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Huge judgments
by R Chakravarti on Sep 12, 2007 11:41 PM  Permalink 

In the German speaking countries, unlike in India, statements by lawyers etc are expected to be concise. It would be beneficial for everyone if this became the practice here too.

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The Rogue Police uses the courts to harass mostly the innocent ...
by Mohan Gupte on Sep 12, 2007 01:54 PM  Permalink 

Mostly the Rogues in the police file cases against the innocents, so that they have to attend courts for 15-20 years ... the years during which they find innovative methods to extort money ... Read about them at ...


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Good Business
by Blazer on Sep 12, 2007 03:18 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

India needs to rewrite its constitution and all its govt processes and procedures. The Govt spends 10 lacs tax payers money for every 100 rupee forgery done by a postman . Ridiculous isnt it while all aorruption goes unnoticed.

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RE:RE:Good Business
by Tim on Sep 12, 2007 03:59 AM  Permalink
You are definitely. Stupid constitution written by a guy who did not have any qualification. Just went with the backward class slogan and became a hero.

The worst written constitution in the world was written by Ambedkar.

This is the best example that people should stay with what their strengths are and not just go about trying to do anything and everything.

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RE:Good Business
by Sugata Banerji on Sep 12, 2007 08:03 AM  Permalink
what can you expect??? A Mohit jain writes some $hit about the person who wrote the constitution and gets away. Stop frowning and find some innovative ways to move ahead.

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RE:Good Business
by Birat Thapa on Sep 12, 2007 08:21 AM  Permalink
Relax Sugata, it seems you have deeply channelised only into communism. As far as China is concerened the rural life is still deplorable, and the media is not allowed to cover all this, please go see it for your self as I have done so. Besides Beijing, Nanjing and Shanghai, its all down the drains. Moreover China is fast pacing itself towards capitalism, moreover the current prevalent government cannot be described by means of political science as a communist government. I would rather say the it's a one party dictatorship. The biggest collapse of communism can be seen in the fall of the USSR.

India is moving at a fast pace but not enough to be fully developed cause that is going to take a lot of time. The britishers literally whisked away with the resources and kept India in a financial misery. It was somewhat the same in USA too, but they revolted at the currect times. So it is going to take India a lot of time to come to that state. But it is a matter of great pride that India is a nuclear power and it's industries are thriving day by day.

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RE:Good Business
by Birat Thapa on Sep 12, 2007 09:16 AM  Permalink
I dont agree with you on this either. It was not only Marx but it was also Engles and their teacher Hegel to come about with this theory of communism. If you have read the communist manifesto, thats the main doctrines of Communism we can see that it can never be implemented on today's modern context.
In this manifesto they have discussed only two classes of people that is the bourgeoise and the proletariat. In today's world there comes the middle class and almost entire India is largely supported by it. So please can you verify as to how will communism be successful in India??Thats next to impossible, and it's galactically stupid to even think about it.

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RE:Good Business
by Sugata Banerji on Sep 12, 2007 09:01 AM  Permalink
All believe USSR represented communism; but the irony is the communism Marx envisioned was never implemented and USSR fell because of internal differences with communism being the facet. The fact is communism emboldens those who build the society. And a society which does not recognize them can not move further and there comes socialism.
Today India is capitalist in many ways. But if we try, we can slowly but steadily move towards communism .And then only we will have a society where no one will be poor, no one will be exploited. And we will have a healthy and progressive India.

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RE:RE:RE:Good Business
by on Sep 12, 2007 04:58 AM  Permalink
Many problems could have been averted had we gone the Communist way.Communism is the best thing that can happen in India. Its not late yet. The Communists are practically the most advanced and resolute section of the working-class parties of every country which pushes forward all others and that makes it significant for India too.

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RE:Good Business
by Birat Thapa on Sep 12, 2007 05:23 AM  Permalink
Hey are you out of your head ..or have you gone crazt lately. Name me one country that has been successful following communism?????

Democracy needs certain changes and thats the best for the modern context. You got to analyise carefully before coming to such henious conlusions. Corruption is prevalent in every form in each and every country regardless of the political pattern of the government. But keep in mind that India has only been independant for 60 years and is still gaining economic prosperrity step by step. You have to give your country time, it took USA 200 years after independance for what it is today. Compared to that India is on the right track. The people only have to be vigilant and hard working.

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RE:Good Business
by Sugata Banerji on Sep 12, 2007 06:04 AM  Permalink
That US took 200 years does not mean we will have to take 200 years. We have to be very fast and efficient which is not possible without communism. Does China ring any bell? A country can not be strong unless due power is given to the proletariat and Communism ensures that. Close your eyes and think, you will get the answers.

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