Yes,Indians will come to their own conclusion.And the verdict is that this is a zero value-add deal for India.This is diverting India from the path of total and permanent nuke independence which is only 5-7 years away as Dr.Abdul Kalam clearly said.Indian scientists worked hard to develop the FBR and the thorium cycle successfully.None ever thought that India will successfully develop the FBR.Most nations have badly failed in developing this technology.But the maverick Indian scientists went one step further by developing the thorium conversion process too.That has sent alarm bells in the advanced nations and also within the IAEA.They are now wringing their hands and biting their nails praying that somehow India is ensnared and trapped in the 123 deal.This is their only hope of halting,then rolling back and eventually mothballing India's plans of the most most advanced and leading edge position in the global nuke commity.The Congress party,the most traiterous party next only to the communists are trying hard to enslave and subordinate India to US and the western nations.If at all some Indian scientists are acquiescing to the deal it is only due to the insults and exploitation by the politico-bureaucratic system in our country.They have been treated with utter contempt,besides facing isolation internationally.After the 123 deal Indian nuke scientists and engineers hope to be accepted and warmly welcomed abroad.They can then escape their exploitation.That is the sad truth.
now is the time for the BJP TO BE POSITIVE, AND HELP THE CONG PASS THE NUCLEAR DEAL WITH AMERICA, AND THROW MUD ON THE LOONY LEFT FACE! the left can organsie a bandh in west bengal and kerala after this deal is passed. and they can vilify modiji/advaniji/etc till their teeth fall off.
RE:nuclear deal
by raj on Oct 30, 2007 06:17 PM Permalink
sarfarosh, By the time we finish discussing there will be a new President in the White House. Things moves fast in those countries unlike our country. We have been discussing this for a long time. This become a joke. Only discussion should be how to hang these communsit traitors in the election. And they betrayed India. SAD TO SEE BJP SINNGING ALONG WITH THEM. THEY ARE NOT A ANTI-US , THEY ARE BEING SELFISH. THAT HURT THE NATION.
"The process in India works. Let them come to their own conclusion," he added" this is a good statement and respects Indians and Indian system. Let the pact/123 agreement etc., come to parliment and discussed at length. As on date every corner of this country has touched this subject.
RE:Nuclear deal, US hopefull
by Sahadevan KK on Oct 31, 2007 10:49 AM Permalink
American leaders showed the way of income in US Dollar. Conversion rate is 39 now! Leadership started to work with Manmohan Singh.