He should have shown such guts in the interview by responding to the question in polite and responsible manner. Where all his guts shown during the riots have vanished? He will have guts only behind of mobs not alone. He must understand a the place of interview is not State assembly to walk out, but a place to repond to the representative of people. It was shamefull to him,BJP and his supporters.
RE:Gutless and shameless cheap minister
by Mahesh on Oct 22, 2007 04:44 PM Permalink
Ask somebody to go to Sonia Gandhi and ask pointed questions on her foreign origin in the lines of 1. You only high school education and why do you think you are qualified to lead a country like India. 2. Just because you married into Gandhi family you think you are qualifed to lecture on Mahatma Gandhi at UN? 3. Do you have any sensitivity on Hindu feelings? 4. What do you know about Indian heritage?...... on and on... See what happens to the interviewer.
RE:Gutless and shameless cheap minister
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 04:49 PM Permalink
those who salivate at the thought to some white leading india whould never do that.
RE:Gutless and shameless cheap minister
by sunil pradhan on Oct 22, 2007 04:31 PM Permalink
if same incident happend any congress leaders they already have named modi. atleast he is not taking personal name. i dont know why this people hate modi a perfect leader in his own. he can take indian to such height....a presperious nation. shame to this people
RE:Narendra Modi Won
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 04:29 PM Permalink
Karan Thapar is intellectually bankrupt journalist. His connections with Romila Thapar (actually family relation) have ensured that he survives in secularist media. He can anyday defeat any Arjun Singh....but he should always double check before taking on non-senile politicians.
RE:Narendra Modi Won
by chandra Bisht on Oct 22, 2007 04:21 PM Permalink
IBN has lost more than a crore due to modi's walk out they are now in aplogetic mood
RE:RE:Narendra Modi Won
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 05:09 PM Permalink
Check that out man ... IBN has got more hits on the website and more people started watching the program after Modi lost his nerver. He did not walk out ... he started mumbling something in Hindi and talking of dostana , friendship etc . Even after a glass of water , he could not regain his composure and Karan Thapar took pity on him and ended the charade.
RE:Narendra Modi Won
by vikas biyani on Oct 22, 2007 05:16 PM Permalink
and that 'Hindi' something u probably did not understand or did not care to listen.......
RE:Narendra Modi Won
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 05:41 PM Permalink
This has become the most viewed video on the website. You can download it using real player ( beta ) for viewing it several times
Indian English Language Media (ELM) acts as a political party for all intents and purpose. And its orientation too is very clear. Due to the fact that a lot of media is enjoying money from gulf and west based 'charities', its mission is to see the end of Hindus and Hindustan. That they will take care of BJP was promised by N. Ram and Shekhar Gupta to General Musharraf. The competition for the award of being the slimiest journalist in ELM scene is pretty harsh. If you think, Karan Thapar is obnoxious, probably you have not heared from Rajdeep Sardesai, or the ex-port editor who currently edits outlook.
RE:The Media is a party
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 04:15 PM Permalink
Ex-porn editor of Outlook is Vinod Mehta who was shown his place at BBC show.
RE:BJP can win national election
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 04:10 PM Permalink
the chap can't handle a reporter - let alone extremely articulate leaders of foreign countries. He maybe a Hridaya Samrath of Gujarat - the English speaking educated class outside Gujarat think he is a buffoon and a mass murderer. And it is this class which makes sure who rules the country and who does not. Even when BJP was in power in center - it was only the slightly secular BJP leaders who were allowed to function.
RE:BJP can win national election
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 04:18 PM Permalink
The same class used to think that manmoron singh is honest. Then one fine day manmohan singh declared with a straight face that RSS was responsible for 1984 riots (run and organised by great secularist congress leaders).
The same class in South Delhi kiched him hard for this, and our alleged pm lost the only lok sabha election he ever fought.
RE:RE:BJP can win national election
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 04:29 PM Permalink
We are talking of Modi and not Manmohan. Manmohan gets bricks as well as bouquets from the media and he takes it in his stride. And let me tell you - I don't think there are any professionally qualified person who even thinks of taking up a job in Gujarat. Gujarat as a state does not exist in the radar of educated people for employment like Gurgaon , Noida , Bombay , Bangalore , Chennai or Hyderabad are. Its nothing more than a regional office for most companies.
RE:BJP can win national election
by manoj thaker on Oct 22, 2007 04:47 PM Permalink
Dear Anurag! Here we are talking about a state and u r talking cities like mumbai, delhi etc. Go get a drink and then post! Ha ha!!!
RE:RE:RE:BJP can win national election
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 05:07 PM Permalink
Manmohan is the ultimate crook. We at least expect crookedness from Laloo or a Commie, but Manmohan speak lies while pretending to be honest, and knows that others expect him to be honest. To add icing on the cake, he is slave. His body languaeg is that of anatomically challanged person. His understanding of history is as good as most other congressis.
RE:RE:RE:BJP can win national election
by sanjeev chowdary on Oct 22, 2007 04:37 PM Permalink
then y it is regional office for most of the companies, coulkd you exlain?
RE:BJP can win national election
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 04:40 PM Permalink
Most companies have regional offices in every state including Bihar and Jharkhand. Nothing great to have a regional office as they are basically sales offices for selling in a particular area.
RE:RE:BJP can win national election
by vikas biyani on Oct 22, 2007 04:39 PM Permalink
For your information Mr High Class from English Speaking Educated from wherever, India is not made by people only from 'English Speaking Educated Class'. For sure u have a bias for the 'articulate leaders of foreign countries' and against the Indian middle class per se, but let me tell u 'WHO CARES'. India is not going to be run by handling the articulate leaders of foreign countries. A 'Hridaya Samrat' (what u have refered) is who has actually won the hearts of masses of people and not because of foolish antics of pseudo seculars present in Media nowadays who have no grass root knowledge of things.
RE:RE:RE:BJP can win national election
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 04:46 PM Permalink
ahaha - well for one thing - a PM has to handle extremely bright, articulate IAS officers of central services not state level promotee IAS/IPS officers. Only an educated guy like Manmohan or Chidambram or Narsimha Rao could handle them or someone with earthy brilliance like Laloo Yadav. Even Vajpayee who is a decently intelligent guy would use a Brajesh Mishra ( old friend ) to handle bureaucracy and manage media. Buffoons will have no way of even running the country let alone deal with external guys.
RE:BJP can win national election
by vikas biyani on Oct 22, 2007 04:54 PM Permalink
i am getting ur point of having good educated people in the governance but that does not give them natural right to govern, and again governance is not only about dealing with external guys, as a matter of fact ur articulate and well educated PM should first know how to handle internal guys (read left parties)
RE:RE:BJP can win national election
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 04:59 PM Permalink
Left parties are pathologically anti-American. Manmohan took a gamble to present it as a done deal. His gamble failed. Life has to move on. We take such risks everyday in our life if we have to do some good . Sometimes we fail , sometimes we succeed. Then we try again. That is what sensible people do.
RE:BJP can win national election
by vikas biyani on Oct 22, 2007 05:13 PM Permalink
Cut this crap of gamble..........and risks.........u r governing a country and not a casino. If u dont have the spine to stick to ur decisions (could have been good for country no doubt) then what u r doing is exactly the same what other (socalled rapists, morons) politicians are doing........and that is STICKING TO POWER AT ANY COST. Also check ur facts before saying the regional offices in the states thing and eductaed people in metro cities....India by the way is not only in these cities, come out of the mentality and accept the all-inclusiveness of the place where u are living. Gujarat for ur kind (I am not too sure abt that) information is one of the fastest growing state and that can't possible happen just because companies have regional offices there. That state is growing and thats it,facts are facts, be it not on the radar of educated (but not wise) people of metros or not.
RE:BJP can win national election
by manoj thaker on Oct 22, 2007 04:13 PM Permalink
English Speaking Class only posts massages like yours, discuss in drawing rooms and on news channels. they never votes. By the way how many times u have voted?
RE:BJP can win national election
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 04:22 PM Permalink
True. I don't even have an election card ... elections are a domain of people like you.
RE:BJP can win national election
by manoj thaker on Oct 22, 2007 04:31 PM Permalink
I guessed right! Thanks and congrats for honestly declaring you do not vote. dera Anurag, only voters decides who will rule and not any class!
RE:BJP can win national election
by sanjeev chowdary on Oct 22, 2007 04:35 PM Permalink
Yes, you dont have a point to make. then dont talk about political leaders and politics.
RE:RE:BJP can win national election
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 06:13 PM Permalink
Atal Bihari was not a Freedom fighter - check his role during quit India movement. He is not a directly a crook either compared to current lot of BJP guys but he needed crooks like Pramod Mahajan to survive....but he has been responsible for Hindutva movements like that in Ayodhya which was considered a criminal act and resulted in loss of lives. Atalji is otherwise quite OK and that is why he was allowed to become the PM of this country. The least tainted of the BJP lot. Otherwise you either belonged to a dynasty or be crooked in order to be elected.
And that is one reason why most people really don't mind Sonia Gandhi ... at least she does not have to be crooked to be elected.
RE:RE:BJP can win national election
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 04:56 PM Permalink
Jaa line me lag jaa and vote for your favorite crook or the rapist.... as you earlier said , people like manmohan do not have a chance to win in our democracy. True - why should I vote then ?
RE:RE:BJP can win national election
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 04:20 PM Permalink
Gujrat is not the secularist's heaven like Waste Bengal where democracy is implemented in 'One Man -One Vote -One Time' style.
RE:RE:RE:BJP can win national election
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 04:30 PM Permalink
What is your problem man ? The educated have as much disdain for Bengal politics as they have for what Modi stands for.
RE:BJP can win national election
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 04:45 PM Permalink
most of the self-proclaimed educated have been wrong frequently. currently they are seeing the demise of a spineless prime minister. The big problem with them is that they buy the stuff ELM peddle with closed eyes. Media afterall is a business, and a very political one. One has to chase money to understand most crimes. Indian ELM is guilty of treason.
RE:RE:RE:BJP can win national election
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 04:52 PM Permalink
I told you I am scared of travelling in a compartment which has people who cook food in stove and shout loud slogans. Will you not be scared ? and here you are like a madman talking of some secularist conspiracy to make it look as if it is not a safety hazard. C'mon man ...
RE:BJP can win national election
by milan on Oct 22, 2007 05:18 PM Permalink
People like Anurag Srivastava are shame on Hinduism. They are far away from the ground realities. 59 innocent men, women and children are burnt alive by Muslims in the compartment, which I have seen from my own eyes. If it was an accident, why nobody could jump off from 2 train bogies. Because the doors were tied from outside with wires by muslims. And Godhara riots was a reaction to this brutal incisent. Why you are not talking about burning of innocent Hindus. You people are nothing but " Secular Talibans".
How can you held a chief minister responsible for the people's reaction to burning of innocent hindus ? Modi controlled it nicely by deploying army in less than 48 hours in gujarat. and for your information, out of 700 died, 260 were hindus. And most of these hindus died of Police bullets. Meaning that, modi infact tried to prevent riots.
Let us see what happens in Gujarat election. Gujarat is number one in Child education, Dimond ind, texttiles, medicine, spare parts, per capita income , water management, health care and many more.
You Srivastava,is I guess from UP. and what is the status of UP in any of these field ???? ha ha ha , shame on you
RE:RE:BJP can win national election
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 05:32 PM Permalink
Well UP is not doing too badly despite its population . Come and see NOIDA and you will not go back to Gujarat.......
Gujarat's GDP looks high because of diamond cutting and large petro plants that Ambani has put up. It really does not have any hit-tech or services industry worth its name.
RE:BJP can win national election
by vikas biyani on Oct 22, 2007 06:32 PM Permalink
Dear Frnd. Taking nothing away from the highly skilled Indian IT Indystry......but want u to check few facts: Contribution of IT Industry to GDP 4.7% Direct Employement 1.23 mln people (around 1%). During Modi's administration, Gujarat registered a SDP growth rate of over 15%, the highest growth rate among all the states in India. India Today has awarded him the best chief minister twice in three years. RATAN TATA has quoted that Guajarat is the heaven for our bussiness and modi is encouraging INDIAN bussinees. Gujarat has reduced the fiscal deficit of the state exchequer by fifty percent and not had any overdraft in last 3 years. 1/6th of total investment in India is made in Gujarat on annual basis. 1/5th of total exports contributed from Gujarat. (something may be refleted by these facts as well even on a SYMBOLIC basis, I suppose) We cant have a country or society wherein development means some ultra developed cities on symbolic basis, or some industries on symbolic basis representing the new economy and few highly educated people symbolically representing the whole Public.
RE:BJP can win national election
by vikas biyani on Oct 22, 2007 05:42 PM Permalink
haha, thats funny, for u it seems UP is not beyond NOIDA, Haryana is not beyond Gurgaon, AP is not beyond Hyderabad.....and again silly excuses for high GDP growth rate of Gujarat. Hi-tech industry is only thing that increases the development, is it? Rest all industries, agriculture is useless.......right?
RE:BJP can win national election
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 05:52 PM Permalink
Not really - low tech industry does make the sethji very rich quickly and can cause a blip in the GDP for a short period of time. Hi Tech and services has a much better impact in bring prosperity level of a larger number of educated people. Big cities act as magnet for investment and employment and hence symbolic of growth. Agriculture is important in every state.
RE:RE:BJP can win national election
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 05:24 PM Permalink
You are a blot on Hindus milan. You do not have the courage to find the real culprits of Godhra so you go around killing people unconnected with that and call it natural reaction. No one has been caught for Godhra by Modi government and no one has been punished. THAT is a shame.
The "natural reaction" was a commercial act of people who wanted to loot shops and dominate business. You can't be so blind as to not see that.
RE:RE:RE:RE:BJP can win national election
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 05:09 PM Permalink
and what led you to think it was a stove ? Begum Teesta, even justified the Godhra murders.
RE:BJP can win national election
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 05:20 PM Permalink
Teesta is an idiot with a one point agenda. Look Sanjeev - minority appeasement has been the root cause of the rise of people like Modi but that does not mean that we start to support people like Modi. To an extent minority and caste politics is OK as part of overall democracy but someone like Teesta really gets into one's nerves. BUT how do you justify mass murder of people unconnected with train burnings just because they shared the same religion ? Would you want America to nuke your city if some Indian is a part of conspiracy in 911 or some such act in future ?
RE:BJP can win national election
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 04:48 PM Permalink
you seem to have bought the line peddled by secularists hook line and sinker. and you claim to call yourself educated :-(
If the fire was due to stove, why could not they jump out of stopped train ?
Hindus always felt safe travelling on trains unless some idiots start to cook food using stove in railway compartment and shout loud slogans.
RE:RE:RE:RE:BJP can win national election
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 04:39 PM Permalink
because so-called educated have boughtthe image of Modi which was made by his opponents. Even his worst detrators confess that his administration is brilliant and his popularity is huge. state VHP hate his guts, and actually opposes him on most matters.
The best part is he has delivered where it matters. Development. And after riots, claimed to be holocaust by some alleged prime minister, Hindus in state feel much safer to travel in trains. That is an improvement in safety and security if you know what happens in Mallapuram, West Bengal and places governed by secularist populists who have additionally failed on delivering development.
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:BJP can win national election
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 04:42 PM Permalink
Hindus always felt safe travelling on trains unless some idiots start to cook food using stove in railway compartment and shout loud slogans.
by walking out of interview modi has given a strong message to the media, that if they want his interview it will be on his condition, he knows the commercial value of his exclusive interview for a news channel, thats a smart move
RE:Modi has given a strong message
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 04:12 PM Permalink
Without a doubt he will win .... we saw how even middle class people in Ahmedabad looted the shops during the riots. Who else will these guys vote for ?
RE:Modi has given a strong message
by sanjeev chowdary on Oct 22, 2007 04:41 PM Permalink
if a reporter have the freedom of asking any question he wants, then the person who is giving answer to these questions also has freedom to walkout of interview.
Repoter doen;t mean that he is can ask anthing he wants!
RE:Modi has given a strong message
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 05:27 PM Permalink
He is free to walk out. No one put a gun on his to get interviewed by Karan Thapar. Modi knew what Karan Thapar is and thought he is smart enough to get the better of him as he is used to dealing with only dolts.
Except for die hard supporters of Modi - everyone who saw the interview felt real pity for Modi and that is not a good opinion for a person claiming to be a strongman.
RE:Modi gets the 'fire' and BJP gets the brickbats throughout India, according to they gave to the people of Gujarat; the Left gets mass support, what they gave to the people of Bengal for last 30 years.
by Sandip Dhara on Oct 22, 2007 04:11 PM Permalink
Assurance of utter frustration.
RE:Modi gets the 'fire' and BJP gets the brickbats throughout India, according to they gave to the people of Gujarat; the Left gets mass support, what they gave to the people of Bengal for last 30 years.
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 04:09 PM Permalink
Left has given mass unemployment, a Dhimmistan in West Bengal, a lot of infiltraters imnplementing their own way of life, and routine attacks on marriage parties of hindus in several places. Off course Police do not take cognizance of the crimes because victims are hindus and criminals are muslims and most of the time cpi-m members.
Commines are the reason that west bengal is now called WASTE bengal.
And, In Kerala they have implemented a monyorder economy sustained by Hawala.
Of course, leftist ignobles like Amartya Sen cannot see that.