who trigger the riots ...muslims-not only in india but all over the world. the only intolerant religion. why dont they just go & migrate to saudi or any middle eastern country and leave the rest in peace & harmony
by pankaj sharma on Sep 23, 2007 05:25 PM Permalink
How cheap is ur mentality......Not Muslims but the peoples like you should go far away to leave the rest in peace & hormony.........
by PANIWALA AMIN A on Sep 23, 2007 05:35 PM Permalink
What is your reaction to recent news of 10 persons killed by MOB in Bihar - assuming them as THIEVES??? If persons who are appointed and PAID to look after the SECURITY of PUBLIC and property are LAX - why they should not be penalised?
by PANIWALA AMIN A on Sep 23, 2007 05:31 PM Permalink
My dear it is not the questions of who triggered. It is the question of RULE OF LAW. What they are asking is to give JUSTICE - not by apoiting a MUSLIM Cleric but may be by your own HIDNU brother as JUDGE in the caourt of INDIA !!!!
There are no daily bomb explosions, riots, strikes, police firings, baton charges in America.
America has the SAME laws & benefits for all religious, racial, language & ethnic groups.
Different laws & benefits for different groups GAURANTEE violence.
Democracy does NOT mean buying votes from certain religious, ethnic, racial & language groups by offering them privileges & concessions. Democracy means The People in TOTAL and not sectioned into groups.
Any politician in USA that entices votes by offering benefits to specific groups for votes will be immediately imprisoned & debarred.
Riots were not mastered by balasaheb as commonly believed.It was hadicraft of pro-ambedkorian group!!invetigate and punish them.Riot is not there constitutional rights.. agree with online. and also i'd like to add its democracy and he's entitled to express his views. In some arab countris and even some european countries this sort of thing also exists.
He's entitled to put his views on the table and ask for hindu votes and they are entitled to give him the votes if they choose to. the fact that they did shows that they acccept his views. he asks for hindu votes and there's absolutley nothing wrong with that. congress and other parties ask for muslim votes so nothing different
and please don't mentioned the gundaraj that shiv sena has because every party in india has their own gundas and they wrok for these particular parties.
he might be bad but i like him as a leader because he's a person who likes to take action. he's ready to do something unlike other leaders who just stay there and do nothing,H is not terorist or even criminals.Onloy thing is he is not anti-Hindu which seems like his biggest crime!!
arrest Vasant Rokade=paedophile from pune majebal.org
by gaurav_bgl@yahoo.com on Sep 23, 2007 04:32 PM Permalink
The logic is as circular as muslims claiming that jews brought down the world trade center. Criminals, hindus or islamists should be punished for their deeds. Its the only way to ensure people respect law and order