RE:bjp is making hindus a fool.
by Marco Polo on Sep 16, 2007 12:38 AM Permalink
koran is God's sentences heard only by muhammed(pbuh)in ancient Arabic.While there were great souls all over the world after the modern humans were evolved,it was only muhammed(pbuh) that was chosen for reasons known only to him(pbuh)
I was always against bandha, hartals, raod blockage and all anto development activities!! But what the government has done in this case gived enough justification for BJP to go all out!!
Stop India from spineless petty charecters like Manmohan singh !!
RE:Common BJP wake up and fight
by Ramasubbu on Oct 07, 2007 10:11 AM Permalink
Let the BJP come in and we will have Ram Rajya plus many sky bridges, Railway pools. Ofcourse during BJP period , they made wonderful Roads. I think Some part of Ram worked in our country during last five years of BJP. Thanks Advaniji and Vajpeyiji. Today because of Ram sethu , we can talk on phone, we can drive on Roads something which was real mesh during last 50 years of Congress. Something good we achieved in BJP.
RE:Common BJP wake up and fight
by Ramasubbu on Oct 07, 2007 10:14 AM Permalink
Sonia, Manmohan singh or Congress , they all look for Muslim votes. They don;t need Hindus.Congress doesn;t need fake ram sethu and Ramayan to run the italian government. Congress have 25 crores muslim vote so they are fine. But what about BJP, they too need another 40 crores votes, so that can only be drawn from Hindu sentiments of illeterates.
RE:this is not good
by on Sep 12, 2007 11:47 PM Permalink
there is no peace in this world as long as muslims exists. Either they fight with other or fight among themselves. Islam is curse to this world