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Manmohan Singh, Sonia, Congress must think whether India is big or USA; CMP is big or 123; Congress will face another ''INDIA SHINING''.
by Sahadevan KK on Sep 11, 2007 11:41 AM  Permalink 

Manmohan Singh, Sonia, Congress must think whether India is big or USA; CMP is big or 123; Congress will face another "INDIA SHINING".

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Moderates like Mr Bajpai has been marginalised in BJP !!
by S Narain on Sep 08, 2007 02:32 PM  Permalink 

Mr Bajpai is man of peace and he was the one to say how long India and Pakistan continue to play Holi with each others blood. He wanted peace with Pakistan . Even Mian Mussarraf had called Mr Bajpai , a man of peace.
However ,he has been marginalised in BJP by power greedy and corrupt Advani. Mr Advani has hijacked BJP with his fake ideas ,spceially he has his personal ambitions rather than counyries welfare in his mind.He is not a genuine fellow,creating bad blood within communities only for his power and personal gains.

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Read the CPM's
by geo on Sep 08, 2007 12:56 PM  Permalink 

The complete text of the "open letter" to parliament is available here.
so is the complete text of Hyde act, 123 agreement and the US-China deal.

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N Deal The Real Facts
by Transformers on Sep 08, 2007 12:09 PM  Permalink 

A lotts people here dont understand that the N Deal is actually not just abt India and the US, its actually abt India and the Rest of the world comin together, the deal is nt US specific bt opens the doors to 45 nations who supply nuclear technology. Obviously we are nt sellin ourselves to nations like Russia China France UK South Sfrica Brazil Sweden etc. The idea that the deal is just between the US and India is absolutely wrong. The US is facilitating the removal of nuclear sanctions against India. Frm where we buy uranium is upto us. About the Hyde Act, its a US domestic act whch binds only the US congress. India and the rest of the worlds got nuthn to do with that. Under Hyde Act the US can withdraw under certain circumstances whch the US feels is againt US interest. But as it is only a domestic act it does not apply to neother country. Its actually better that the US withdraws as that would allow us to buy more stuff frm Russia whch would be cheaper. The Hyde Act is God send and its implementation is a masterstroke frm our Foreign Ministry negotiators. Rememeber once India signs this deal its legally impossible to stop India frm buyinh uranium frm Russsia or ne other country even if the US is against it.

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N Deal The Real Facts
by Transformers on Sep 08, 2007 12:09 PM  Permalink 

Only 2 nations in the whole world are opposing this Indo US nuclear deal, China and Pakistan.... China has the Most Favored NAtion status with the US and opposes the same status for India. China has got a similar nuclear deal with the US bt opposes the deal with India... Jyoiti Basu of CPM protested against Indian defence againt chinese invasion of india in 1962 and was jailed by Nehru for anti India activities. Basu went on to become the CM of bengal. Commies never condemn Chinese claim of arunachal Pradesh whn the people themselves want top be part of India.. CPM opposes Indian nuclear progress bt has no problems with Chinas nuclear arming of pakistan whch are targeted towards India and supports iranian nuclear program. The communists oppose ndustrialiazation in India and went on killing 100's of poor farmers in Singur and Nandigram tryin to grab farmers fertile land for setting up industries. Commies are ruling bengal for more than 30 years now and have reduced bengal from being the finest to being the poorest.. Only big industry in commie ruled states bangal and kerala are trade unions and their number one product is strikes and bandh. Commies vociferously opposed introduction of computers by rajiv gandhi, commies cald computers as evil and against national interest. Commies neva condemned chinese invasion of India in 1962. Commies do not recognize aksai chin in kashmir as part of india. And yes the commies got a new name now "Headless Chickens and Spineless Morons".

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N Deal
by Transformers on Sep 08, 2007 12:09 PM  Permalink 

If we do not get this deal we ll spend another 10 years in the dark without electricity till we have the technology to generate power by using Thorium. We still do not have the final tech to generate power through these Fast Breeder Reactors. We should take this deal to generate power and speed up the research on fast breeder reactors so that as soon as we have the production capabalities using thorium based technology we can just stop importing uranium. But right now we need Uranium based tech so that we get power and we are nt left behind and go back to the dark ages... and yah this deal is only civilian so no need to worry abt military nuclear instalations. n we are free to test nuclear weapons. the Hyde Act is just a cosmetic effect by the US government to shut the mouths of the Non proliferation hawks in washington who are opposing this deal tooth n nail... The US understand it has no leverage to stop India from testing weapons and it dosnt want to risk billions of dollars of investment by imposing nay sanctions. remember 1998 aftre the tests the imposed sanctions but had to bite the dust and remove sanctions after realizing it was their industries that were suffering.. so be cool and just use this deal to the maximum and do not let the commies Headless Chickens take India back to the dark ages.

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CCommies Exposed
by Transformers on Sep 08, 2007 12:08 PM  Permalink 

Its an open secret that the Communist Party Of India has an Alliance with the Communists frm China. The Commies in India get direct orders frm the chinese embassy in delhi whch has been proved by the intelligence bureau and RAW. The current opposition is a direct responce of the opposition of the chinese to this deal. It has been well documneted that the commies in India owe their loyalty to their chinese masters. The IB has credible evidence of the orders issued by the chinese to the Lefts in India to not to let this deal pass by at any cost.

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Commies Exposed
by Transformers on Sep 08, 2007 12:08 PM  Permalink 

Time and again the left has shown its utter contempt for anything remotely hindu. Its amusing to see them now crying hoarse about national security.Don't they remember the history? They opposed Quit India movement,tried to overthrow the bengal government,supported china in '62,opposed nuclear tests,opposed opening up of economy,supported Pak,iraq,iran and other rogue nations whenever they have alleged persecution of muslims in india,opposed 2nd nuclear test,opposed kargil war(even taking out an anti-war rally against the Indian govt as if it was India who was responsible for war!!!) and now they are opposing the nuclear deal. Face it people.Its not about the nuclear deal.Read their committee's resolution.They are opposed to "growing proximity between Indian and american govt".There's nothing wrong with the deal.Its just that they don't want it to be with US cos US is hated by muslims and these blood sucking red parasites will sell the country to get Muslim votes. Blinded by ideology they are out to destroy the country.National interest from their mouths?haha..Marx himself believed that nation is concept created to exploit the masses and place power in a few select.Wake up people the left is becoming stronger.Crush it before it becomes too strong.MM Joshi was doing a great service to nation by throwing reds out of educational institutes.These parasites breed there and produce more of their kind.If I had my way I would bomb JNU and AMU to dust.Thats where most of them come frm.

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N Deal The Real Facts
by Transformers on Sep 08, 2007 12:08 PM  Permalink 

How can a deal that is better than one that china got be a bad deal for India. Everyone knows the economic rise of china. Now this rise requires power. This deal gives us more than wot the chinese got and the chinese are known for the shrewdness with qwhich they protect their interests. Surely we have protected our interests better than the chinese. As per co operation with America is considered, wots wrong with that. U sure don wanna pursue a isolationist policy. If one has to be recognized as a global player thn one has to play global politics. Aliging with countries is one such global game to gain maximum from the current prevailing world conditions. What u suggest is we breakin relations with everyone and just become isolated from the rst of the world. And i dont understand ur fears of the whites. Even after 60 years of independence u have a fear Psychosis vis a vis the Whites and the US in particular. Even after 60 years u r nt confident abt ur freedom and the strength to keep that freedom. U still think u will be enslaved. tell me why dosn the Americans think India will capture the US and enslave the americans through this deal, thats bcoz they are strong and confident and very agressive. Same feelings should be here in us Indians.

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Commies Exposed
by Transformers on Sep 08, 2007 12:07 PM  Permalink 

Once again the Headless Chicken have been exposed. These hypocrites are protesting the so called capitalist west and for the protests the commies are using Brand New Luxurious VOLVO buses. What a joke. All the buses are Royal cruises version of the Luxury VOLVO buses complete with Air Condition and the commies are also carrying with them 1000's of bottles of mineral water while the poor in bengal and kerala have to drink filthy water. WHy dont they go on bullock carts to Vizag. These are the commies who make poor people more poor while they themselves adorn the luxury that the west develops. This VOLVO march to vizag is the biggest joke of the year.

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