The real fact so many muslim died in gujrat is because of internam muslim fight, ie shia and sunni clashes.. they blame it on modi now. his record is impeccable. he is one of the best secularists in india
Nuke out Pakistan & exterminate all Pakis. All Pakis are born terrorists & criminals. Pakis have a genetic predisposition for being criminals & terrorists. Anywhere in the world wherever there is an act of terrorism, you can bet your life there is a Paki connection to it. This proves that Pakis are born terrorists & so the world should carry out a massive nuclear strike on Pakistan & its sponsor China & exterminate all Pakis & Chinese from the earth. Lets give these perverts a one way ticket to Jhaannum.
RE:Give the Pakis a One Way Ticket to Hell
by Sriram Subramanian on Oct 04, 2007 12:04 AM Permalink
yeah and lets follow their footsteps and kill them? rofl
RE:Give the Pakis a One Way Ticket to Hell
by on Dec 21, 2007 11:38 PM Permalink | Hide message
i think the chinese and the pakistani's need to nuke the indians to make life easier for the poor kashmiri's and keep praying that the paki's get nuked becoz if u dont nuke em then for sure another somnath is just around the corner so hold on to ur under wears, u baneeya nation
RE:Give the Pakis a One Way Ticket to Hell
by on Dec 21, 2007 11:44 PM Permalink
well sonny, keep wishing for ur skins sake tht some one wud cum and nuke us, becoz pretty soon u r going to get nuked ur self and its the peace loving indian baneeya's who r making life miserable for the poor helpless kashmiris, dont u ever for get tht the army which always destroys india, cumz from its nothern borders so hold on to ur under wears and keep praying to tht bhagwaan of urz to protect u from us becoz vry soon there will be another somnaath which will blow india to smithereens, have fun till then while u still have sum time, just remember " history always repeats its self", this time there wont be any britsh east india company to save ur skins.................
RE:Give the Pakis a One Way Ticket to Hell
by skumar on Oct 01, 2007 01:10 PM Permalink
Buy an one-way-ticket for yourself also. By the way, I am not Paki,rather a peace loving indian.
This is what one Paki living in the United States had to say about Pakistan
"As a child i was taught to yell "Pakistan Zinda Baad" long live pakisitan. But in reality it should be "Pakistan say zinda bhaag" run from pakistan while your still alive." Ali Hassan, USA
RE:This is what a Paki living in USA had to say about Pakistan
by on Nov 05, 2007 03:15 AM Permalink
I am an Very Pro-Pakistan Indian.My MEssage for Pakistani army Cheif: Kill all indians on this planet and dance on their dead bodies.yeah pak army zindah bad
RE:This is what a Paki living in USA had to say about Pakistan
by Kamal on Nov 05, 2007 06:01 PM Permalink
First get out of India, give us your address......
RE:This is what a Paki living in USA had to say about Pakistan
by on Dec 22, 2007 12:09 AM Permalink
i wonder who this guy ali hasan is, as he probably doesnt know the meaning of the word "Identity" maybe by now he has found out this words meaning by getting kicked around by the americans for his pains,lol, individuals lives have no meanings in a nations history, if the ppl of a nation can understand this then there is no stoping tht nation, so far as v pakistani's r concerned v can vry well do with out such a self centered person, tell u sum thing mr. ali hasan, pakistan has cum a long way, and it has a long way to go, dont u ever forget this ok, the indians have been saying this for the past 60 yrs tht pakistan wont last 10 more years, well here u r the went wrong 6 times, god alone knows how many more times will they go wrong, as for u mr.Ganapati Hegde ur countries second somnath isnt much long in waiting, it will be india which will be eliminated as an entity not pakistan......... mark my words
Jinnah worked with INC for quite some time, he was very close to many leaders and also considered some Hindu leaders as his ideal , eg. Gopal Krishna Gokhale. His relationship with Congress soured after the rise of M K Gandhi and he started getting a feeling of Congress sidelining him. This was the reason for him to demand Pakistan, the entire creation was a result of ambition of one man and his insecurity with others as well as the inability of INC lead by M K Gandhi to make Jinnah feel secure with a united India. After the decision for partition he almost went with an attitude of vengeance to accede as many Indian states into Pakistan as possible and he also sent troops to J & K. Personally he believed very little in Islamic faith and wasnt exactly a strict follower of Islam as defined by hardliner Islamic clerics of today. Basically many people think that Jinnah only wanted to use the scare of partition to gain more clout inside INC leaders circle but when that failed things went horribly wrong and led to partition and mass killings.
If Islam was the only basis of forming a nation, then whay are all the Islamic countries not one nation? Worse, if Muslim-majority state cannot be part of a Hindu-majority country, then how does one explain Muslim Kurds fighting against Muslim Turkey, Muslim Iraqi, Muslim Iran, Muslim Syria for their own country? Why did Muslim Kuwait refuse to become part of Muslim Iraq? Why is Muslim Fatah gighting against Muslim Hamas? Why? Because Islam is not a political entity. Can Pakis go to Saudi Arabia and demand citizenship? Heck no - they'de be put on the first boat back to Karachi, that is, if they didn't gat their heads lopped off. Pakistan was created by the power-hungry, mean-spirited, spiteful, megalomniac Jinnah, to be a Muslim state, whilst leaving his progeny behind, safe, sound, and prospering in ole Hindu-majority India. How hypocritical is that!
RE:Pak newest threat
by on Nov 05, 2007 03:21 AM Permalink
no my friend.this is great unfortunate with muslim countries.actually their leaders dont want to live peacefully.they r serving their countries for USA. Creation of Pak was a excellent move.Because those muslims are living happily.i dont think that u have much knowledge abt GUJRAT.BABRI MASJID etc
You do not have to be an Astrologer to predict Pakistan's future. Pakistan will be disintegrated & dismembered by its own created monsters & Americans will be watching the fun who financed them earlier.
Jinnah made Pakistan Islamic and Gandhi made India secular. Look what Islam did to Pakistan and how India has prigressed. Lesson- All Islamic nations must immly become secular or perish from earth!
by bandu bondu on Sep 15, 2007 02:44 PM Permalink
Gandhi is good in flim only. Where actor made us fool.IN PRACTICAL LIFEE 2 AND 2 NEVER MAKE 4. MIND IT. Now a days we can feel what that BUMBO is that was given by SO called BAPUJI and JAwar JI.
India still runs by a particular family. 100cr indian jst watching and moving lika puppet
by kabir on Sep 18, 2007 11:58 AM Permalink
Fallacy of the Adversaries of Pakistan
My honoured friend seems to have misjudged the whole situation in his mainly fictitious essay. He has drawn a totally wrong conclusions from the seemingly disorderly situation in Pakistan. Pakistan being subject to devastation by one push by a neighbour (obviously India was in the author's mind) is nothing more than a wishful thinking on the part of the author.
1) Relegion is the gretest binding force that humanity has ever known.
2) Pakistanis are linked together in the relationship of brotherhood and this feeling is by no means local. On one side the author talks of the 'Muslim clan' and on the other side states that religion has nothing to do with it, which is quite absurd.
3) The frustration of Muslim clan is due to no other reason than the brutality of their opponents on their Muslim sisters and brothers. It is a sign that Muslims (not including the political diplomacies of their rulers) are united and feel for one another's griefs and tribulations.
4) The argument that Pathans were converted from Buddhism and Punjabis from Hinduism is totally out of place. Does the author want us to believe that the religions that their forefathers once followed still have some effect on them and the religion that they have been adherents of for generations has none? The former religions of their forefathers have nothing to do with the constitution of Pakistani nation. If India can be one country despite an amalgamation of dif
by Arjun Periyar on Sep 27, 2007 04:57 PM Permalink
It is a historical fact that today's Afganistan & Pakistan were once ruled by Hindu & then Buddhist empires. Islam was spread in this region on the strength of sword by the invadors from the Western & Central Asia. If you search your roots, you will get the same answer. Unfortunately the people, whose forefathers were convetrted to Islam by force, are now hating their original religion because of lack of knowledge about history! Please remember that your forefathers were existing before 6th century & you can have respect for it despite of your present religion.
by on Dec 21, 2007 11:58 PM Permalink
my dear arjun, i wonder if u ever have cum across the phrase, conversion by conviction rather than my convenience, no one can force a person to change his religion by the use of a sword as such conversion wud only last a few number of years or maximum a generation, more over the invaders who came in and pushed the hindu population into islam also latter on pushed thm permanently out of the region and for ur kind information wat ever little hindu's remianed in tht region are still hindu's and latter on sum converted to sikhism, there is far more tolerance in pakistan for nonmuslims thn there is in india, i confess tht there are a lot of differences between various sects of muslims in pakistan which every now and then conflagates into bloody conflicts but tht is part of evolutionary process, so my dear, charity strts at home...... thx for ur patience in reading my reply
by kabir on Sep 18, 2007 12:03 PM Permalink
to be continued...
If India can be one country despite an amalgamation of different religions (at the moment) and different cultures, and despite ferocious riots surging from time to time between followers of different religions, leading to burning of mosques, churches, priests, nuns and a massacre of a big part of population, why can't Pakistan stand its ground with no such havocs ever taking place here? Alhamdolillah (Thank the Lord).
5) Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had never faltered in his belief that Pakistan was meant to stand its ground though he saw some differences in different sects of Pakistani society. His speeches to the very end of his life are demonstrations of his strong faith in Pakistan and Pakistanis.
6) Fighters from Baluchistan are not 'freedom fighters' as the author has mistakenly taken them to be. Even if they were, there are several movements continuing in several parts of world, not necessarily leading us to the conclusion that these states are crumbling. If some neighbouring country tries to give us a 'push', she will surely feel the 'jerk' that it will cause her.
by A P on Sep 25, 2007 08:14 PM Permalink
Nuke out Pakistan & exterminate all Pakis. All Pakis are born terrorists & criminals. Pakis have a genetic predisposition for being criminals & terrorists. Anywhere in the world wherever there is an act of terrorism, you can bet your life there is a Paki connection to it. This proves that Pakis are born terrorists & so the world should carry out a massive nuclear strike on Pakistan & its sponsor China & exterminate all Pakis & Chinese from the earth. Lets give these perverts a one way ticket to Jhaannum.
by Vijay Anand on Sep 18, 2007 01:31 PM Permalink
My friend Kabir, If Baluchistan is not freedom struggle..then what abt J & K, Pak thru J&K made India bleed...and the samething happening for Pak now in the name of Baluchistan...Pakistan created in the name of Islam, India created in the name of secularism..Indian muslim population exceeds that of Pakistan...And so in the name of islam, it should not be justified that it should be annexed to pak. If both of us start digging each other...none of us gonna progress upto our potential...
by ravikiran on Sep 21, 2007 10:11 AM Permalink
Traitor Jinnah regretted formation of Pakistan. You were all once part of glorious hinduism. Your ancestors were looted and raped by barbarians from west in the name of new religion. Your ancestors were converted under duress. The sooner you recognise , the better it is.You are a failed state following a failed ideology.India will not feel any jerk, you jerk!!. Pakis please remember 1971 always. LOL