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Lack of leadership
by sssssssssssss sssssssssss on Oct 29, 2007 05:32 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Now a days Hindus are lacking of a real leader who can lead them in such a way that Shivaji did in past. If the same trend continues like this in India our Hindus will become minorities withing 10 years.

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RE:Lack of leadership
by Vikas on Oct 29, 2007 05:43 PM  Permalink
Jai Modi

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by on Oct 29, 2007 05:07 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

BJP has lost all its credibility or whatever little of it that was left, because of Nathuram Modi. The whole world is spitting on the party now becoz of one anti social rowdy, goonda, mass murderer. I was an ardent BJP supporter. But I now have no political party in mind at all. It seems that the Congress is the alternative for me now. The very fact that BJP bigwigs have not thrown out the mass murderer is enough for conscious people like me to abandon the party. Such meanial, low, cruel mass-murderers are still in BJP, and not even a word from the BJP leaders? What a shame!
------india unwire . com

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by Vikas on Oct 29, 2007 05:11 PM  Permalink
"If BJP lost credibility or whatever little of it that was left" - From ur words, it seems this is not a big loss - anyway very little was there, right ? Then whats the problem ?

Is Nathuram Modi ur father ? I have never heard about him.

Please dont support BJP. BJP don't need ur support. They hv enough support from normal people.

I think u have a great imagination to write such nonsense. Continue to shag with ur day-dreaming in the fools paradise.

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by shaaly habub on Oct 29, 2007 05:13 PM  Permalink
Well Said but i have no idea when the other supports of so called BJP will come to this Conclusion.

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by avi on Oct 29, 2007 05:25 PM  Permalink
What is wrong in my Message.
Why isent it was shown on board.
I have not used any wrong language, no abuse. May i used word "Koran" thats why it was blocked

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Governor has no authority to take personal decision
by Vikas on Oct 29, 2007 05:04 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Nowadays the Media is trying to mislead people by saying that the ball is in Governor's court, its Governor's decision etc..

It sounds like, as if Governor can ignore the claim of majority of MLA's, and can personally decide to make his cook/driver/peon as the next Chief Minister. Isn't it ridiculous ?

Its a trick by Congress, which have influenced the Media to survive & play its dirty tricks.

Supreme Court has made it so clear so many times that the majority of a govt can be proved only in the Assembly. Governor has no business in deciding whom to make Chief Minister, or deciding the validity of a govt. Governor just has to call the leader of largest party or coalition to form govt. That's all.

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What a Shame!!
by Tataghata Mukherjee on Oct 29, 2007 05:02 PM  Permalink 

BJP has lost whatever wee bit of credibility it had, because of Nathuram Modi. The whole world is spitting on the party now becoz of one anti social rowdy, goonda, mass murderer. I was an ardent BJP supporter. But I now have no political party in mind at all. It seems that the Congress is the alternative for me now. The very fact that BJP bigwigs have not thrown out the mass murderer is enough for conscious people like me to abandon the party. Such menial, low, cruel mass-murderers are still in BJP, and not even a word from the BJP leaders? What a shame!

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by Ashok S on Oct 29, 2007 04:57 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Whenever injustice prevails and virtue is taken over by vice, I will be born and I will destroy the unjust!

Dear Modi...Hindus need you at this hour!
Please be re-born again and again in every State of India and free India from the pests!

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by Mohan Kumar on Oct 29, 2007 05:03 PM  Permalink
Just answer me. Can a hindu not have a conscience? Can a Hindu not speak for justice and against injustice? If I do so, does it make me a muslim? As soon as I talk against Modi/injustice, people assume that I am a muslim. Has conscience died in Hinduism so much, that my brothers here cannot believe that a Hindu can be JUST and talk against Nathuram Modi, the butcher?

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by Naveen Babu on Oct 29, 2007 05:07 PM  Permalink
Why is your conscience half cooked?
You will never kill an ant as long as it never bothers you.... Hindus never killed any one as long as we were never harmed.

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by rexberry on Oct 29, 2007 05:38 PM  Permalink
How can ppl talk abt modi widout knowin anythin about gujarat.The progress in that state is just growing even the infrastructure is growin on rapid pace inspite of having a complete ban in alcohol in the whole state there is lot of foriegn investments happenin in that state...
ppl are not fools to elect modi again n again

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by ashok y on Oct 29, 2007 05:05 PM  Permalink
Modi is black spot on humanity...... he will take us to 100 years back.

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five steps to better job security
by krish on Oct 29, 2007 04:54 PM  Permalink 

Advice on how to get back on your feet after being laid off isnt just for those who have recently lost their jobs%u2014it can serve as protection if you ever do, and as anyone who has ever lost a job before knows, you can never play it too safe.

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Cant withstand
by Naveen Babu on Oct 29, 2007 04:50 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

If an illiterate does a mistake we can forgive but if a literate does the mistake then he or she is a nuisance to humankind..... Many literates cannot identity what is secular.... Worse is even Hindus support congress in the name of secular....
When a cartoon was drawn on Mohammud prophet by a Christian then whole Muslim community went on a rampage%u2026when Ram was talked bad by a politician then we spineless Hindus did nothing%u2026. Indians are known to be of low self esteem.. this is an example. If we Hindus ourselves consider of religion great then who will consider it ??????? I am not a worshipper of Ram but when some one says bad about him I cant withstand

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RE:Cant withstand
by ashok y on Oct 29, 2007 05:08 PM  Permalink
If relegious fundamentalism going to hamper our country development, our democracy, human rights and indias existence..... it is better to become a athiest

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RE:Cant withstand
by Naveen Babu on Oct 29, 2007 05:15 PM  Permalink
Ashok Why or y...Why are you on this earth... when you cant identify what is yours and others You are a perfect example for low self esteem.

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by Mohan Kumar on Oct 29, 2007 04:40 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

In the state-sponsored pogrom in Gujarat, thousands of people were killed and made refugees, hundreds of women and young girls were brutally raped and tortured, religious places of worship were defiled and destroyed, and property loss and damage ran to millions of dollars. These heinous crimes were not only committed under Gujarat Chief Minister Modi's watch, but also condoned by him. The Supreme Court of India has rebuked the State Government of Gujarat for its faulty and discriminatory handling of more than 2000 cases that were never even properly investigated let alone tried. The Gujarat State government under Mr. Modi continues to discriminate against Muslim and Christian minorities to this day.

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by Vikas on Oct 29, 2007 05:03 PM  Permalink
Utter bullsh1t. Congress provoked Muslims to burn train in Godhra. So Hindus retaliated. Whats wrong with that ?
Every action has opposite reaction - it may be much stronger than the action itself.
The 1000's of Muslims dead is nothing compared to the Millions of Hindus who were killed by Mulsim invaders.

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by Naveen Babu on Oct 29, 2007 04:48 PM  Permalink
I know you are Muslim with Hindu name...infact everybody here knows that...

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by Speaking Tree on Oct 29, 2007 04:56 PM  Permalink
Mr.Mohan kumar or whoever:
Please remmember, the hindus did not start a rampage. All of you convienently forget that the issue started with the muslims burning a train full of karsevaks. That is not a crime; right? muslims can burn, rape, pillage and murder and you idiot's keep quite and when hindus react to the gruesome murder of innocent women and children by muslims; Bas*ar*s like you develop speak secular.. Please try to go and settle in kashmir and see if the muslims allow you to.

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by Imran on Oct 29, 2007 05:01 PM  Permalink
Mr Tree ur logic for the Gujarat riots is very bad. Were those killed in the riots responsible for the Godhra train burning ??
In the riots only innocents and women and children were killed what crime did they do?

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by Naveen Babu on Oct 29, 2007 05:04 PM  Permalink
Sub Allaha ka marzi hai.... only minorities God has more power.

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by Mohan Kumar on Oct 29, 2007 04:59 PM  Permalink
You and guys like you are dumb and have a very low IQ. Any sane man will condemn any killing, but Gujarat moreso, becoz this was perpetrated by the devil Nathuram Modi, the CM, killing people who trusted him and cast their votes for him. Godhra was done by criminals and terrorists. Do you have the stuff in you to understand the DIFFERENCE?

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by Naveen Babu on Oct 29, 2007 05:03 PM  Permalink
Then first you condemn Godra killing and then you talk about post Godra... Muslims ka khoon khoon hai hindus ka khoon gutter the paani hai kya?

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by Mohan Kumar on Oct 29, 2007 04:58 PM  Permalink
A man without a conscience, or one who suppresses his inner voice at the expense of justice is worse than a prostitute

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by Ungli on Oct 29, 2007 05:07 PM  Permalink
hahaha....frustrated a55 dats xactly suits u.

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by Imran on Oct 29, 2007 04:51 PM  Permalink
Religion has blinded people so much that they cannot differentiate between evil and good now.The heinous acts of Modi have been unveiled to everyone but still people are supporting him wow it%u2019s a blot on humanity. Hope all religions die fast and people like modi are never born.

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by Naveen Babu on Oct 29, 2007 04:54 PM  Permalink
Why dont you say people like Mohammand should never be born again?

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by Ashok S on Oct 29, 2007 04:55 PM  Permalink
Why blame all religions just because one religion is bad?

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by Imran on Oct 29, 2007 04:59 PM  Permalink
Dude there is no religion on this planet which an educated and intelligent being can follow. All are myths and froemd by men.Religion is a handy tool for the politicians, terrorists and clergy to exploit people.

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by Mohan Kumar on Oct 29, 2007 04:51 PM  Permalink
Just answer me. Can a hindu not have a conscience? Can a Hindu not speak for justice and against injustice? If I do so, does it make me a muslim?

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by Ashok S on Oct 29, 2007 04:53 PM  Permalink
You are not a Hindu.
If you were a Hindu, you should be talking about what has been happening in Kashmir and all over the Country where Hindus are prosecuted.

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by Mohan Kumar on Oct 29, 2007 04:57 PM  Permalink
Ok, firstly, it is persecuted, not prosecuted. Secondly you and guys like you are dumb and have a very low IQ. Any sane man will condemn any killing, but Gujarat moreso, becoz this was perpetrated by the devil Nathuram Modi, the CM, killing people who trusted him and cast their votes for him. Kashmir has criminals and terrorists killing people, not elected CMs.

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by Ashok S on Oct 29, 2007 05:02 PM  Permalink
You do not know the meaning of prosecution???
Take a dictionary and find out!

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by Naveen Babu on Oct 29, 2007 04:57 PM  Permalink
People like you always belive in half cooked news.... this would never have happedned if Godra incident had not happened... why dont you blame this????? You will kill and ant when it bits you other wise you dont harm it. For every action there is an equal and opp. reaction.

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by Speaking Tree on Oct 29, 2007 04:46 PM  Permalink
so??? What's your point dude?
It's ok with you when congress massacares thousands of sikh's to take personal revenge i guess...
Hindus reaction agnaist muslim atrocities is state sponsored terrorism and killing of sikh's is just a regular reaction.
Few more like you will make the nation go to the dogs.

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by Mohan Kumar on Oct 29, 2007 04:48 PM  Permalink
So u appreciate such stray dogs like Nathram Modi's gruesome actions? Shemae on all of you who have the truth staring you in the eye, but you are blinded becoz you have killed your Conscience!

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by Vikas on Oct 29, 2007 04:55 PM  Permalink
Since u eat dogsh1t, When u talk, dogsh1t will come out of ur mouth..
Narendra Modi will be Primie Minister of India in future.

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by Mohan Kumar on Oct 29, 2007 05:35 PM  Permalink
Let him wriggle out of the court cases first! LOL! Nathuram Modi, PM? My ass!

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