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by harassedhusband on Sep 05, 2007 09:49 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

In the event of divorce the child of a couple is taken away by the Mother. Divorced fathers always have to suffer the agony of losing their child. Cant our legal system look into the matter and provide shared parenting (50% each).

Shared parenting is now being followed in most of the countries but in India the single mothers do the legal abduction.After taking the kid the single mother will spread venom into the mind of innocient child to go against the father by telling baseless hatred stories about the child's father.

This is a reality and tears are rolling down my eyes while writing this matter.....

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by Dipak Chatterjee on Sep 06, 2007 12:21 AM  Permalink
Marriage is the worst mistake men do in their lives. It is a life long burden and sufferings for men in present biased legal system of India

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by Sheetal Kaur on Sep 06, 2007 06:18 AM  Permalink
then why are these men chasing girls, looking for girlfriends, raping girls, abducting girls why can' t they just stay away from girl. why do that always wish to be married if they can't handle the pressure they should stay single. at the point of marriage they are happy to accept as they will be able to get free sex, a maid to cook and wash and upkeep the house. at that particular time why don't they refuse the proposal of marriage.why don't the just stay single. Bloody Hippocrates Two faced Idiots ,kippers. two faced with no guts.

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by Swaati on Sep 05, 2007 11:37 PM  Permalink
Why dont tears roll down your eyes when your mothers spread venom in your minds against your wives and make their lives a living hell? Long live the Indian Judiciary and Indian Legal System.

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by sudip majumder on Sep 06, 2007 12:58 AM  Permalink
How do you know what went on before the divorce - it could be sheer greed - disrespect for family (2) - sheer supiorirty complex - could be extra marital affairs - or may be as simple as being incompatible; who knows. There could be thousands of resons apart from the one you mentioned behind a divorce! Whether you like it or not - in India there is no denying fact that in recent nuclear family it is typically a son's responsibility (if there is no other child) who takes care of the aging parents while wife providing the support. If wife happens to be the only child - then it is her responsibility to take care of her parents while husband providing the support. It is a metter between two adult people. The unfortunate fact is the child is being used as a bargain chip which had to be stopped if our country aspire to be a modern civilized country. I know of several close friends of mine who are going thru this mental torture - what the herm in 50:50 - why not agree to disagree and being respectful to each other though being divorced. Life moves on and a child does need both of them and that need not be together (though preferred). Child will learn to accept the changes. Again the key point is agree to disagree and be respectful in spite of difference of opinion if one wants their child to be groomed properly.

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by Sheetal Kaur on Sep 06, 2007 06:11 AM  Permalink
Mothers in laws in India are a nasty work of art, and should be exterminated.
No wonder so many women now want 5to live separately away from there in laws and rest of the family.

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by tips kn on Sep 06, 2007 10:24 AM  Permalink
U will also become ..that one NASTY Mother in law one day..then...ur dtr Inlaw will do the same..by admitting u in one of the mental Hospital.

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by Rajat on Sep 06, 2007 09:12 AM  Permalink
You know one wonderful thing... only Guy's mothers are nasty in-laws ! ! ! I wonder, why not girl's mother are not a nasty in-laws.
I can just say.. Women are mean compare to guys.

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by Dipak Chatterjee on Sep 06, 2007 12:25 AM  Permalink
How did you know his mother did such a thing??? Many divorces occur bcoz of the woman. I am sure from ur attitude that u are / will be making life of ur husband a hel, u will poison the mind of ur son and make the lives of his father and future wife miserable

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by JS on Sep 06, 2007 12:50 AM  Permalink
tears down roll down cause today's wives, especially ones like you, are so sadistic and gross minded, they are not worth paying attention to.

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by ramegowdareddyratinam on Sep 05, 2007 11:47 PM  Permalink
She just give some valuble tips to prevent her son's life being scrd up by immaturity, inexperience, gndu show ki of the wives and their parents.

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by JS on Sep 06, 2007 01:20 AM  Permalink
You are absolutely right...lot of today's women are very dirty minded and bad, and the legal system here supports their evil intentions...women are only after money...that is all they want. Look at even ministers like Renuka Chaudhary (a known man hater) and the sadistic ones in plenty in the NCW...there is no shortage of dirty women. What we brothers must start to do is to start demanding our rights politically and not vote for parties who don't consider giving importance to men's rights. That will be the only way to stop dirty women ministers like Renuka Chaudhary from forming one sided women centric laws. Lets ask for our rights politically, come to think of it, if men say they will not vote for a party who does not work for their rights, that party is going to be in crumbles. Today its politically correct for parties to support only women, we need to turn it around and make it politically correct for them to support men's issues as well.

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by Sheetal Kaur on Sep 06, 2007 06:21 AM  Permalink
AND MEN THEY ARE ROTTEN TO THE CORE. it is men who exploit women and not women exploiting men.every thing that happens to a women is a mans doing. it has been since the start of life on earth.

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by vijay kumar on Sep 06, 2007 09:37 AM  Permalink
Mother in laws can never be men, they ought to be women. If a mother spoils her son's mind, its the woman in her. So, dont blame men for what women do.

Please, i am not advocating all men to be fair. I only mean to say, dont be biased.

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by samudra blr on Sep 05, 2007 09:55 PM  Permalink
I understand your agony. I know most women(Single mothers) do this. Single mothers use child as a black mailing tool on their husbands/ex husband. Our legal system is more biased towards women. Women are not fighting for equality they are fighting for reservations, they are fighting for dominance ,they are fighting for favourism,they are fighting to hurt men emotionally.

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by verypoorguy on Sep 05, 2007 09:58 PM  Permalink
Yes I agree with you. Women are doing a legal torture on men.The laws meant to protect them are now being used on men to gain money ,custody, revengea etc etc... I hope the law makers are reading this review each and every law to make it gender equal.

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by ramegowdareddyratinam on Sep 05, 2007 11:39 PM  Permalink
Fight in the court against injustice happened to you. We need not accept everything Court says blindly.

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This is what happens to IT COUPLE. Both working No time towards child.
by samarame on Sep 05, 2007 09:48 PM  Permalink 

Child gone missing.Media crying to rescue for the missing IT child (in ap. approx 10 children are gone missing per day).In 99% cases kidnappers harm the child in fear of police. Thanks to this kidnappers they left him.

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Police is Lucky :-)
by Badarinath Wuntakal on Sep 05, 2007 09:45 PM  Permalink 

Eventhough the parents of the child are the lucky ones to get back their son safely, it is the police who is going to party as their time and efforts are saved and they got over the public and media wrath... Don't ever think of police investigation on this case anymore as they are going to thank the kidnappers if they meet them for making their work easier. India is dreaming of turning into the next global leader but is it possible with such small crimes still happening in broad daylights??

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BSNL to the rescue!!
by Samia Baig on Sep 05, 2007 08:38 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Kidnappers released the kid b'cos the landline phone was not working.. so they could not demand a ransom!! Hail BSNL.. they should be proud of their service

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RE:BSNL to the rescue!!
by samarame on Sep 05, 2007 09:45 PM  Permalink
i heard they are going towards kothagudem searching bsnl signal.is it true

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RE:BSNL to the rescue!!
by scorpion king on Sep 05, 2007 10:45 PM  Permalink
lol... BSNL saved a life at least.

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RE:BSNL to the rescue!!
by samudra blr on Sep 05, 2007 09:42 PM  Permalink
He he he he Ha ha ha ha...... Sarcastic comment on BSNL.

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RE:BSNL to the rescue!!
by vamsi krishna on Sep 05, 2007 08:51 PM  Permalink

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RE:BSNL to the rescue!!
by xman on Sep 05, 2007 09:21 PM  Permalink

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RE:BSNL to the rescue!!
by Nitesh S Shetty on Sep 05, 2007 11:26 PM  Permalink
Good one.....

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RE:RE:BSNL to the rescue!!
by subash chandra bose on Sep 05, 2007 11:14 PM  Permalink
Fantastic comment

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by chetan on Sep 05, 2007 08:05 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Now that your child is found, put up a reward on the kidnappers dead or alive, prefarably dead. Same amount of money they demanded from you or more. Do not leave these people alive, send a message across.

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by kanu kangal on Sep 05, 2007 09:08 PM  Permalink
johny cowardo,

What is the gaurantee they won't kill him otherwise. If there is a public retalliation at least criminal will think twice before commiting such crime. Well you need to see what happens when a pick pockets are caught in Bombay trains, if the police arrive on time they are lucky , other wise public beats them to death. Remember criminals are lazy cowards and scared of public at large.

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by Pankaj Daga on Sep 05, 2007 09:29 PM  Permalink
Yeah, when you kid gets kidnapped, maybe you can do it. Easy to say these things when it is not your loved ones at stake.

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by raj on Sep 05, 2007 09:44 PM  Permalink
I agree with you Pankaj. Looks like Chetan has no kids yet.. so his thinking is very "filmy". When he has kids, then he will know that all this filmy talk is cheap - not practial.

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by chetan on Sep 05, 2007 08:21 PM  Permalink
Shame on you, for being so soft on bad guys, what do you think law and order does makes people commit more crimes. Never be afraid of bad guys. They will only exist for being soft on them.

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by chetan on Sep 05, 2007 08:22 PM  Permalink
and also dead people don't speak forget about killing or kidnapping.

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by Tushar Sakhalkar on Sep 05, 2007 09:07 PM  Permalink
Can you please go to 10 Janpath and shout for letting bad guys like Sanjay Dutt, Salman, Amit Jogi, Quatrocchi free....?
Why shout at ordinary common man?

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by Decian on Sep 05, 2007 08:26 PM  Permalink
Chetan is right : But this job has to be done by Indian Govt or any Volunteers or Social Service Organization...!!!.Not mother of child.She or her husband is not in a position to take that risk.

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by on Sep 05, 2007 09:44 PM  Permalink
Chetan, Guess you are still single or may be do not yet have a child.. It is very easy being macho about someone else's problem

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by Paramesh Paramesh on Sep 05, 2007 07:55 PM  Permalink 

Every terrorist/kidnapper lives in a neighborhood of 'SOMEBODY' !!

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Nab the criminals soon...please.
by Swaati on Sep 05, 2007 07:54 PM  Permalink 

I personally know the family. Its such a shame that a little baby had to suffer just because his parents (both just in early 30s) have achieved success in their careers by sheer hard work and dedication. That too because some lousy sick & lazy criminals want to make easy and fast money.
The kidnappers should be nabbed at the earliest so that we are safe from at least 2-3 prowling criminals lurking in the corners waiting to grab little babies.

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