RE:China rightly executes all traitors with Hidden Agenda like the Sangh Parivar
by TruthCom on Apr 15, 2008 05:36 PM Permalink
so you agree with the fact that Sangh Parivar executes all traitors not innocent persons...
RE:China rightly executes all traitors with Hidden Agenda like the Sangh Parivar
by AK Kumar on Apr 16, 2008 12:30 AM Permalink
This guy Narayan must be a Chinese plant..avoid him.
RE:Every time Lama speaks after the consultation of the US or George Bush. Advani and company also do the same.
by Niraj Kumar on Apr 15, 2008 05:45 PM Permalink
Look how all the commies (Sahadevan and narayan here) speak exactly the same even up to comma and fullstop.
It's none of their fault. They are not allowed to think, speak and write of their own. They reproduce only what is said by their chinese masters. Any form of editing in the original dictat from chinese boss is considered blasphamy and chinese have no mercy to excute their Indian slaves. They don't think twice to kill their own countrymen, forget about Indian.
RE:Every time Lama speaks after the consultation of the US or George Bush. Advani and company also do the same.
by Ravi on Apr 15, 2008 05:36 PM Permalink
Sonia & Co is also doing the same. First time in the Indian history, American counsellor influenced ministerial formation. It the biggest shame for India, ever seen
From his words its appear as if Dalai Lama has already surrendered to the Chinese before even start of the revolution.
He should consult the history Revutions are the one which changed history. Revolutions need courage. Revolutions need power. Revolutions need direction and Revolutions need a tough leader.
RE:Dalai Lama has lost it
by A. Swaminathan on Apr 15, 2008 05:37 PM Permalink
See the LTTE freedom fight..! They fight for the Cause. Whether right or wrong,they had the courage to fight with Indian army. Now-a-days, freedom will not come by Gandhian principle of Non-Violence.I think, DALAI LAMA also,wants to be with China for material benefit.These Chinese are not going to give that autonomy for TIBET.
RE:Communists enemy 1
by Niraj Kumar on Apr 15, 2008 05:24 PM Permalink
Sahadevan will take pride to be called India's enemy number 1. He can't get a better honour than this, as the chinese will like it. He will write a separate mail to you for felicitating him
Feelings of Young Tibetians towards Dalai Lama is the same as the youngsters of India towards M.K.Gandhi. Young blood is boiling and can not stand the compromising attitude of Dalai Lama in the name of peace.
RE:Tibet's gandhi
by mahabodhi on Apr 15, 2008 06:51 PM Permalink
well the MK Gandhi 's blood did not boil when british hanged Bhagat singh ,Rajguru and sukhdev!Younsters liked MK Gandhi so much that one young India Nathu Ram Godse murdered the so called Mahatma for he loved Mahatma!
RE:Tamil Eelam Story is Same as yours !
by piyush kumar prasad on Apr 15, 2008 05:32 PM Permalink
what are the other factor o which you would like to is language, second is caste..People has tendency to divide and become smaller, but politics should always be for bigger area..lets learn to live with diversity..
RE:Tamil Eelam Story is Same as yours !
by Ramasami Naicker on Apr 15, 2008 05:31 PM Permalink
Half baked understanding results in half baked comments such as yours. North Indians are flourishing in Mumbai, infact they are taking threatening postures, and that is the reason for these recent disturbances, illogical comments namely Lallu, Mulayam, Amar Singh, Paswan, Bihar leaders in general and some other funny people like Uma Bharati etc. The above named people are failures and are product of failed states, geographically and mentally also. I do not know where you live, but any Mumbaikar will tell you that actual situation was sought to be manipulated by ignoramus in the media, both print, electronic, and even web based with the intention of showing North Indians as victims, which clearly is not the case.
RE:RE:Tamil Eelam Story is Same as yours !
by piyush kumar prasad on Apr 15, 2008 05:36 PM Permalink
When people from mubai goes US or other part to earn, it is good, but when someone comes mumbai its bad.... No region can survive of their own and result is world economy and globalization.. Politician to gain sympathy raise such issue...
RE:Every time Lama speaks after the consultation of the US or George Bush. Advani and company also do the same.
by georgina rice on Apr 15, 2008 05:13 PM Permalink
and Karat and Raja also Fart!
RE:Every time Lama speaks after the consultation of the US or George Bush. Advani and company also do the same.
by jj on Apr 15, 2008 05:14 PM Permalink
Commie is barking again
RE:Every time Lama speaks after the consultation of the US or George Bush. Advani and company also do the same.
by Niraj Kumar on Apr 15, 2008 05:16 PM Permalink
Ditto for commies. They speak what their chinese masters dictate them. They are not allowed to think and speak on their own.
RE:Every time Lama speaks after the consultation of the US or George Bush. Advani and company also do the same.
by TruthCom on Apr 15, 2008 05:42 PM Permalink
Actully Xinhua is the langoti of Hu and CCTV is the kaccha of Hu... they both protect Hu to get embrassed in public and only show what is appreciated by chinese people. This is how china control their people. and control what they hear, see and even smell.... ha h ahah ha h ah
RE:Every time Lama speaks after the consultation of the US or George Bush. Advani and company also do the same.
by Biman Basu on Apr 15, 2008 05:33 PM Permalink
KK Sahadevan is om PAID ROLL of INDIAN COMMUNISTS to parrot something 'whatever' THE COMMUNISTS HAVE TO BE VOTED OUT
RE:Every time Lama speaks after the consultation of the US or George Bush. Advani and company also do the same.
by Sahadevan KK on Apr 15, 2008 05:53 PM Permalink
Advani & co. is only thing left in country which is not affected the inflation.
RE:Every time Lama speaks after the consultation of the US or George Bush. Advani and company also do the same.
by Ananthakrishnan Punnai on Apr 15, 2008 05:12 PM Permalink
Mulla Sahadevan is at it again.
Next elections will either give a majority to NDA or to UPA (without commies). All the footage these 4 idiots have recd. on TV over the last 4 years will vanish.
RE:Karat, Yechury, Bardhan & Raja are idiots
by Gummadivally MuraliKrishna on Apr 15, 2008 05:15 PM Permalink
not just idiots they are scoundrels of the first kind
Dalai Lama has no choice. He cannot give up his Nobel Peace Prize. China is capable of repeating the Tinanmen episode many times over to keep Tibet under leash.
Karat and Yechury angry, why did the Dalai blame China??? According to the Indian communists, Tibetans are destroying themselves and blaming the good Chinese??? Notice the absurdity????????????????????
RE:Karat and Yechury angry!!!
by Gummadivally MuraliKrishna on Apr 15, 2008 05:09 PM Permalink
not just two of them the whole communists be it cpm, cpi or any other party have thier roots in the philosophy of their masters in china. Naturally they cannot tolerate anything against thier masters.These fellows and thier governments have the guts to ban tibetians rallies in west bengal. They cried foul when supreme court banned strikes. They claimed that freedom to express thier views is being scuttled. What they are doing now is just the same that they were against. These guys and these parties are nothing but rogues of the first kind and totally anti democratic and anti nationals. They should be thrown out of this county's politics.