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India truly great !!
by geo on Sep 07, 2007 08:05 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Did you know some of the greatest discoveries in the world were made in India?
Calculus, pi, trignometry and even small pox vaccination was first used in India.
Even the worlds oldest martial art is from India
Read more

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RE:India truly great !!
by Hotfuzz on Sep 07, 2007 08:09 PM  Permalink
Astronaut Sunita Williams converted to Islam ...!!!
She experianced some miracles on space lead her to this ...!!

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RE:India truly great !!
by geo on Sep 07, 2007 08:10 PM  Permalink
Yeah..yeah..Osama converted to Christianity too..

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RE:India truly great !!
by Hotfuzz on Sep 07, 2007 08:16 PM  Permalink
b cool truth s truth

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Breaking News....!!!!
by Hotfuzz on Sep 07, 2007 08:04 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Astronaut Sunita Williams converted to Islam ...!!!
She experianced some miracles on space lead her to this ...!!

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RE:RE:Breaking News....!!!!
by sudhir on Sep 07, 2007 08:26 PM  Permalink
did some mullah in the remotest parts of Afghanistan tell u this as a part of propaganda.

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RE:Breaking News....!!!!
by Hotfuzz on Sep 07, 2007 08:36 PM  Permalink
Thomas J. Abercrombie - photographer[1]
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (Lew Alcindor) - retired basketball player & the NBA's all-time leading scorer[2]
Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf (Chris Jackson) - retired basketball player[3]
Tariq Abdul-Wahad - originally from France, former basketball player for the Mavericks and Kings[4]
Abdul-Karim al-Jabbar (Sharmon Shah) - former NFL football player[5]
Ivan Aguéli - famous Swedish painter.[6][7]
Dawud Wharnsby Ali - Canadian singer/poet.[8][9]
Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay), to The Nation of Islam to Sunni Islam to Sufism,[10] SI's Sportsman of the Century
Rowland Allanson-Winn, 5th Baron Headley - British soldier and peer.[11]
Ryan G. Anderson - former Lutheran, convicted of charges of espionage for Al Qaeda[12][13]
Nicolas Anelka - French football player[14]
Yasin Abu Bakr - of Trinidad and Tobago, under trial for an attempted coup as of March 9, 2006[15]
Muhammad Abd-al-Rahman Barker - professor of Urdu, former chair of the University of Minnesota's Department of South Asian studies and creator of the Tékumel fantasy world.[16]
David Belfield - American, fled to Iran after assassinating Ali Akbar Tabatabai, an Iranian dissident,[17] is charged with murder[18]

Muhammad Ali- a convert to Islam.Józef Bem - Polish-Hungarian general, considered a national hero of Poland. [19]
Mohammed Knut Bernström - Swedish ambassador to Venezuela (1963-1969), Spain (1973-1976) and Morocco (1976-1983)[20]

Its a Long list more detals


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RE:RE:Breaking News....!!!!
by Hotfuzz on Sep 07, 2007 08:38 PM  Permalink
for more details


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RE:Breaking News....!!!!
by sudhir on Sep 07, 2007 08:58 PM  Permalink
So how does that prove that sunitha williams has converted to Islam. So I said don't believe in the propaganda of these mullahs.

The notable list has some names like
"Richard Colvin Reid known as the "shoe bomber" was a convert to Islam.[45]"
And Dhiren Bharot. Does that ring any bells.

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RE:Breaking News....!!!!
by raj on Sep 08, 2007 01:45 AM  Permalink
Whats the point? So what? Who cares which religion they converted to. Nationality remains the same.

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by Charles Crasto on Sep 07, 2007 07:52 PM  Permalink 

The former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee proposed that the US and India were "natural allies." I wish he had the courage to support his own proposition now! Nation before party politics!

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N Deal Real Facts
by Transformers on Sep 07, 2007 07:43 PM  Permalink 

A lotts people here dont understand that the N Deal is actually not just abt India and the US, its actually abt India and the Rest of the world comin together, the deal is nt US specific bt opens the doors to 45 nations who supply nuclear technology. Obviously we are nt sellin ourselves to nations like Russia China France UK South Sfrica Brazil Sweden etc. The idea that the deal is just between the US and India is absolutely wrong. The US is facilitating the removal of nuclear sanctions against India. Frm where we buy uranium is upto us. About the Hyde Act, its a US domestic act whch binds only the US congress. India and the rest of the worlds got nuthn to do with that. Under Hyde Act the US can withdraw under certain circumstances whch the US feels is againt US interest. But as it is only a domestic act it does not apply to neother country. Its actually better that the US withdraws as that would allow us to buy more stuff frm Russia whch would be cheaper. The Hyde Act is God send and its implementation is a masterstroke frm our Foreign Ministry negotiators. Rememeber once India signs this deal its legally impossible to stop India frm buyinh uranium frm Russsia or ne other country even if the US is against it.

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India-US ties
by Sampat Kumar on Sep 07, 2007 07:26 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

CPM has mortgaged their brains to China hence they are left with no intellectuals. Let us bypass them and forge ahead with better ties with US.

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RE:India-US ties
by Transformers on Sep 07, 2007 07:55 PM  Permalink
Only 2 nations in the whole world are opposing this Indo US nuclear deal, China and Pakistan.... China has the Most Favored NAtion status with the US and opposes the same status for India. China has got a similar nuclear deal with the US bt opposes the deal with India... Jyoiti Basu of CPM protested against Indian defence againt chinese invasion of india in 1962 and was jailed by Nehru for anti India activities. Basu went on to become the CM of bengal. Commies never condemn Chinese claim of arunachal Pradesh whn the people themselves want top be part of India.. CPM opposes Indian nuclear progress bt has no problems with Chinas nuclear arming of pakistan whch are targeted towards India and supports iranian nuclear program. The communists oppose ndustrialiazation in India and went on killing 100's of poor farmers in Singur and Nandigram tryin to grab farmers fertile land for setting up industries. Commies are ruling bengal for more than 30 years now and have reduced bengal from being the finest to being the poorest.. Only big industry in commie ruled states bangal and kerala are trade unions and their number one product is strikes and bandh. Commies vociferously opposed introduction of computers by rajiv gandhi, commies cald computers as evil and against national interest. Commies neva condemned chinese invasion of India in 1962. Commies do not recognize aksai chin in kashmir as part of india. And yes the commies got a new name now "Headless Chickens and Spineless Morons".

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RE:India-US ties
by Dolly Kurian on Sep 07, 2007 08:28 PM  Permalink
Orissa,Bihar and Jharkhand the poorest among the Indian states were never ruled by communists.If communists are the only problems in India,from where came the BIMARU states?There is a limit to talking nonsense,simply based on the media reports which never belonged to the poor.There are certain strong reasons for the rich in India blaming the communists for everything wrong in India.Of course,one can criticise only those who have some principles or ideologies,right or wrong.If personal benefit and family power are the only ideologies,nobody will be interested in criticising them.All the political parties except the BJP and Communists belong to these categories

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Indo-US ties
by ANAND TEERTHA on Sep 07, 2007 07:16 PM  Permalink 

In our country every PM is trying to bend before a foreigner inspite of indian proven capacity to bear the USA sanctions against india after pokharan-II. Unfortunately 123 agreement has become a football game between UPA and its allies.The idiotic UPA government is not involving the other opposition parties.International deals and national flag should not become a monopoly of one political party.UPA government forgot former PM Ataljis' contribution and now planting stories in the print and visual media at the drop of Communists left and right free kicks.Had UPA took "government in waiting- opposition parties" this controversy over 123 deal would not have surfaced.

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Commies Protest against US is just Drama...........
by Vikas Sethi on Sep 07, 2007 07:05 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Commies r taking the Indian public for a ride. Malabar 07 is the 7th Naval exercise with US since 1993 and the Commies never protested earlier. It is in India%u2019s interest to have these exercises. Commies stand is anti Indian. Read details at


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RE:Commies Protest against US is just Drama...........
by Mouka Bihkari on Sep 07, 2007 07:07 PM  Permalink
I support Indian exercise with talibans, but with gandhi's accurate methods.

--- A gandhian

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RE:Commies Protest against US is just Drama...........
by Vikas Sethi on Sep 07, 2007 07:13 PM  Permalink
Whats ur locus standi????????Dont waste our time. r there no forums in ur country??????

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