Very possibly the cheesed off Joint Commissioner of Bombay Police is very right! To get some brownie points and some rewards some officers have let the things in the open. Terrorism has changed its face in India. Last year train bombers are not vagabond looking desperados but smart looking middle class educated ones who managed to get respectable accommodation in prime areas like Bandra etc. Even those who were caught did not break up easily with the police and police finally had to resort to truth serum test to make them speak; they are so well trained.
When terrorists are getting more sohisticated like this, would anyone expect to surface when all the TV channels beaming their sketches? They would have gone underground for a protracted time.
Perhaps that explains why the US did not get a second terror attack since 9/11 in 2001 and India having every now and then at the choice and time of even these small scale medium sophisticated terrorists.
by kassim Umbai on Oct 30, 2007 08:47 PM Permalink
In US.tererists are considerd just as terrorists regardless of religion and bring to the law and punish them with out any delay. But in India even supreme court convicted terrorists are not yet hanged. Appeasement for vote banks politics really worsened the life of comen people in India. No one could imagine in any other country's Prime Minister says like ours. He could not sleep when one terror suspect was arrested. The clear cut example of appeasement. He never had any sleepless nights thinking of the families before or after many indians killed or abducted. Even in Kasmir we can do fullstop for terrerism but we need leaders to rule this country with out appeasment considering all Indians lifes are valuable regardless of any religion.
by Harish on Oct 30, 2007 09:01 PM Permalink
our Indian Politicians are truly are Headless Chickens. Ha ha ha .........................................
by Vineit on Oct 30, 2007 08:44 PM Permalink
See politicians in US are not corrupted, but in india non-corrupt politicain is a rare specis.
by swamy on Oct 30, 2007 08:53 PM Permalink
Is Pakisthan a benchmark for India?? THis is like looking at the gutter behind your house and feeling good about yourself.
by HaiHai Sourav on Oct 30, 2007 09:05 PM Permalink
your mentality is is just like gutter inside your toiler SWAMY! we are talking about politicians in INDIA and PAKISTAN nothing beyond that! First read my post and then comment!
by nazim aga on Oct 30, 2007 09:05 PM Permalink
Vineit What makes you say politicians in US are not corrupt, just type corruption cases in United States of America in Google search. The reason we don't get to read much about them is because in India we have a free press and very good network of investigative journalism, which ensures that most of the cases are brought in publics eye. You will be surprised the amount of control the US armed forces and the White House have over the media, even the President when he answers the press he calls them out by name and only select few are allowed to attend the press briefings. No doubt our politicians are corrupt yet not all and they always have to fear the the Supreme Court.
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