Do some ''bawakoof'' gentlemen know that nobody needs BJP and its 130 MPs (11 have gone with corruption)?
by antiCongress antiBJP on Sep 06, 2007 10:21 AM Permalink | Hide replies
Do some "bawakoof" gentlemen know that nobody needs BJP and its 130 MPs (11 have gone with corruption)?
What is the secret behind such a hype over the Nuke agreement?
by Gautam nil on Sep 05, 2007 07:47 PM Permalink | Hide replies
1) Though, I am a staunch admirer of Indian National Congress for decades now on account of its true commitment to its rich policies purely based upon healthy philosophy of people oriented programmes on its agenda, I am terribly disappointed at its present anti %u2013 people tendencies! 2)Yes, power crisis is a pressing issue! Though nuke energy is one of the conventional forms, we should not be carried away by certain emotional fascinations over the said modern civilization as seen by the west! Only present illusions over such modern fascinations as sponsored by the west are responsible for the present steady downward trend in our nation! West may be delighted over filling up of funds by the said nonsensical %u201Cgrowth%u201D! Is a nation filled with foreign reserves but in great chaos every where with steady rise in violence, crime, heavy corruption, fresh scams of crores daily massive starvation deaths in rural areas, costly and over delayed judicial system, denial of the basic needs to a large majority of the people, terrorist activities and totally failed administration a %u201Cgrown%u201D nation? What a fallacy in such western thoughts imported by so called modern leaders!
What is the secret behind such a hype over the Nuke agreement?
by Gautam nil on Sep 05, 2007 07:46 PM Permalink | Hide replies
3) Let us start having confidence over our own wisdom and intelligence as we are none less to the western wisdom! The west, though have resources, are totally bankrupt in intellectual world! They bring eminent luminaries from outside U.S. by paying heavily , and who are responsible for their progress! Late Dr. Einstein and latest Dr. Von Braun who was the designer of first successful space rockets, Jupiter %u2013 C and Vanguard of U.S. were Germans. Japanese, Chinese and Indians etc., are primary contributors in U.S. to day for their advancement in various fields! Let us go as per our own priorities as per the demands of our population! Nuke energy is highly risky as seen in the case of the bombings of U.S. in Nagasaki and Hiroshima cannot be forgotten still due to heavy losses of people and the after math ill effects!
What is the secret behind such a hype over the Nuke agreement?
by Gautam nil on Sep 05, 2007 07:45 PM Permalink | Hide replies
4) Why government is not pushing through massive expansion of hydro-electric power generations to tap 90% of water wasted into seas? Why wind mills and solar energy equipments net works are not initiated in the rural network for rural power and rural employment etc., More knowledgeable, efficient and younger engineers are not recruited urgently for the purpose as present engineers perhaps don%u2019t want to work hard when they earn sitting in A/C cabins? Why R&D for early utilization of Thorium, abundantly available in Kerala for the power generation through feeder reactors are not pushed through with all necessary urgent massive efforts as we have Thorium for such reactors adequate for a period of 500 years , during when we need not depend upon any other Nation?
What is the secret behind such a hype over the Nuke agreement?
by Gautam nil on Sep 05, 2007 07:44 PM Permalink | Hide replies
5) Why only Nuke energy that is available with U.S. that destroys other nations after cunningly spying and collecting all necessary defence secrets under various false pretexts is necessary to us? ! When U.N. and entire world could not help destruction of other nations, can our Dr. Manmohasn Singh and Sonia be able to help a fresh independence in case U.S. plays a trick with us as was played by Britain with us centuries ago , which was turned out to be a costly struggle for several centuries? 6)Under the circumstances, every patriotic citizen of India should ensure this agreement is not signed, failing which we will be traitors to this Nation!
Who is this party without any freedom fighter to object ? Frustrated lot who thought in 2004 that INDIA is their personal property and ORDERED 3 BMW CUSTOM made just before election for useif they own PM'S OFFICE. I request them to keep themselves busy in changing the ENRTY & EXIT of the office and stop spreading superstistions and try to do some thing better than propagating self made lies. BJP is a MEGACORP oF illiterate half baked knowledge in half pants.Who teaches lathis for self defence in the era of LASER guided missiles and spread message that if you change your entry in the office you will become prime minister.Opposing nuclear deal is a great act of theirs as good as opposing VAT and delaying it for 1 year and again implementing in the sam form in their ruled states. THOOK KAR CHATNA SHAYAD ISI KO KAHATE HAIN. JAI BJP (BHARAT JALAO PARTY)
by wani bhardwaj on Sep 05, 2007 07:54 PM Permalink
STUDY THE HISTORY PROPERLY. WHERE IS THE INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS WHO ARE TELLING LOUDLY THAT THEY ARE THE ONLY PARTY WHO FOUGHT FOR THE FREEDOM:1) Indian National Congress is equally responsible for the division of our country, for getting power by hook or crook. 2) They are telling that they are Gandhian followers and supposed to implement Gandhian Principals and ideologies. But what they are following. Nobody can be a Gandhi follower simply wearing Silk Khadi Dress and Gandhi Topi (people who are putting tilak on forehead are not always a good god fearing man!) 3) They cheated Indian Public by taking tri color flag as their party's flag which is similar to the national flag. 4) Their party now is only concentrated to keep the family rule of fake Gandhi (they are now ashamed to use Nehru's name. Even after marriage of their daughters and sons, this fake name is everywhere and why: to mislead Indian Illiterated public who are loving our RashtraPita Mahatma Gandhi. 4) LASTLY, THIS PARTY WHO IS CLAIMING TO FOUGHT FOR INDIA'S FREEDOM NOW SIMPLY HANDED OVER THE ENTIRE PARTY TO A FOREIGNER?
Besides, all Indians must know how the Indian deal compares with the Chinese deal
Reading all the articles in tandem an ordinary unbiased Indian can arrive at the same conclusion what all the experts in India have been saying that the deal is good for the country.
5 consecutive slaps on on BJP's face (UP, VP, Presidential, Goa elections and Manmohan Singh's 123 agreement).
by antiCongress antiBJP on Sep 05, 2007 03:37 PM Permalink | Hide replies
5 consecutive slaps on on BJP's face (UP, VP, Presidential, Goa elections and Manmohan Singh's 123 agreement).
RE:5 consecutive slaps on on BJP's face (UP, VP, Presidential, Goa elections and Manmohan Singh's 123 agreement).
by wani bhardwaj on Sep 05, 2007 03:54 PM Permalink
RE:RE:5 consecutive slaps on on BJP's face (UP, VP, Presidential, Goa elections and Manmohan Singh's 123 agreement).
by my message on Sep 05, 2007 04:37 PM Permalink
Rightly said.
RE:5 consecutive slaps on on BJP's face (UP, VP, Presidential, Goa elections and Manmohan Singh's 123 agreement).
by SAM KIM on Sep 05, 2007 04:38 PM Permalink
The day BJP is removed out of political scene in the country, nation will go to dogs as congress in only interested to hang on to power and left has Chinese interest as their own interest.
RE:5 consecutive slaps on on BJP's face (UP, VP, Presidential, Goa elections and Manmohan Singh's 123 agreement).
by ramprasad on Sep 05, 2007 05:02 PM Permalink
let bjp kill two goats as sacrifice to god like the one done by nepal govt to come back to politics in india .now a days no one knows where this people are.
RE:5 consecutive slaps on on BJP's face (UP, VP, Presidential, Goa elections and Manmohan Singh's 123 agreement).
by iluvtaj on Sep 05, 2007 05:08 PM Permalink
DEAR without BJP our country will become like a hell, because of the policies of chinese party of India(CPI) and Congress
Left shows its guts even it has 61 MPs. A party is roaming here and there for money, which has more than 130 MPs.
by antiCongress antiBJP on Sep 05, 2007 03:36 PM Permalink | Hide replies
Left shows its guts even it has 61 MPs. A party is roaming here and there for money, which has more than 130 MPs.
NDA was a good friend of Bush Administration at their reign. After the implementation of Globalisation, experiment of 6 years, NDA has fallen to deep well. Their 70 sitting MPs are now roaming here and there. Then next PM Manmohan Singh and Chidambaram started their reforms with 'Human Face' (truth is that there is no dog face even).
RE:NDA was a good friend of Bush Administration
by wani bhardwaj on Sep 05, 2007 03:44 PM Permalink
Please put your comments on the subject. Don't dig up too much. Everyone has to tell a novel on every deal. But here we are discussing only on 123 agreement.