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Karat-the Ledaer who donot have mass base
by raj kumar on Sep 14, 2007 07:07 AM  Permalink 

Who is this Karat? He don't any contact with masses is the leader of so called JNU intellectuals and power brokers like Yechury and Sonia. Karat cant even speak or write his mother tongue. Then what right he has to talk about public mind. He knows what he is been fed by English speaking journalists and sycophants. He dont have any mass contact. Ask him about the price of onion and rice. He may not know it. But he will tell you about Cheguvera, Castro, China and Bush. He is brought up like that. He and Yechuryis the new crop of campus recruited communists who likes speaks to jounalists under camera lights and dont spend any time in the heart of the country-that is Indian villages...Ignore them..they are paper tigers only...

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Karat - the idiot..
by nitin gupta on Sep 14, 2007 06:55 AM  Permalink 

who the hell does this karat think he is?? just becaue their party has a few measley seats in the parliament which the congress needs to form a govt, does he think he can say anything?

he is talking much more than his AUKAAT.. come next election, and all these commies will vanish into thin air and then they will all be sitting in a corner with their feet in their mouths, begging the govt for alms...

Irritating people...!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Beware Karat - You are also going
by Pandu Havaldar 61-62 on Sep 14, 2007 06:51 AM  Permalink 

The only reason anybody is pretending to listen what this guy is saying is - his parties vital support to the Gov. Tomorrow gov decides not worry about his support and prepare for elections - who is going to ask this guy? So let him bark while can

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Choosin friends -Karat's advice
by Sethu Raman on Sep 14, 2007 06:40 AM  Permalink 

A really sensible advice from Karat to PM- Look what is happening to the PM and the national government,because the Congress chose the commies as their friends !!

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Need Medical treatment
by chatanya agrawal on Sep 14, 2007 06:36 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hi all,
we need few daring psychiatrist who can remove mental disorder for following person:
1) Ambica Soni
2) Mr. Prakash Karat and Mrs. Brinda Karat
3) Arjun Singh
4) Manmohan Singh
5) Sharad Powar
6) All Communist
7) Amar Singh

The list is few. you will get number of person who is suffering.

Fees: best in industry

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RE:Need Medical treatment
by Anurag Shrivastava on Sep 14, 2007 09:06 AM  Permalink
Excuse me... for having Manmohan's name in the list , you must be immediately sent to a lunatic asylum . No psychiatric can help you.

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Well done Karat
by chatanya agrawal on Sep 14, 2007 06:31 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I donot understand karat prediction.............
well this couple( Mr. Prakash Karat and Madam Brinda Karat) is job less. and making the controversy is there food. So Mr and Mrs Karat when you are having fast so that no shut will come out from your mouth

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Careful while choosing friends, Karat tells PM
by Shiv Shankar on Sep 14, 2007 06:28 AM  Permalink 

Look who is talking, oh I forgot, Commissar Karat. I would say to him, Speak for yourself, Comrade Commissar and you failed your followers, yourself and your country miserably. Instead of repenting for previous treason and anti-national activities, you have gall to stop the progress of India. Commissar Karat, you are a reactionary and you do not want India to grow in strenth because you are more loyal to your fatherland China. Mr. Commissar, you are still anti-US, because you are angry your principles do not and did not work and you jealous capitalism as a dichotomy to your delusional thinking. Commissar Karat, how shameless you can be, your own sibligs in West Bengal went to the United States begging for direct foreign investment and here you are with your antiUS tirades. Commissar Karat, I honestly think you and your collegues need to be sent to psychiatric clinic for your political and economic delusions. You and your followers are like Gandhi's monkeys in reverse. You do not want speak truith, hear truith and see the truith. It is ok if only your commy cousins are involved. Commissar you are playing with the future of a great country called Bharat to placate your master, China. It is about the time our old Commissar are his friends should be sent to jail not for speaking truith or exercising their democratic right but for their mean ways of trying to blakmail the governement, people and trying to stop the progress.

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Friends of India
by Raj on Sep 14, 2007 06:27 AM  Permalink 

As per Karat or Kraut's commie party, India should become a servant of China and Pakistan. When these communists are there who needs any enemies.Let elections be held, and than commies will see that Indians are not illeterate, and tehy can understand what is good for them and what is bad. We know very well what communists agenda in this country is, they are wolfs in sheep's disguise who prey on poor innocent, hard working people and show them the way how to become more poor. Indians should be vary of communists, pakis, and chinese in that order, cos these commies are born traitors, who will do everything to bring harm to India.

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by Ash Kar on Sep 14, 2007 06:27 AM  Permalink 

CPM has not recognised democratic set up in which political leaders have to go when changes take place.But in the CPM party they will occupy the posts for life.See Mr.A B Bharathan,he wants the post for life and dictate economic and foreign policy for the whole country without mandate.This is communist ideology.

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