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Karat should be advised to keep away from their Chinese Communist Friends
by Ganapati Hegde on Sep 14, 2007 08:05 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The need of the hour is to advise these Indian Commies to keep away from their friendship from the Chinese Commies, in interet of India.

It is better if they think in developing India's economy, rather than bowing to the diktats from China and do their bidding.

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RE:Karat should be advised to keep away from their Chinese Communist Friends
by Sahadevan KK on Sep 14, 2007 09:59 AM  Permalink
Congress and BJP are planning their 150 150=300 MPs in next general elections.

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Even Commies will vanish in next election
by arya on Sep 14, 2007 08:03 AM  Permalink 

These commies always think in reverse direction. If any one say yes, they say no. If no they say yes. Because country is right and they are called LEFT.

During the time of China War, they are very favourable to China, SHAME ....

Karat should apply for the Job in NDTV. Next election this party won't get even double digit in Parliament.

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RE:Read the article by Dr A. Gopalakrishnan [ Former Chairman of the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board] in Asian Age opposing the nuke deal
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Sep 14, 2007 07:57 AM  Permalink

So? These are dynosours. We need this deal, but in our terms. This must be renegotiated, at least Indian laws will have to be changed.

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Hey Mr. Karat: Do you know USSR itself is gone?
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Sep 14, 2007 07:43 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hey Mr. Karat: Do you know USSR itself is gone? Communism is dead?

These commies are #1 anti-national. They are bidding for China, and for Muslim Vote in the grab of Indo-US deal.

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RE:Hey Mr. Karat: Do you know USSR itself is gone?
by Anurag Shrivastava on Sep 14, 2007 09:04 AM  Permalink
Good one ... it is the communist state that has withered away with China becoming a capitalist paradise. Maybe he want to take some lessons from the joker of North Korea , bearded man of Cuba or the madman of Venenzuela to know where he is heading.

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RE:Hey Mr. Karat: Do you know USSR itself is gone?
by Ganapati Hegde on Sep 14, 2007 07:58 AM  Permalink
He is still wrapped up in the "Soviet times".

Somebody needs to rudely wake him up.

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India needs USA
by Raj on Sep 14, 2007 07:43 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Maybe karat hasnt read the poll results, when it was polled recently and was found that more than 45 % Indians like America, only 0.005% people (which maybe the comunists of India combine and some traitors who polled for china). In fact India has gained a lot from US war on terror. India supports USA in its fight against terrorists more than anybody else, Except Iraq war, which is unneccesarily draining away USA (Iraq's) resources. USA should have first finished terrorism in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran in that order. Mr. Karat we Indians know who is our friend and who is our enemy.

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RE:India needs USA
by raj on Sep 14, 2007 07:21 PM  Permalink
Good one Raj. Who is he tell us whos the foe and whos the friend? I bet he will Indias best friend is China. Guy must be smoking crak. Hey Mr.KARAT , CHINA attacked INDIA remeber in 1962.US always going to be our friend as long as both belives in Democracy and freedom. You Communist, Do you know the meaning of it?

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RE:RE:India needs USA
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Sep 14, 2007 07:46 AM  Permalink
CPIM is doing it for 2 reasons: Bidding for China, and Muslim Vote.

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RE:India needs USA
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Sep 14, 2007 07:45 AM  Permalink

@Raj: USA also needs India. So, the strategic relationship works bothways.

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RE:RE:India needs USA
by Raj on Sep 14, 2007 09:04 AM  Permalink
Right said Tathagat....USA needs India and it needs Pakis too (To shut the terrorists camps) it has set up in the country. Pakistan has become a Mega Mall for the terrorists of all shapes and kinds...and USA needs it to eliminate them. US needs India for trade , technology transfer and its eyeing its big market.

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Friends like Commies? than there is No need for enemies...
by Raj on Sep 14, 2007 07:35 AM  Permalink 

Why is left insisting to have a detailed debate with the govt on nuclear issue/ Answer: They want to pass on the complete detailspoint to point to their fatherland commies nation, as China wants to know the complete thing about this deal, commies are acting spies for china. This deal is being resented by only three parties- Pakistan, China and Indian Communists (being loyal to their master). The commies are totally out of sinc with reality, they think they can fool Indians...but lets see who will become a Fool after the elections?

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Karat communists ki bhasha main jawab doon ?
by Priyank Thakur on Sep 14, 2007 07:32 AM  Permalink 

woof woof
bhaun bhon

to china wale baap bole

tommy chhoo tommy jimi jacky chhoo

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by narendhar reddy on Sep 14, 2007 07:26 AM  Permalink 

I am hearing same slogan since the manmohan took charge as P.M.
LEFT partys are just like barking dog, which never bites.

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Mr Karat pls stop your non-sense
by ashish sinha on Sep 14, 2007 07:10 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I urge you to sto your loose talk. If you really wan your argument against nuclear deal to gain weightage, show me some numbers.

Show me how india is going to lose in terms of GDP and overall prosperity if the deal becomes operational.


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RE:Mr Karat pls stop your non-sense
by Kashinath Nag on Sep 14, 2007 07:31 AM  Permalink
Why Indian Nuc. Scientists are not gearing up to implement their knowledge in the Energy sector?
Our politicians should encourage our N-Scientists to do so instead of argueing among themselves. They should do some works collectively for the country. But they have so much ego, how the country will develop?

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RE:Mr Karat pls stop your non-sense
by Rams on Sep 14, 2007 07:19 AM  Permalink
For the first time the marxists have got hold to some power. Let them enjoy it. 123 deal will go through and so is the UPA govt for good. My only wish is is India taking on the gas pipeline project with Iran too. If we can do that we can hold bargaining power with the americans.

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by Stanley on Sep 14, 2007 07:08 AM  Permalink 

Actually in plain political text what Kart is saying that Democracy is coming to end.So he is hinting not to involve with Demotratic friends.
Instead be guided by China and only those communists.Look towards the Communists like China and Pakistan like Musharaf who also is following the Communist style

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