Theese Bagaladeshis are an ungrateful muslim fanatics. We helped them to gain independence, gave some portion of our land to connect their one isolated pocket contributed money thru Refugee Relief Funds for years but now they go and kill our border secutity forces and create all sort of problems, too many to write here although nature is punishing them for their sins. Indian politicians must mature rather than dream for muslim votes.. How come even after 60 years they never implement identity card for the citizens. These good for nothing fat idiots do not have anything in their empty heads. Their only thinking is how to make more money and how to push one of their children to become the next PM or minister. Those who really care for the national well being would have thought progressively long ago. What have they achieved so far? If the private entreprenurship was not there, we would have beome the sub-saharan Africa of Asia. These illegals are a problem for the whole of India. Recently they arrested some of these rascals at Vellore Tamilnadu, Andhra for terrorist activities. They had the support of the Indian muslims, as usualIn Bengal they have the audacity to bring Americans, else were they are not welcome. Citizens pls see their irresponsible actions. Come next elections use your head before casting the ballot. Ask difficult questions to the aspiring candidates. What are the 5 major things they have done during the last 5 years. One action per year. Not so much... right
RE:CPM will definetly oppose the fencing of Bangla border coz they are in power since 30 years due to illegal migrants. CPM distributes ration cards to them and add them in the voters list. Its nacked truth.
by Aanand on Apr 08, 2008 04:51 PM Permalink
Absolutely right about this CPM jokers who have been illegally increasing and promoting this migration.
RE:Bangla desh
by krishnan venkataraman on Apr 08, 2008 05:04 PM Permalink
Bangladeshis are the most ungrateful people in the world. They must be banished from this earth.