by Manjula A on Oct 11, 2007 11:30 AM Permalink
Violence anywhere is threat everywhere. Let us pray instead that these fools start getting some brain and reform themselves. These people, ethnically being much similar to the Indians of today, do have a good potential. But, being brainwashed by the whites and Arabs, they have turned complete fools. If they had wanted so, they could have lived peacefully with us. But God only knows when they will start using their own brains.
by Vijay urf Teesmar Khan on Oct 11, 2007 11:33 AM Permalink
First of al they do not want to live peacefully, otherwise there would be no partition of India. They could live here with Hindus and other communities as they had done during Mughal and other rules. But they did not want to live here when Hindus are in power. That is why they demanded Pakistan. Their inner hatred towards Hindus is paying them now. They actually deserve it.
by Vijay urf Teesmar Khan on Oct 11, 2007 11:19 AM Permalink
Yes. Islam is a religion of PEACE, so its slogan is "Maro and Maaro". If they follow this teaching completely, there will definitely be peace on the earth.
RE:Old saying proves right
by Manjula A on Oct 11, 2007 11:16 AM Permalink
Pakistan was created by the Britishers (by brainwashing Mohammed Ali Jinnah and even the likes of Kavi Iqbal) with a specific purpose. The western world always knew that India has always had a great potential, which has been kept down by one means or the other. Now the United States and China are both using that superfluos, so called State, for their own ends. Pakistan, is, till date, only a puppet. They have no brains of their own. Why would the Chinese or the Americans bother about Pakistani lives. God knows how long this will continue. We will have to tolerate these fools for a very long time.
RE:Old saying proves right
by Pradip Parekh on Oct 11, 2007 12:41 PM Permalink
a good post, but i must make a technical point. jinna was not brainwashed. all msulims are fully aware the political nature of islam which wants to convert kafirs' land into dar-ul-islam by hook or crook. jinna actually boasted that "pakistan was created the day first hindu was converted to islam". if muslims get brainwashed, it is done by their mullas who catch them early in life for a lifetime control.
RE:Old saying proves right
by Manjula A on Oct 11, 2007 03:27 PM Permalink
Jinnah, initially was a strong believer of the theory that Hindus and Muslims should live together and that demand for Pakistan was bad. He was a member of the Indian National Congress and advocated all its policies including Hindu-Muslim unity for a very long time. At some point of time, he felt sidelined by Mahatma Gandhi, tried to fight back and failed. He grew jealous of Gandhiji's wide popularity. And somewhere in the 1930's he left for Britain with an intention never to return. But unfortunately, return he did, after a few years. The first few words he uttered on reaching, were about the creation of Pakistan. This is well documented in history.
RE:The only reason is Islam
by GN on Oct 11, 2007 11:11 AM Permalink
ISLAM - as thought by prophet not remained as it was created.
The messengers were not even allowed to rise their voice against others. Later they are allowed to Self Defence (Jihad). Which was clearly meant for protecting themself if somebody attack. The current scenrio is the religious selfish brains mis-interpreted the rules and regulation for their own benefits.
ISLAM now moving towards a stage of crisis in the hands of Mad Islamic religious Mullas, as it happened with Hinduism in the hands of Brahmins.
RE:The only reason is Islam
by ravikiran on Oct 11, 2007 11:22 AM Permalink
Brahmins did not kill or did suicide bombing.Some of the greatest philosophical thoughts and ideas to humanity came from Brahmins. Do not compare mad mullas to civilized Brahmins
RE:The only reason is Islam
by tunak on Oct 11, 2007 11:27 AM Permalink
I think if Prophet mohammed would be here !! and see what his followers r doing,definately he will suicide.
The Waziristan(s) in pakland is territory where the pak govt have no control over it. Local tribal(mhapia) heads whom business is heroine harvesting, trafficking, arms manufacturing and again smuggling them to illegal and other world terrorist groups is their business. Again it is shelter for Al-Qaida like phsyco terror groups. Such a heavenly hell life there. No law! No control. Think for it!
But now the pak govt bze of US pressure is getting into the region and so facing this dealy situation. It is one another headache for pakistan like of Baloch. Better pakistan can free that region to run as a independent country so that world nations (US) can st the way act over it to make it Iraq-2.
RE:RE:RE:The Waziristan(s) of pakland
by The Lion on Oct 11, 2007 11:06 AM Permalink
Sylvester Stallone RAMBO series were made also based on this Waziristan region along with Afgan.