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by Pradeep Kumar on Sep 18, 2007 08:05 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Initially i remember everyone in support of the deal, thinking of the country. Now soon as that rogue party BJP says sold of country all you ppl start singing their tunes. Shows how communal u ppl are.. and shows u have sold ur souls to that devilish party BJP

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by Bhagath Kakkera on Sep 18, 2007 08:18 AM  Permalink
i dont know abt BJP or any poitical outfit.....
i think its not yet the time to comment...they had not yet disclosed the whole deal, so its too early to decide and better not to jump into conclusions

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Indo-US nuclear deal : A Pragmatic Step of Indian Foreign Policy
by sandeep singh on Sep 18, 2007 07:51 AM  Permalink 

The internal debate on 123 agreement is intense,both sides have some authenticity and genuine concerns.Opponents are right to assert that signing of this deal is synonimous to surrender of "national soverignty".While its advocates are equally right to say that India's energy concerns are more important. In this regard I would like to say that This deal is a pragmatic response to changed international environment. At present Indian economy is growing,and therefore the energy demands to fuell this growing economy will increse in bounds and leaps.So the obvious remedy is to ensure energy security for the future.I am also equally concerned with the fear of surrender of national sovereignty, but still the reality is that our energy security, which will decide the future of our economic growth can not be ignored.Conventional wisdom suggests that a great power needs to have "economic strength" on the first place to sustain its military capacity.Never in the history a nation has acquired great power status with poor economic and technological resources.At present with our current level of technological and economical develepment we can hardly manage few Nuke Weapons.Does it will enhance our prestige in the world? I doubt it.. The countries like Japan,have smaller armed forces than India, not exploded a atom bomb like India, but still they are considered more powerfull than India. Why? bcz they have Tchnlogy and Money to build strong nuclear weapons and army in short tme.

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Energy is a Need but leave to the right of Indians to decide
by abdul empowerment on Sep 18, 2007 05:14 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

We are seeing the spectrum of opinions from those who are opposing the Indo-US Nuclear Deal and those who are favouring which clearly tells there is an emerging opinion based on the aspirations of the people of India.
In the past India lost and the whole sub continenet lost to different powers.But now India is a resurgent India and We feel proud as a largest Democracy and the time has come for India to stand as a Model for the world.
Indian scientist and people have the capcity to develop what they require provided they get a favourable self respecting corruption free Government.Now we are seeing Indians in IT industry settled in America started coming back to India."Sare Jahan se Acha Hindustan Hamara"is going to be true and we should never become directly or indirectly slaves to anyone and we must show the world true Democracy.
Before making any international commitment there is a need to make the people of India,thorougly debate,consider all options,think about pros and cons and finally come to a conclusion that can make India stand before the World as a Proud Nation.Energy is a Need but Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Smt.Sonia Ghandhi should pave the way for a National Debate and facilitate right decesion by the citizens.They should not stay on false pride.India is More and it is time to show reespect to our Motherland.

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RE:Energy is a Need but leave to the right of Indians to decide
by babu on Sep 18, 2007 07:08 AM  Permalink
Without signing Nonproliferation Treaty India can't get Uranium for Nuclear plants from any country in the world.
Australia has the world 60% of uranium reserves.
And without USA concern no one in the world will give uranium to India.
It is the best time for India to use USA and get uranium for his allies, after 20 -30 years India become so capable that it would not need USA for Nuclear plants.

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by Stanley on Sep 18, 2007 04:30 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hey you Tan !!!!
India is not a communist country from where u come from.If you feel India is not right pl just pack your bags and get lost to CHINA(the heaven of communism)

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by tan on Sep 18, 2007 08:52 AM  Permalink
You nut head stanley.
I have made my point and you dont have the guts to reply to my point . And you want me to get out of india. Why should i . This is my country and i love it and have pride as to what my country has acheived in the nuclear field.
So you should get out of india as you are a person who wants to make india weak.

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Left gets a feel of people's mood in a remote village of West Bengal
by Gourab on Sep 18, 2007 04:06 AM  Permalink 

Please read this:

The place where this incident occurred is a left bastion with no opposition parties there.

Just see what they got.

Thanks to their leaders..

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by tan on Sep 18, 2007 01:19 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This great country has been sold out by congress govt to USA.
Now we will be at mercy of the nuclear fuel supply group a group pupputted by USA.
Indeed USA is a true and undoubtable SUPER POWER which can bend country to its heels. A great country could not stand up so were are we goin to see some other country standing against the USA.
So it is better we join other weak countries then stand and pride in what we have acheived as a nuclear self suficient state.
Cheers to INDIA and its ignorant people.
Only people are our scientist . They have been silenced by pressure both financial and physical so they cannot open their mouths anymore.

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by Dr.Susana on Sep 18, 2007 04:17 AM  Permalink
You are absolutely right ! Sardarji is a broker who sold our nation. He should have never been made the president. He is a finance guy ( more like a accountant) what does he know about the defense strategies.

More or less IAEA , PRESIDENT the egyptian guy is a yES MAN for USA thats why they gave him the Nobel prize, Let our country men awake !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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by on Sep 18, 2007 10:41 AM  Permalink
Dr. Susana, i think you did ur Phd in defence strategies. btw, Sardarji is PM and not president.

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by Shri Kant on Sep 18, 2007 07:01 AM  Permalink

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stupid guys wake up
by blue wrox on Sep 18, 2007 01:15 AM  Permalink 

See whether the deal is right or wrong.Our deal is better than the chinese.And when amrika says yes chamcha countries like canada,australia,uk and even IAEA says aye.Thats their power so why not just get into it instead of discussing again and again and again.Whats there to discuss so much? stupid left

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