat and many more . Now those killers are crying cocodile tear on the issue of human right
by Gautham Sabbu on Apr 19, 2008 01:02 AM Permalink
Golden, Why are you mad?
The Chinese polit-bureau would be thrilled at this new opportunity to cover another vulnerable side of India once they entrench themselves in Nepal with their pals the Maoists! 'Developement' is the carrot they will hang before the Maoists, and soon start establishing defence set-ups in Nepal with missiles aimed at Indian cities.
But we have only ourselves to blame for this, we have done next to nothing in the last 61 years to develope infrastructure in Nepal. If we had helped Nepal properly they would have been our friends, but the average Nepalese distrusts us and hates India's big brotherly attitude.
RE:The Chinese Angle
by kraft on Apr 18, 2008 06:13 PM Permalink
The Writer appears to a Laftist with the usual Venom for USA and "class" Enemies. The Leftists of all hues are equally Antinational and violent and will team up with the Indian LEFT to create more trouble in India under a Spineless Leadership.