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The life of a CL-OBC
by atanu on Apr 15, 2008 11:27 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

How would be a life of a Creamy Layer-OBC(CL-OBC) in Delhi? Allow me to illustrate.
Birth - he borns, thanks heaven
Growup - He grows up, plays cricket, mostly, have a bicycle, have very good food and have good pocket money to spend
Teen age - Now is the right time. He seldom goes to school. Mostly spends time in Priya Vasant Vihar. papa buys a bullet for him. No girlfriend. Frustration.
Youth- Passed B.Com copying at college. Gets 40% marks. Well done, beta mother tells him.
Youth - Works in xerox shop father sets up for him.
30 - Now bit fraustrated. Parliament brings 50% quota for OBCs. He applies to IIM-A. Gets into there.
Work: Now he works for a public sector company in a respectable manager position. The company now makes loss.

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RE:The life of a CL-OBC
by aoneall on Apr 15, 2008 11:51 AM  Permalink
How meritorius you are is reflected in your writing. With such a poor thought process you guys claim to be meritorius? Pathetic!

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RE:The life of a CL-OBC
by atanu on Apr 15, 2008 11:54 AM  Permalink
Tell me what I have said wrong. I can show by counting all the sons and daughters of Jatts and Yadavs in whose building I reside. This is all we are seeing with our eyes day in and day out. Accept it, if u have some courage left in you.

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RE:The life of a CL-OBC
by aoneall on Apr 15, 2008 11:56 AM  Permalink
Why are you not worried when same thing happens with general quota? Is it not that there also maximum number of seats go to the rich of your class?

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RE:The life of a CL-OBC
by atanu on Apr 15, 2008 12:05 PM  Permalink
So if that is the case, why are you doing this all tamasha of backwardness? Just say that we dont have the guts to make it out to IIT and IIMs, so we wanna some backrubbing. Dont pretend, that is what we are asking for.

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RE:The life of a CL-OBC
by aoneall on Apr 15, 2008 12:37 PM  Permalink
Reservation is none of the business of you and your class. It is our strategy to get our fair and equitable share in national resources. Mind it, we are forcefully taking it. This is no concession granted by any body.

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RE:RE:The life of a CL-OBC
by atanu on Apr 15, 2008 11:55 AM  Permalink
Each of the Jatts and Yadavs make at least 1.50 lakh per month from renting buildings in Ber Sarai, katwaria sarai in Delhi without paying a single paise to the government. Dont tell me, okay?

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RE:The life of a CL-OBC
by takesh on Apr 15, 2008 11:47 AM  Permalink
Perfect sir...well said..its wat is happening and it is wat will happen hence forth....though its sad and unfortunate but its true

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by atanu on Apr 15, 2008 11:21 AM  Permalink 

If there is a fight between BC and OBC, who wins? I bet BC wins. Because they are the original BCs, and OBCs are fake ones. OBCs only eat and drink milk and scheme milk.

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OBC takes
by atanu on Apr 15, 2008 11:17 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

but the million dollar question is - if OBCs dont bother about merits, why dont they keep the entrance cut marks same as GC cut marks?
Answer: There will not be a single OBC in India who can enter through this 50% quota.

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RE:OBC takes
by TheOneAndOnly on Apr 15, 2008 04:43 PM  Permalink

The Govt Attorney Had LONG confessed this in Front of the Supreme Court Itself.

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Creamy layered OBCs
by atanu on Apr 15, 2008 11:15 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The term OBC is very funny, isnt it? Actually there should be BCs - Backward Classes, then Other Backward Classes, right? But without BCs, how come OBCs exist?

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RE:Creamy layered OBCs
by satyarthi on Apr 15, 2008 11:18 AM  Permalink
SC/ST are considered as BC. This explains OBC term for middle castes.

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Creamly layers
by atanu on Apr 15, 2008 11:12 AM  Permalink 

But look at the pun. Yadavs are milk producers, so eat the cream. Hence, the term creamy layer. Kya baat hai.

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The merit of
by atanu on Apr 15, 2008 11:11 AM  Permalink 

The great AnOther Creamy Backward Labour Class (ACBL)" will not listen to all these arguments. Why? Because they have not read logic in their undergrads. They have passed the exams in mass copying in UP and Bihar. So, it is futile to expect them understand the argumentation.
Only thing they know they are hungry and they need somebody (read gov) to feed them relentlessly without asking a question. They dont want to do any study, they wont do any work but they expect good salary, good institute at least payment, least work.
This is my evaluation of ACBL.

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by atanu on Apr 15, 2008 10:46 AM  Permalink 

Great. Pura dho dala.

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RE:The ultimate poser!
by Rajalakshmi on Apr 15, 2008 10:10 AM  Permalink
Hi Nemesis,

You seem to be coming from a stinking rich FC family like that of P.Chidambaram%u2019s %u2026so you think poor ppl. means only SC/ST?BC%u2026there are many thousands of poor ppl. From the Other castes who do not even get enough education opportunities because they do not have money.

Just bcoz you and your stinking rich Relatives do not have to worry%u2026.since u have lots and lots of money%u2026%u2026..DEFINITELY RESERVATIONS WILL NOT affect you!!! just as u, u yourself have truly admitted%u2026.But what about the poor ppl. In FC class??? They are unfairly affected by reservation. At the same time there are Wealthy people in BC/MBC and even in SCs%u2026%u2026Go to villages and see%u2026the Landlords are all the so called BC/MBC%u2026%u2026

STOP being partial to the FC poor ppl. %u2026.Just bcoz u r rich you cannot blabber anything, u need to think about ALL people and not about u and ur FC relatives..

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RE:The ultimate poser!
by on Apr 15, 2008 10:57 AM  Permalink
what has marriage got to do with reservations? OK, let's say, FCs will not marry OBC's. How are reservations going to make this happen? Reservations will make some OBC families rich and some rich OBC families richer. So why not have reservations based on how poor you are, for example, if at all we have them.
And why do you insist on taking away opportunities from FC poor people like Rajalakshmi said.
Why not have no reservations, give lots of money for primary, seconday education in the poorest of the communities (we look forward to having you serve those communities), give incentives for kids to go to school (mid-day meals, money to parents based on school attendance), pay money to employ good teachers.

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RE:The ultimate poser!
by Nishan K on Apr 15, 2008 09:24 AM  Permalink
What nonsense!! Didnt Abhi marry Ash?!! Anyway, what marriage got to do with reservation? Looks like, you are yet to find your partner. Good luck!

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RE:RE:The ultimate poser!
by Your Nemesis on Apr 15, 2008 09:36 AM  Permalink
Yet another frustrated nonsense. Others dharma won't get you moksha. You are so innocent to not know why Abhi married Ash. Buddy, what about you? point a finger to your face and ask yourself. If you are married, its a no-brainer that you and your wife are of the same caste. Atleast ask yourself, if you'll marry your son or daughter outside your caste someday. ha ha.

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RE:The ultimate poser!
by on Apr 15, 2008 09:16 AM  Permalink
What is the purpose of reservations? If it is to make a caste-less society, it is not possible by your own logic (unless u force people to marry inter-caste by law). If it is to make poor people rich, then give reservation to all poor people regardless of the caste. But better then reservation in some elite institutes (IITs, IIMs) is to give lots of money and incentives for primary, secondary school education in the poorer communities and to give very low or zero interest rate loans and scholarships to poor people.

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RE:The ultimate poser!
by Your Nemesis on Apr 15, 2008 09:30 AM  Permalink
Ha ha ha. Not that I did not expect a response like this. After all, you guys are good at ducking uncomfortable questions. Or maybe you didn't understand what I wrote.

It is a given - loans, incentives for primary, secondary education, reservation, all that will educate people, and will create an educated class within every caste. But the caste lines will never go, but for inter-caste marriages.

My question is for those who pose like caste-abolishionists, crying against caste-based reservations. Are you guys ready for inter-caste marriages? If you can't give yourselves a straight answer, pl. don't bother yourself thinking of a crappy logic to respond. Go ahead and read others...

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RE:The ultimate poser!
by Harimau Iyer on Apr 15, 2008 09:31 AM  Permalink

You are flat out wrong.

The ultimate poser is: will an OBC be willing to marry a Dalit of higher status than himself/herself, forget about equal economic status?

Tha answer is a resounding NO!

There is no reason for a brahmin vegetarian to have to marry a non-vegetarian OBC to prove any point.

A non-vegetarian OBC can marry a non-vegetarian Dali and lead the way!

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RE:RE:The ultimate poser!
by Your Nemesis on Apr 15, 2008 09:44 AM  Permalink
Oh, my. Mr.Iyer has got an excuse to hide behind! Vegetarianism!! Iyerae ketta, ketta kelvikku bathil sollu. Summa paethathe! Will you agree for an alliance with a vegetarian OBC family? Or will the crown on your head fall down if you do so?

Yeah, OBCs too have problem marrying into SC/STs. The question applies to them too. The means can be different. But unless the objective to meet the ends are the same with all sections, the society won't get out of the merry-go-round. Don't waste your time, Iyerae. Go and sleep.

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RE:RE:RE:The ultimate poser!
by Harimau Iyer on Apr 22, 2008 02:18 PM  Permalink
The lower castes are required to stand up in front of the brahmins. That will really make it hard on the elderly OBCs; that is why brahmins should not marry OBCs.

Now, are you happy?

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RE:Wrong footing
by Kris iyer on Apr 15, 2008 09:27 AM  Permalink
Your Nemesis: So, you are the "self-appointed" Nemesis of all FC people. Vow, what a unique and noble man you are sir - you are the ONLY FC guy in India who supports the 27% quota [ BUT what abt Rahul Gandhi, Arjun Singh and a lot of other Congress-wallahs who started this election stunt - they all are FCs, aren't they?]; you are also above professors, who have published books and teach students year after year? You are able to comment on their language skills [ I am glad to say no professor would use the boastful, egotistical language you use ] and, above all, you are ready as an F.C. guy to marry a girl from SC,ST, family [ You are a thorough-going condescending person, What if the SC / ST girls do not wish to marry you? How can you assume that they want to marry outside their caste? But you never know, please look outside your windown to see if there is a queue of girls to marry you ] But you have not said that you would distribute ALL your property to poor families in your neighbourhood. With such a large ego, you would be earning a lot of money, we presume. So, that is the only item missing.
"Fighting for inches, after losing yards" - generally, people who stand on their own two feet do not lose yards, only those that use crutches find it harder and harder without the use of crutches. The problem is serious when they want those who are using their own two legs to stop or slow down.
You will one day realise that even the best of intentions need fair methods.

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RE:Wrong footing
by ravi kumar on Apr 15, 2008 08:59 AM  Permalink
Dear friend

Are you from another planet he is also OBC. GUPTA dear you dont deserve the space here. And what professor has been saying is 100% right.

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RE:RE:Wrong footing
by Your Nemesis on Apr 15, 2008 09:11 AM  Permalink
Ravi, it doesn't matter to which category he belongs to. The correct stand would be to exclude candidates who have graduate parents(atleast one) and are from economically forward sections. Other stands would be good enough to waste precious seats. Well, there is nothing harm in trying to exclude them. The results will anyway shine on our face in a couple of years. Pranam.

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Creamy Layer and Cong's chicanery
by Bodh Ramdeo on Apr 15, 2008 07:35 AM  Permalink 

Kaangress is already huddled together, trying to figure out any and every illegal and unlawful way to get around the SC's strictures against the "Creamy Layer" commandeering the OBC quotas - the already rich and upwardly mobile will monopolize the 27% quota, leaving the already poor and destitute and unconnected OBC's the exact situation they were before the SC's ruling. Soon everuy one of Lalu's family and thier relatives anf their friends and their crnies will apply for benefits under this ruling, and so will Mayawati's family,relatives, friends, and cronies and so would Soren.., and so would Harunanidhi...and so would all the other wealthy and well-connected OBCs. Nothing changes for those who need it the most - only the creamy layer will benefit.

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