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friendship.. nonsense !
by ashish sinha on Sep 14, 2007 01:21 AM  Permalink 

i think in the wider political scenario friendship hardly means anything.. all that matters is your own benefit.

if we go on pursuing friends with an emotional taste, we shall be left alone. international diplomacy means finding the middle path and creating a win win situation. The relation lasts till both party are happy, if not, they seek other partners in respective areas.

if america can use us, we would be fool to not to know how to use them.

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karat is worried as he is now not the best friend of pm
by mike dennis on Sep 14, 2007 01:19 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

karat wants to be the best frnd of pm. so he will topple the manmohan singh govt and prove that he is the best frnd of manmohan singh.
so nice of him
a frnd doing the job of opposition

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RE:karat is worried as he is now not the best friend of pm
by raj on Sep 14, 2007 09:18 PM  Permalink
Friends like him you dont need enemies. Mr.Karat proved to the Indian public.

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Karat for a friend?
by Desi on Sep 14, 2007 01:09 AM  Permalink 

With friends like Karat why does the PM need to choose? According to Karat who should be our friends then?
Why cannot he trust Manmohan's judgement, a man who is much better than him in intellect, diplomacy and integrity?

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what karat should know
by arjun on Sep 14, 2007 01:08 AM  Permalink 

number one:
who are voting u?will u get any seats if elections occur?
what agenda do you have?people with no support in public cannot voice opinions-if u are thinking that there are some who support u-I cannot describe your level of intelligence and also you will be an example for those idiots who think they can get publicity by joining left parties.

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by MGR Fan on Sep 14, 2007 01:04 AM  Permalink 

That is what Commies actually said in an election meeting in Kerala. Can you believe? That is communism for you.

Commies are kind of people who will molest their own family women and then dress it up as a CIA Conspiracy. That is communism all about.

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karat ko kaatoo
by pawan datta on Sep 14, 2007 01:02 AM  Permalink 

karat is a /fu/ck=in'g a/s/s hole!!

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by MGR Fan on Sep 14, 2007 12:59 AM  Permalink 

COMMIES are not friends,they are traitors and backstabbers who will be more itnerested in well being of China rather than the well being of India. Well Said... LOL

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India should strongly ally with US, Israel and rest of the free World.
by Ganapati Hegde on Sep 14, 2007 12:53 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

In the changing geo-political situation, we have to change our mindset of the "cold war" era and strengthen our friendship with United States and Israel.

The Whole World is going through great turmoil, due to the threat by Al-Qaeda and their cronies to hoist their agenda upon others.

China is a real threat to India, which is ramping up its Military buildup on an unprecedented basis. They have secured naval basis in Pakistan and seeking bases in Bangladesh.

They have set up listening posts in Myanmar and their submarines routinely sneak into Bay of Bengal.

They have also made noise with regards to Arunachal Pradesh and hold the Aksai Chin Area, which legally belongs to India.

India needs allies like US to counter the Chinese threat and keep China away from their evil designs.

We should be careful about History repeating itself of the events of the humiliating defeat at the Chinese hands because of the blunder committed by Nehru.

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RE:RE:India should strongly ally with US, Israel and rest of the free World.
by raj on Sep 14, 2007 01:46 AM  Permalink
Ganapati Hegde , Very well said. That was Mr.Rajagoplachari's dream.

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RE:India should strongly ally with US, Israel and rest of the free World.
by MGR Fan on Sep 14, 2007 01:01 AM  Permalink
Manmohan and Sonia are trying to reverse mistake of Nehru, but they are too much cowardly.. they must boldly call the bluff of Commies and sign a treaty of mutual self defense

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RE:India should strongly ally with US, Israel and rest of the free World.
by abbas ali on Sep 14, 2007 01:02 AM  Permalink
agree,very soon the word idiot will be replaced by the word karat.Oxford publishers will be happy.

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Useless communists must quit India
by Aneesh on Sep 14, 2007 12:52 AM  Permalink 

Karat idi0t & co has big problem with nuclear deal. actually these stupids has no problem with the deal but with USA. If such deal is with china, no problem. stupid communist a$$h0les doesn't have any brain! They don't like our country's development. idi0ts like to drag the nation 100 years backward. Dr. Singh is a genius and I don't think he will take a decision to sign the deal if that hurts our nation. Anyway Dr. Singh is much better than this brainless stupid communists. Commies exists only in WB and small kerala. Still they think they are the biggest party in India. he he he he he

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