By picking US as its friend India has embarked on a journey toward unprecedented prosperity. India's current growth rate is at 9% compared to two to three percent rate before India picked the right ideology and friend. US have plans to make India the dominant power in Asia. We should go along for the ride enthusiastically as it is the best thing we could ask for. Just toss Karat and other commies off the wagon. Just form a national government with BJP and throw these irrelevant people and their ideology to dustbin.
RE:Dr. Singh made the right choice
by arul george on Sep 14, 2007 12:48 AM Permalink
if prosperity irrespective of ideology is all we care for the may be, we should start trading drugs n nukes.
RE:Dr. Singh made the right choice
by Aneesh on Sep 14, 2007 12:55 AM Permalink
Then US became super power by selling drugs? LOL We don't want the stupid 17th century communist ideology.
RE:Dr. Singh made the right choice
by Minto on Sep 14, 2007 12:57 AM Permalink
Drug will cause a rush of violence. US will abandon us if we trade nuclear secret. This is absolutely peaceful at least inside our border, fate or poor soon to be incinerated Iranians notwithstanding
RE:Dr. Singh made the right choice
by Ganapati Hegde on Sep 14, 2007 01:00 AM Permalink
Well said. We need BJP, which will forge stronger ties with United States and Israel.
Israel has helped in India in all the previous wars with Pakistan, even though we had no diplomatic ties with Israel and during the Kargil war, when they gave us critcal defence equipment.
Israel is a true friend of India.
The access to the corridors of power in Washington D.C., is through Tel-Aviv.
Long live the India-Israel- United States friendship
RE:Dr. Singh made the right choice
by raj on Sep 14, 2007 01:52 AM Permalink
You are corret mr.Hedge. Isreal face the same problem like India. Only one Jewish state in the world, like only Hindu nation in the world which is Inida. Problems are very similar.And right now they are the 2nd biggest arms seller to India. Thanks to Vajpai. Long live Indo-US-Isreali friendship. These communist dogs will bark , Just like dogs barking at the moon.
RE:Dr. Singh made the right choice
by Minto on Sep 14, 2007 01:07 AM Permalink
Are you a friend or a foe of India? This may upset certain minority group that has its loyalty beyond Indian border.
RE:Dr. Singh made the right choice
by Ganapati Hegde on Sep 14, 2007 01:21 AM Permalink
Those who have loyalty across the border can go there. "Good riddance to bad rubbish"
RE:Dr. Singh made the right choice
by Aneesh on Sep 14, 2007 12:48 AM Permalink
Karat idi0t and company has problem with nuclear deal. actually these stupids has no problem with the deal but with USA. If such deal is with china, no problem. stupid communist a$$h0les doesn't have any brain! They don't like our country's development. idi0ts like to drag the nation 100 years backward.
He himself will go in 2008. In his place will be a most likely a Democrat. Also We Indians can only look towards the West and progressive democracies in APAC for friendship. Cardinal RULE is this: Never be friendly with Dictatorships.
Pro-Bush policies will ruin the present UPA government. Clearly,Dr Singh is on his way out because he has displayed extreme form of being a Bush stooge.
RE:Time Running Out for Dr Manmohan Singh
by raj on Sep 14, 2007 01:57 AM Permalink
You are another commie. Dr.Singh is not pro-Bush. He is pro Inidan . Unlike your leader Karat. What is he? Answer is very simple. He is pro Chinese. Dr.Singh is a statesman, unlike this idiot Karat who believes in 18th century system.
RE:24 karat gold
by Harsha Kumar on Sep 14, 2007 12:35 AM Permalink
hahaha..Karat is talking about himself, Manmohan Singh should have thought carefully before getting into a coalition arrangement with a guy like Karat. Mr.Karat, please state where your affiliations lie - towards India or China? What is your stand on China's claim to Arunachal Pradesh? The 'Indian' Commies seem to say China is right..give them a chance, and leave alone Arunachal Pradesh, they will hand over even New Delhi on a platter to the People's Republic of China. With friends like Karat, Manmohan or India need no enemies..
Mr. Karat u r immediately recalled to China for further discussion of how to make Anti-indian decisions.We have observed that u dont make enough noise about N-deal and the alliance with West. Your silence will affect your country(china). Move your a** ASAP to Beijing
For whatever the communists' approach in the nuke deal, this one is a true statement. People who have been on one side with George Bush have suffered and will suffer. In fact even in the US Bush is extremely unpopular. His own Republicans are distancing themselves from his policies. Those like McCain who support him are trailing in opinion polls. So it is not as if the british, the french, australians, japanese or russians hate him, his own Americans hate him.
India should only do what is in its self interest and not heed fools like George Bush. If we think the deal is good go right ahead, if not then stop now!
RE:We should heed him
by raj on Sep 14, 2007 09:32 PM Permalink
Kush Dashrath , We (india) is not dealing with Mr.Bush. We are dealing with the United States.Bush days are numbered.We will be dealing with Mrs.Clinton or Obama(hopefuly Mrs.Clinton) Mr. Bush is not a fool. No reson for name calling. He is friendly to India than any other US presidents since Kennedy.Our earlier foregin policy was handled by V.K Krishna Menon. He runined it. China's invation is a fine example .It happned under his watch.(he dont call him self a Commie , but his actions was very very pro-Soviet) It is about time to have good friendly relationship with the oldest democracy.
RE:We should heed him
by chetan phalak on Sep 14, 2007 01:05 AM Permalink
That is because of Mr Bush's IRAQ decisions. The Nuclear Deal has nothing to do with THAT decision. Infact we firmly stood our ground when we were presurized by US to send troops to IRAQ. the nuclear deal has a slight tilt towards the US, but it opens several doors for INDIA too. The only problem that the communists have is that it will stop the communist sentiment from taking a significant role in Global Politics by bringing in INDIA. Communists are more concerned about their ideology than the progress of the nation. If you ask them which specific clause of the Hyde act or the nuke deal are u worried about? their answer would always target the US and Indian alliance which can be dangerous. Come on Karat. We are not DUMB.
Karat's message is so true... The PM should have been given this advice when he was choosing coalition partners... Indeed, with friends like Karat and gang, who needs enemies?