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Are u muslim ?
by jitu on Oct 14, 2007 09:18 PM  Permalink 

Are u muslim ?
if yes naatlive.com is just 4 u.

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No place for Indians..
by Kvins on Oct 14, 2007 05:55 PM  Permalink 

Pakistan .. a terrorist for heaven will remain the same for years.. we cannot expect anything from them...idiots..

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Get new computer only for Rs. 4500/-
by sunny on Oct 14, 2007 02:07 PM  Permalink 

Get new computer only for Rs. 4500/-
only @ poonacomputerhut.com

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by Bheja Try on Oct 14, 2007 11:25 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

the syro malabar church in kerala is using new ploy to convert. it will train its priests in indian scripture to convert more effectively by countering it. rome is financing the whole event and sonia gandhi is actively supporting it

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Why Govt / Investigating agencies are silent
by ASHOK on Oct 14, 2007 10:35 AM  Permalink 

Those responsible for destroying Vedio records should be named and nailed.

Why Govt is silent.

This would have exposed those coming to Dargah with ill intentions

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Are u muslim ?
by viraj on Oct 14, 2007 09:28 AM  Permalink 

Are u muslim ?
if yes naatlive.com is just 4 u.

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Any secular worship site is a target
by Gautam Sinha on Oct 14, 2007 08:28 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Ajmer Dargah is worshipped in by both Hindus and Muslims and thus an eye sore to the fundamentalists. Why do we even tolerate the folks who are fundamentalist spewing mentalities under the guise of freedon of speech? Get rid of the fundamentalists and all of us can live in peace.

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RE:Any secular worship site is a target
by deep dar on Oct 14, 2007 09:26 AM  Permalink
Taking your point further, why do we vote for people who remove anti-terror laws and deliver lectures on "secularism", "Mumbai spirit" when terrorists kill people??

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