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mayavati needs all the support
by Pradip Parekh on Nov 01, 2007 06:14 AM  Permalink 

one wishes and hopes that cm mayavati is sincere in this mission of eradicating criminality. despite all the baggage she carries, for the moment it needs to be ignored because she has accomplished a very honorable task of getting rid of congress from u.p. mayavati now needs to investigate raul gandi's rape of sukanya as a matter of priority to put her anti-criminality program on a sound footing.

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Uttar se Uttam ki aur..
by bihari babu on Nov 01, 2007 06:04 AM  Permalink 

Uttar Pradesh can become Uttam pradesh only if it understand what can help. People's attitude is no. 1 thing. And it can be brought by spiritual guru. Like Sri Sri ravishankar is helping millions around the world. He must be supported by all. Peace & love does not come in society by just teaching. It come by meditation, contemplation, looking withing. And thats what Sri Sri, Baba Ramdeo, osho dhara, vipassana are doing. They help people look within, feel inner joy and be more energetic. If we want curruption, violance to reduce, there is no short cut. People must be made to look within and see for peace and love. Then automatically curruption, greed will reduce and more people with passion to serve, to make india strong nation will emerge.

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Proposed bill.
by atmaramchaudhary on Nov 01, 2007 05:13 AM  Permalink 

It,s a good effort,although much delayed.Let,s see.
Atmaram Meerut.

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by subhash sirur on Oct 31, 2007 11:11 PM  Permalink 

People coming to Mumbai from UttarPradesh for their livelihood,havegory talees to tell about the law and order situation in U.P.Samajwadi Party took goondaism to great heights.Not that other parties have lagged behind in that sphere.It would be interesting to see how Mayawati handles the issue knowing well her craving for money and ostentatious living.I hope she is serious about controlling crime.

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