These heartless terrorists have no respect r shame, trying to top Soniaji. Why, soon Saint Sonia Mataji too will be spoken of in the same hushed, reverential voice reserved for Mother Theresa, who's now a cannonized saint herself.
Wonder ! why she has to go there just to prove a pont that Congress loves Kashmiris.No there is absolutely no requirement is there. Kashmiris donot like her or any of her clan members.Even none of the Congress or BJP MP's are liked there just because Kashmiri's have one agenda only freedom from India but protection by Indian Army from Pakistanis.They are trying to ride two boats at the same time. So in this scenario Sonia ji is better Off in Delhio or Italy .Her going there will not change the situation or the attitude of kashi's.So Madam just be cool Lay off let the Indian army do their job.
If the bomb had exploded ahead of some BJP politicians visit, a heck lot of violent messages would have been seen on the board, all of them blaming the Congress. May god protect soniaji wherever she goes.
by Raj rai on Sep 10, 2007 12:55 PM Permalink
Indian Media sucks. These reporters are uninformed super idiots and should be banished from the TV channels. I remember the bashing a self proclaimed media reporter who got the bashing of his life at the hands of harayana Police during Hero honda strike.Most of our so called channel reporters need that doze once every month to keep them in line.
by Raghu Rangaswamy on Sep 10, 2007 11:05 AM Permalink
Terrorism is the evil which has to be eradicated from this world if the people has to live peacefully.
by Raj rai on Sep 10, 2007 12:58 PM Permalink
Raghu sir, Terrorism is a creation of our great leaders like Indira Gandhi,George Bush,and his cronies & eradication of same will only happen when honest and caring politicians will be born which will never happen.
by Ravinder on Sep 10, 2007 11:23 AM Permalink
Justice to minorities is main requirement with firmness to handle/remove terrerosim.Unless modis/togidias/thackherys are restricted from spreading hate & minority bashining for their political gains,terrorism cannot be stopped.I strongly feel these people responsible for terrorism.Govt./police should kill them in fake encounter to let live ordinary people in peace.
by Shailendra Sharma on Sep 10, 2007 11:48 AM Permalink
modis/togidias/thackherys did not start terrorism, it was well started centuries ago, envading Jews, Parsis, Christians, then Hidus and noe even Budhists by various powerful rulers of Islamic origin in every century.
Their villages were attacked, property and women looted, persons forcibly converted to Islam or they were killed.... It was coz of this all other persons fled form the regoins dominated by them and settled in safer parts of the world.
Jew and Parsis were the worst affected.
The terrorism is same only weapons and tactis has changed. Earlier it were swords, now it is AK-47, RDX, IED, gorilla attacks, hi-jacking planes, kidnapping and then bargaing etc.....
There are many moderate muslims who do not like it and stress upon the peaceful activities of Islams, they too are attacked by the fundamentalists in their respective countries...
First read history, analyze and then post a comment....
The perentage of Hindus/Sikhs in on DECREASE in Pakistan. THe Hindu Bengalis are fleeing from Bangladesh since 19470, they can not take their processions freely there and are always target there.
Leave Pak/Bangla, can you tell anyone, why the Hindus fled away from their homeland in Kashmir. And nobody talks or cares about them...
by anish dharwadkar on Sep 10, 2007 11:26 AM Permalink
what about people taking out processions in support of afzal guru, osama bin laden, jehadis etc etc