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@ niraj kumar
by narayan on Apr 10, 2008 03:15 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

TIMES OF INDIA is a toilet newspaper and an agent of american imperialism,,,dont read it..plz read people's democracy from now onwards..its chief editor is a gr8 intellectual--prakash karat

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RE:@ niraj kumar
by Niraj Kumar on Apr 10, 2008 03:30 PM  Permalink
I am speechless against such great piece of wisdom displayed by you. Even God's bless won't help commies, so my prayer goes in vain.

TOI may be toilet paper, but People's democracy (an agent of Chinese imperialism) is pure shit and TOI is used to clean this shit. Atleast TOI is read by many but do anyone read People's Democracy except the shameless commies themselves.

The name of your mouthpiece 'People's Democracy is complete paradox. How come a commie (who don't believe in democratic values) mouthpiece is with a title of DEMOCRACY.

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RE:@ niraj kumar
by niranjani shetty on Apr 10, 2008 03:21 PM  Permalink
well said

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India is 'democracy' and NOT 'meritocracy' like Singapore
by usa on Apr 10, 2008 03:13 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hence it is imperative to appreciate socio-economic and cultural 'diversity' in Governance (Legislature,Judiciary,Administration) and in
Private Institutions (Reliance, Infosys etc) in India.

Government should implement 'reservations' in Judiciary and in Private Institutions as per Caste and Religious census in India.

1. 52% of Judges should be from OBC.
2. 29% Judges should be Dalits and Tribals.
3. Remaining Judges should be from other castes.

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RE:India is 'democracy' and NOT 'meritocracy' like Singapore
by rakesh kumar pandey on Apr 10, 2008 03:22 PM  Permalink
out of the five years of a government, they should elect an obc PM for two years, dalit PM for one year, one year for a muslim PM and one year for an INDIAN PM only if no other category is left.

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RE:India is 'democracy' and NOT 'meritocracy' like Singapore
by niranjani shetty on Apr 10, 2008 03:23 PM  Permalink
good idea, presently 90% judges of High Court and Supreme Courts are Brahmins

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RE:India is 'democracy' and NOT 'meritocracy' like Singapore
by Sahadevan KK on Apr 10, 2008 04:14 PM  Permalink
News: K.S. Sudershan, sarsanghchalak (chief) of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, condemned the "atrocities perpetrated on the peaceful protesters in Lhasa and other towns of Tibet by the Communist regime in China."

Comment: Peaceful protesters killed a policeman there. It is the same idea, to go to AKG Bhawan and kill the whole CPM leadership, then gave a memorandum.

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RE:RE:India is 'democracy' and NOT 'meritocracy' like Singapore
by niranjani shetty on Apr 10, 2008 03:22 PM  Permalink
good idea, 90% if High Court and Supreme Court Judges, are Brahmins

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A great decision
by Ninja Kirgi on Apr 10, 2008 03:05 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I hope this decision will help in reducing population of India by encouraging emigration. We all know India is incapable of supporting life of its billion plus population.

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RE:A great decision
by Niraj Kumar on Apr 10, 2008 03:12 PM  Permalink
There are more chinese living outside china than Indians living outside India. Does it exposes china's incapability to feed its own people

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RE:A great decision
by Ninja Kirgi on Apr 10, 2008 03:50 PM  Permalink
First get your facts right. China is the biggest producer of Rice and Wheat, second being India. China is also the largest consumer. Who is the largest importer of food grains? That is India.
Get your statistical facts right and you would realize that India is and will remain a country of starving people.
Superpower or no superpower. India is and will be a country of 300 million people living on less than a dollar a day.

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RE:A great decision
by Niraj Kumar on Apr 10, 2008 04:13 PM  Permalink
Who is largest importer of rice in the world - it's CHINA, despite being larget producer of rice. If china is so great, why its own people choose to stay outside in such a large number.

Go and do a random sample in any country (including China)in the world and ask them, between India and China, where they would like to live if there are only two choice. The answer would be overwhelming in favour of India as there is freedom and individual liberty which doesn't exist in China. Self respect and liberty comes before food.

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Let Sangh Parivar go to Bay of Bengal. It is against Democracy, development, integrity and peace.
by narayan on Apr 10, 2008 02:59 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Let Sangh Parivar go to Bay of Bengal. It is against Democracy, development, integrity and peace.

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RE:Let Sangh Parivar go to Bay of Bengal. It is against Democracy, development, integrity and peace.
by bhimsen on Apr 10, 2008 03:01 PM  Permalink
Meet the modern day Judas

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RE:Let Sangh Parivar go to Bay of Bengal. It is against Democracy, development, integrity and peace.
by Niraj Kumar on Apr 10, 2008 03:07 PM  Permalink
Before cursing others, put your house in order. Plz read the today's editorial page article of Times of India titled Sabotaging India's rise, by Amit Mitra. It exposes CPM

Some excerpts are here
(CPM feels) Such an alliance (123 Agreement) could disturb China's emerging unipolar hegemony over Asia.

The Singh-Bush accord could, in fact, help in creating a multipolar Asia with Japan and India playing significant roles, along with China, in the 21st century. This so-called imperialist design of a multi-polar Asia, dotted by so many petty-bourgeois demo-cracies and neo-liberal economies, is just not acceptable to Comrade Prakash Karat.

After all, the CPM is a 'fraternal party' of the Chinese Communist Party and when the comrades travel to Beijing for their fraternal party confabulations, even the Indian embassy is kept in the dark.

Given Karat's deep concern for China's strategic interest today, let us recall that CPM supported China when it attacked India in 1962 and it rejoiced when China exploded its first nuclear device. Ironically, the CPM did not support the government, let alone rejoice, when India imploded its nuclear device in 1998.

Behind the veil of CPM slogans of neocolonialism lies the lurking dangers of a continuing nexus between China and Pakistan.

In this context, it is surprising that Karat is on the same side as China and Pakistan, the only two nations in the world who oppose the nuclear deal. Whether it is a conspiracy against India or an a

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RE:RE:Let Sangh Parivar go to Bay of Bengal. It is against Democracy, development, integrity and peace.
by narayan on Apr 10, 2008 03:17 PM  Permalink
what is wrong in china emerging as the alternative superpower to usa whose western culture and democracy are really sucking to say the least...we want communist dictatorship for complete development

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RE:Let Sangh Parivar go to Bay of Bengal. It is against Democracy, development, integrity and peace.
by Niraj Kumar on Apr 10, 2008 03:36 PM  Permalink
You have exposed your hollow ideology by saying that US imperialism is wrong but Chinese imperialism is fine. Just like Gandhi said that alternative to democracy is more democracy, you believe that alternative to imprealism is more imprealism.

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RE:Let Sangh Parivar go to Bay of Bengal. It is against Democracy, development, integrity and peace.
by narayan on Apr 10, 2008 03:15 PM  Permalink
TIMES OF INDIA is a toilet newspaper and an agent of american imperialism,,,dont read it..plz read people's democracy from now onwards..its chief editor is a gr8 intellectual--prakash karat

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Quota in sports
by Ninja Kirgi on Apr 10, 2008 02:58 PM  Permalink 

After this decision next step for the government should be to introduce caste based quota in sports and cultural activities. Maybe that will save millions of dollars which India spends on sending sports contingent for Olympics (pun intended).

Sadly the people seeking boycott of Olympics will have to find some other job.

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What is left of the Left's future in India?
by Punepro on Apr 10, 2008 02:56 PM  Permalink 

This was the last chance that the commie idiots had on this Earth to make a difference to Indian polity. They will not accept it but they have badly botched it up. They could have been a wonderful change agent to UPA over the last 4 years but these jokers only worried about their vote bank - which is shrinking faster than ice on the arctic. If NDA wins the next elections, they will not take Left's support and if UPA wins the next elections, they will not want to burn their fingers again. The winner will poach 2-3 parties from the losing combine to reach majority but not take Left's help. Karat / Bardhan / Raja... even if Indians are fools, they are not such big fools to give you 100 seats. You will never come this close to power in the Centre ever again. Be it NDA or UPA, the new regime will re-negotiate the nuclear deal with the new regime in the US. Nuclear deal will be implemented... either the BJP way or the Congress way.

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BJP is for, of & by Brahmins
by aus ant on Apr 10, 2008 02:47 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

BJP is a party for, of and by Brahmins.
This statement will not fool anybody.
Even this verdict will not help the OBCs in the long run.
The mindset of the Brahmins need to change.
They vehemently believe in the manu smriti and the Karmic Cycle.
The only option for the oppressed Hindus to break their 'Karmic Cycle' is to convert to Christianity, Islam or Buddhism or the CPM.

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RE:BJP is for, of & by Brahmins
by sriprasad sridhar on Apr 10, 2008 03:45 PM  Permalink
You are right.....only thing is that you are saying 500 years late..):):)::):

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Marxism supporting division by class
by New Blogger on Apr 10, 2008 02:38 PM  Permalink 

One of the basic tenants of Marxism is classless society and here we have CPI(M) hailing the verdic t of reservation based on class.. It's a shame that they call themselves marxist

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come 2009 and u will see red baby
by red chillies on Apr 10, 2008 02:33 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

come 2009 and u will see red baby....all u'r ANTINATIONAL activities are exposed to public at large.

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RE:come 2009 and u will see red baby
by Ninja Kirgi on Apr 10, 2008 03:00 PM  Permalink
Fathered by Chinese.

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