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Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 06:20 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Why do you think Sonia declined to be PM ? She would have got questioned on these issues intensely and therefore she declined. As Congress President - it really does not matter. You got to be really smart to run this country. No one questions Manmohan on politics as that is not his domain and no one questions Sonia because she has no official position ... this is the right way because India's politics is too murky. Does that answer why media is not able to pin them ?
Now coming to the Hridaya Samrath who got deflated.

Modi's supporters make Modi look like "chalaa Murari hero banne" Jab hero banne ka samaye aayaa , to dum dabaa kar bhag gaya.

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RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 06:29 PM  Permalink
you seem to have no problem in having a prime minister who is not a politician :-(

Would you get your car serviced by someone who is not qualified to service a car ?
ManMoron does not have the BASIC requirement, i.e. understanding politics, to be prime minister.

And you are the one who is calling names to Modi, who is administratively brilliant, regularly wins elections and delivered development.

Your education is waste. probably it was delivered in JNU.

What next ?

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RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 06:36 PM  Permalink
In fact - I would think that the entire executive branch of the government should be non-political and run by experts including the PM. The politicians job is to legislate and not run the country - this will ensure that the best brains run every department.

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RE:RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 06:41 PM  Permalink
exectly, charity begins at home.
Next time there is some crime, do not expect police to handle it. get yourself examined by a plumber or electrician or a roadside loafer instead of doctor just in case you happen to have a headache.

Afterall, in your opinion it is not necessary to be a doctor to do doctor's job.

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RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 06:59 PM  Permalink
Sanjeev - exactly the point....you have repeated what I said. We may think Pakistan is a lousy country but those guys have been doing superbly on the economic front only because Mushy had the citibank executive become the PM ( and that chap is not even a Pakistani citizen ).

The need for success in today's environment is to have technocrats run the country. In China - most leaders are highly educated engineers and economists who know what they are doing and do the right things backed by the so called communist party. And here we have street side thugs with no education dreaming of becoming PMs.

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RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 07:24 PM  Permalink
....not by small time enterprenuers....like people who do electrolysis / small time castings / electroplating etc.........of which there r a lot in Gujarat......... >>>hooooh - now that is what you think is growing the GDP of Gujarat ?

My building has just 15 flats and we have a power generator installed which gives 100% power back up with which we run all our airconditioners and geysers as well simultaneously. And it does not cost us more than Rs 5 per KVA when use diesel. And coming to roads --- God help people in Bangalore and Bombay . These cities still produce huge chunk of India's GDP.

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RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by vikas biyani on Oct 22, 2007 07:45 PM  Permalink
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 07:24 PM
....not by small time enterprenuers....like people who do electrolysis / small time castings / electroplating etc.........of which there r a lot in Gujarat......... >>>hooooh - now that is what you think is growing the GDP of Gujarat ?
Let me give u some more facts SME sector%u2019s contribution to GDP has been increasing and is about 40% now. Today, 11.4 million SSI units provide employment to over 27.1 million people contribute 40% of the country%u2019s industrial production and 34% of the exports from the country and also produce more than 8000 products.
Even the SSI's alone contribute about 7% of India's GDP............don't discount them based on their small size.....

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RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 07:41 PM  Permalink
Bye Ashmit. I am already late for the gym .

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RE:RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 07:12 PM  Permalink
dear educated fellow. you contradict yourself too often. I do not want to involve myself in the circular (and self-defeating) logic you are propagating.

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RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by vikas biyani on Oct 22, 2007 07:37 PM  Permalink
....not by small time enterprenuers....like by Anurag" people who do electrolysis / small time castings / electroplating etc.........of which there r a lot in Gujarat......... >>>hooooh - now that is what you think is growing the GDP of Gujarat ? "
Are you completely crazy, now because u live in a building with a generator for lifting u up (anyways u seems to be completely lifted) that become the norm for each and every hook of the country, probably u need to really come out of ur plush Gurgaon (or Noida, or wherever)flat and see the realities. In 2004, SSI units production was more than 350000 crores and a direct employement of 275 lakhs people (which u don't consider in ur elite list), a figure which is much higher than 1% population engaged in IT industry. Please do not consider anything small (or middle class) as BAKWAS and non-descript..........a building stands not because of its rooftop or windows (which are seen by outsiders) but by the roots and pillars of the building which can't be seen from outside....

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RE:RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 07:08 PM  Permalink
Now you seem to be rooting for Non-National Prime Ministers too.
I knew you are capable of it.
Sorry to inform this, Pakistan's good fortune are not because of non-national PM, it is because of the billions, Musharraf bargained as a cost to supprting the war on jehadis.

USSR too followed your philosophy. The last president of USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev was an engineer. He presided over disintegration of his country. Chinese are getting there slowly because they are not very serious about the ideas you peddle. No country survives long if its rulers are ignorant of politics.

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RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 07:35 PM  Permalink
and ashmit ... small scale manufacturing is anyway history in this country. Things are being done on huge scale by the likes of Ambani. The small scale guys will not survive today. And these do not make a huge dent on the GDB growth. A huge plant by Reliance Industries or RPL makes the GDP growth you talk about.

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RE:RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 07:29 PM  Permalink
Sanjeev - Soviet Union collapsed because they took communism too seriously unlike the Chinese. who were practical people. Deng junked the politics of Mao. Gorbachov was a politician and the war in Afghanistan and arms race with US made the Russians backrupt. Their army collapsed and the military industrial complex ran out of resources.

Sanjeev - read some history and come to the forum. Don't make silly statements. And who says politics is not important ? It is important for policy making and laws and put pressure on executive to do the job well.

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RE:RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 23, 2007 09:25 AM  Permalink
Thanks Vikas. Since you are quoting stats - I assume they are right. A lot like CPI claiming 2 crore retailers in India will be out of job if Walmart comes to India. Like the macchiwala who delivers fish to my house, like the thelawala who barely ekes out a living after bribing the cops and the like. I would be interested in knowing more about these SMEs which are so dependent on state power which they gave up hope on decades ago.

And by the way - it takes at least 6-8 years for power plants and dams to come up and start producing electricity. So where does Modi come in ? I also don't know if Gujarat villages get 24 hours electricity - if so - we must thank CMs who ruled in 80s and early 90s.
India will plunge into darkness in next 30 years when the rivers run dry and use of coal is outlawed. Gujarat included unless Ambani (s) decides he is going to do something for his state.

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RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 06:49 PM  Permalink
Modi could not handle the holocaust in Ahmedabad and you call him administratively able ? India has been growing fast because of liberalisation and Gujjus have been forefront of Indian business to make use of these business opportunities. Giving credit to Modi is insulting the Gujarati businessman. These businessmen do not need Modi to grow.

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RE:RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 07:09 PM  Permalink
Now you are positivelyy talking nonsense. ManMoron style.
Immitation is best form of flattery.
"Modi could not handle the holocaust in Ahmedabad"

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RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by vikas biyani on Oct 22, 2007 07:04 PM  Permalink
right Anurag, for all good that happens , that happens automatically, and for all the bad things, lets point our fingers to one guy, make him the ultimate COMMUNAL BAKRA, right........?

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RE:RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 07:01 PM  Permalink
Roads are important but not that important to make such a difference to businesmen. Power is important but people can still have captive power plants which are cheap to operate. The point is that Gujju businessmen succeeded because of liberalisation and not because someone built roads for them. The IT sector succeeded with similar conditions.

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RE:RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by vikas biyani on Oct 22, 2007 07:12 PM  Permalink
btw, in the earlier comments, u said there is hardly any body interested in Gujarat in terms of investments, and only regional offices of company can't make it a growth and econmically sopund state, ..........now u r saying that in Gujarat businesses have done well because of their enterpreneur skills and liberalisation.
That is understandalble, might be a memory lapse.........
but on a serious note, no enterpreneur can thrive without the right atmosphere, right support, right infrastructure (u saying that businesses don't relaly need roads is highly irresponsible and illogical), and thats where the able (or disable and weak)leadershp makes a difference......if liberalsisation was the only key to development, why havent all the states done exceptionally well like Gujarat......come out of your biases and see the facts in their true light.....

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RE:RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by VIJAYA BUDDHIRAJU on Oct 22, 2007 09:33 PM  Permalink
Mr. Crazy Anurag,
There was no holocaust in Ahemedabad. Pick up a dictionary and read its meaning. The real holocaust has been Kashmir. If you and your wife and children are ok-it is fine have hundreds of thousands of Hindus losing everything. Great kindness of heart comes out with so called secularists like you-if a minority pet is hurt. Secularism means all are equal-not one set gets special treatment.

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RE:RE:RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 06:42 PM  Permalink
Meritocary is an advanced form of democracy.
What we have is called Kakistocracy. Rule of the WORST people. We have leaders who are criminals, and our prime minister does not know A B C of politics.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 06:44 PM  Permalink
It is a basic requirement of Kakistocracy to oppose good leaders. Hence the opposition to Modi.

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RE:RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 06:38 PM  Permalink
you seem to live in a la la land

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RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 06:43 PM  Permalink
This country took a new direction when Rajiv Gandhi got Montek , Chidambram, Pitroda and other professionals in key positions. The planning commission changed when he called them a "bunch of jokers" - OK Manmohan was upset as Manmohan was part of the planning commission but then subsequently he got a key role with Rajiv as well as with Narsimha Rao.

Its a reality that this country's progress is the result of liberalisation of just 4-6 professionals.

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RE:RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 06:52 PM  Permalink
Rajiv Gandhi was a pilot who got into politics - he was a professional not a politician. And Sonia Gandhi was just a housewife - and there is no more astute politician than Sonia Gandhi today. And who says Manmohan is at the top ? It is Sonia Gandhi who calls the shots - Manmohan implements. The person who runs the party sets the agenda.

And this country is running perfectly well today.

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RE:RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 06:49 PM  Permalink
Rajiv was apolitician. So was PVNR who liberalised the economy. Manmoron was just the baboo who would carry anyone's order.
Ultimately, a politician needs to be at top.
No country in its right mind chooses non-politicians for top executive postts.

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RE:RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 07:02 PM  Permalink
Ashmit - so you admit India is running well. Good. And now also believe that Gujarati businessmen are doing well because they are good and not because of Modi.

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RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Vijayalakshmi on Oct 22, 2007 08:14 PM  Permalink
The mercenary Media is not pinning them because most of these Media are owned by christists,who are actually promoting Sonia,to enable christianization of India.Those Indians who do not know this truth are living in a fool's paradise!

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RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 23, 2007 09:17 AM  Permalink
I just realised this was the longest chain of postings on Rediff without a single message reported for abuse.

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RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 06:33 PM  Permalink
Quite the truth - I have absolutely no problems with either Manmohan or Sonia. Manmohan knows what the right things are and Sonia can provide political back up to help him do his job. Manmohan screwed up big time with nuclear deal as he did not anticipate the left's anger and behaved as if he had a majority when they had just 150 seats in Lok Sabha......and that is why he gets only 8/10 from me on running this country. On other counts - the UPA government is rocking. You and I may think Sonia is a foreigner and it hurts our ego that people get power because they have inherited it .... every poll shows that Sonia is the most popular leader and Manmohan Singh seen as a decent , efficient PM doing a good job.

It does not matter if the cat is black or white as long as it kills the rat.

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RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 06:37 PM  Permalink
product of perverted education.

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RE:RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 07:04 PM  Permalink
Well - the maid can run the house but only fools keep jewelery and money in the house... there are banks for that. Shows your level of thinking.

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RE:RE:RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 22, 2007 07:39 PM  Permalink
Big deal about bofors. That was the best gun in the world and the army loved it. They kicked Pakistan's sorry ass using that. If some guys had commission in its purchase - big deal about that because that is how the system works.

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RE:Chalaa murari hero banne. Zero ban gayaa... Sonia , Manmohan , Modi and other mysteries
by vikas biyani on Oct 22, 2007 07:18 PM  Permalink
yes, and u go to bank every time u have to wear some jewellery, and buy something in cash
try to get to the point of what he is saying........

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The Modi Gambit
by Sanjeev Sharma on Oct 22, 2007 06:20 PM  Permalink 

BJP can win general elections and garner majority in parliament if MODI is projected a Chief Minister.

The sense of disgust of sickular brand of politics/crime practised in practically all of the country is very accute.

But BJP oldies are loathe to give up what could be their only chance at governance.

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Real facts of gujarat
by samir khokhar on Oct 22, 2007 06:19 PM  Permalink 

i am seeing for last few days that so many people specially journalists who are not from gujarat still wants to creaate godhra kand .when ever they think of gujarat they only thinks godhra.i am from gujarat and i am saying that godhra kand happened in 2002 february.after that gujarat has seen one assembly and one loksabha election.we have almost forgotten that thing..some media was claiming that patels are against modi.stupid they are.yesterday i was present in surat and i have seen rally of narendra modi of more than 2,00,000 people in surat and that was in patel heartland of surat.more than ninety personts were patels.this is a fact.but media believes only congress leaders statements.if you can come in gujarat then only you will find how much modi is loved in gujarat.

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RE:Modi Rules..........
by kpr on Oct 22, 2007 06:14 PM  Permalink
yes, you're right, this time, he will be screwed very hardly!

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RE:72 virgins
by Truth Seeker on Oct 22, 2007 05:57 PM  Permalink
Men rushed to the heaven so fast, there is an imbalance. Actually there are more virgin men and no women. So men don't have to go. People have outdated news. They need to be updated with the current news.

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RE:72 virgins
by Truth Seeker on Oct 22, 2007 06:12 PM  Permalink
That's outdated too. Did you check the published date??

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RE:Now all A to Z bollywood movie videos on ______UNWIREBOLLYWOOD.COM _____Watch / Download for FREE
by Truth Seeker on Oct 22, 2007 05:50 PM  Permalink
kya yaar. Tera site bahut baqwas hi. Adware se bara huwa hi. Rediff jaisa hi.

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by alok asolia on Oct 22, 2007 05:42 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

modi ji pls no more hypocracy.

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by Truth Seeker on Oct 22, 2007 05:44 PM  Permalink
Correct yourself first. You talk big and you have such a vulgar last name.

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by Ritu Singh on Oct 22, 2007 05:59 PM  Permalink
THIS WAS HILARIOUS...!!!!!!!!!!!

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by praveen on Oct 22, 2007 06:13 PM  Permalink
Probably Narender Modi is the most pressurized peron in last 5 years especially 2002-2003. The whole media targeted Left and Right Modi. But the great thing is that Mr. Modi could kept his nerves in Pressure and kept the developement moment going..

Akela Modi Bhari tha Pure Media in Hindustand Times Summit. The great media people like Rajdeep,Gupta were looking like Jokers and were literally DUMB.

Video at

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If possible, set me on fire: Modi to opponents
by kpr on Oct 22, 2007 05:36 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

this statement is not different than that of a street-rowdy. Yes, it's very much possible to burn him live, hope his own BJP ppl will do that very soon!

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RE:If possible, set me on fire: Modi to opponents
by Ritu Singh on Oct 22, 2007 05:45 PM  Permalink
You are an ignorant man..!!!!

I am sure you are an ill-informed man (thanks to the media which is doing an excellent job of tainting a good leader) who thinks Modi is evil...

KPR, believe me friend, Modi is not evil or anti-Muslim.... he is a good and fearless man who is strictly anti-terror and he will reply to terror factions even if it means loosing power... unlike power hungry Congress..!!!

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RE:If possible, set me on fire: Modi to opponents
by Topno on Oct 22, 2007 05:43 PM  Permalink
May God make your words come true for those who stoped the Durga Puja in Jammu & Kashmir for last 20 years.

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RE:If possible, set me on fire: Modi to opponents
by Truth Seeker on Oct 22, 2007 05:38 PM  Permalink
Dil pe matle yaar

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Whether to look at the past or look at the future?
by Rehana Khan on Oct 22, 2007 05:32 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It is high time for the Muslims in Gujarat to stop the rhetoric of Modi being Murderer of Muslims. Let us not forget that misguided people from our community burnt alive the innocent people & triggered the Gujarat riots. Let us ignore this bloody past & look forward at the glorious future.
Accusing or abusing Modi is not going to help us but to give self satisfaction. Let us think of the nation first.

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RE:Whether to look at the past or look at the future?
by Imran on Oct 22, 2007 06:17 PM  Permalink
Dear Rehana a murderer is a murderer nobody can change that so stop supporting people like Modi. He should be tried in a criminal court .

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RE:Whether to look at the past or look at the future?
by Truth Seeker on Oct 22, 2007 06:45 PM  Permalink
Do you want any muslim murderers who take innocent lives to be tried too? Any names?

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RE:Whether to look at the past or look at the future?
by Ritu Singh on Oct 22, 2007 05:47 PM  Permalink
Rehana well said.... Its educated people like you who ensure that Muslims dont get smeared all over in ONE paint...

The key to muslims being misguided by terror factions in the name of religion is ONLY education... Give equal opportunity to Muslims and help them in getting their children the best education so that "religious fanatics" do not taint the minds of young muslims....

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RE:Whether to look at the past or look at the future?
by Truth Seeker on Oct 22, 2007 05:47 PM  Permalink
Nation first. Education second, so that begging for reservations like in Andhra Pradesh is not needed. After ruling India for so long how come so many are poor and need reservations to get well. That's a shame.

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RE:Whether to look at the past or look at the future?
by Rehana Khan on Oct 22, 2007 05:52 PM  Permalink
It is true India was ruled for many centuries by the Muslims, but they were invadors & India was never their motherland. People like myself belong to this soil & never ruled India. So how could we have become rich? But I don't prefer reservation for any comunity based on the religion & caste.

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RE:Whether to look at the past or look at the future?
by Truth Seeker on Oct 22, 2007 06:04 PM  Permalink
I guess one of the problems is with kids going to Urdu medium schools. It's better if they go to English medium schools with Urdu as one subject, and possibly Islamic History or other related courses as electives. More marketable skills are needed.

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RE:Whether to look at the past or look at the future?
by sharminda sharminda on Oct 22, 2007 06:24 PM  Permalink
Who told you Muslims do not think about the nation ? Don't fall to the propaganda of extremist who calls Muslim areas as minipak. They have forgotten about muslim cooperation, support they recieved in all the wars India fought.

Why don't you preach this to Brahims ? Just go and see who the real traitors are, be it in defence, in politics .. etc ? Also, if the uppercaste has so much of love for country why can't they give thier daughters to Dalit brothers ? Is this not sufficent to prove that they are looking religion first. Also why BJP is filled with upper caste ?

Btw, Abdul Kalam is a muslim, the champion of India's missile technology. Narendra Modi for Muslim is like what Dawood for Hindus, simple. both of then should be brought to justice.

I doubt the patriotism of people like you who give explanation because you may not be supporting India with true heart.

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RE:Whether to look at the past or look at the future?
by sharminda sharminda on Oct 22, 2007 10:26 PM  Permalink
Yes, We can marry sheikh's daughters. Thats what the universal brotherhood Islam teaches. There are lot such cases happend. The reason we won't marry is VISA problem, people like you will start again crying like we are not Indians because we are marrying outsiders. Just see even Sonia has to prove her patriotism, so we don't want to put a lady from another country into problems.

Regarding Dawood and Abu Salem, all the allegations are noting but a propaganda by uppercaste to garner votes.

Btw, for us, Both Dawood and MOdi belongs to same category. Irony is that Modi is hero to you.

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