I just dont understand the mentality of creators of Pakistan (Jinnah for eg.) first they go about creating a state based on religious hatred, and then they include these tribal areas over which they have no control. If they couldnt control these areas why did they get them in the first place ? Everything about Pakistan including its origin is illogical and beats all common sense.
RE:Wasnt Pakistan aware of problems in tribal areas during partition ?
by dddelhi on Oct 11, 2007 01:18 PM Permalink
are rambo kahan hai bhai.... mita de in logo ka naam duniya kee jameen se
RE:Wasnt Pakistan aware of problems in tribal areas during partition ?
by Manjula A on Oct 11, 2007 03:20 PM Permalink
People of North west frontier province had opted to join India at the time of Independence. But our failed to the province as a Part of India. If that had been done, a good lesson could have been taught to Pakistan.
RE:Wasnt Pakistan aware of problems in tribal areas during partition ?
by Seeker on Oct 11, 2007 02:01 PM Permalink
once again an example of lifting quranic verses out of context to spread venom and hatred among hindus and muslims in india
RE:Wasnt Pakistan aware of problems in tribal areas during partition ?
by Santhosh on Oct 11, 2007 03:12 PM Permalink
entire quran is out of context in this world
RE:RE:Wasnt Pakistan aware of problems in tribal areas during partition ?
by tunak on Oct 11, 2007 02:52 PM Permalink
I am sorry for that but some body has misrepresentation of idiols.. Myth is myth...
RE:Wasnt Pakistan aware of problems in tribal areas during partition ?
by tunak on Oct 11, 2007 02:51 PM Permalink
Ok!! I will read from of the well read books who had read books with having lot of read books.......LoL..
RE:Y abuse
by Seeker on Oct 11, 2007 01:43 PM Permalink
this guy is very touchy abt his comments being reported as abuse. theres nuthin wrong with posting the verses. what is wrong is that the verses being quoted as out of context so that they inspire hatred. i guess he is out to pour more hatred among hindus and muslims. most probably a pakistani who sees that he is not being successful in inciting hatred in india. my suggestion to all u guys who want peace and prosperity.... nip such problems in the bud by stopping such people from posting stupid irrelevant comments. Jai Hind
RE:Y abuse
by Imran on Oct 11, 2007 01:48 PM Permalink
Well if u call the verses from the quran as stupid and irreleant what can i say I accept ur conclusion
RE:Y abuse
by Seeker on Oct 11, 2007 02:08 PM Permalink
Quran is a divine book which muslims consider as their guidance. since u cant read and understand english (forget arabic) i'll explain again i said ur comments were stupid and irrelevant and u r trying to get some verses selectively out of context to increase the hatred among us peaceloving people. since u r so 'enlightened' to have seen the truth please follow ur path and not be concerned how we muslims conduct our life with peaceful co-existence among our hindu/christian/other brethen. Those needing guidance from u will contact u. we believe all our religions are strong enough that we can tide over the current violent people and peace will prevail. pls dont make matters difficult for peace loving people. if u cant solve the problem at least let us try to solve it. standing on the sidelines and passing comments is very easy.
RE:RE:Y abuse
by Mahendra Patel on Oct 13, 2007 08:42 AM Permalink
Well said brother,SEEKER, LOVE your Sane thinking, YOU are true INDIAN, Mother INDIA is PROUD OF YOU and ALL WHO ARE IN SAME WAVELENGTH
To Other Commenter who is preaching Hate, here is what I have to say-,That will make you ZOMBIE,not LIVING entity, GOOD LUCK TO YOU, Don't enter in that zone.Religion if it is TRUE, TEACH WISDOM ,SANE MIND RIGHTEOUS LIVING.
What you are entering into is TOTALLY REVERSE of what religion stand for regardles of label we use SUCH as hindu,Muslim,Christian, Jain etc.
BUT if you practice RELIGION of HATE than , 15% of MUSLIM in INDIA will get fedup with it and go back to their forefathers religion. LOOK Last several BOMBINGS were on MULSLIM RELIGIOUS WORSHIP PLACES-BY MUSLIM of AGENT of ISI supported extremist through Bangladesh, that's shame on them,they thought this will creat disharmoney between Hindus and Muslim, Reverse is happening, I will Stand by my MUSLIM brother in time of need. One day these extremist will say INDIAN MUSLIM are not Real Muslim?
How would INDIAN MUslim Respond to that? by the way all INDIAN POLITICAL PARTIES are equally bad, they are doing what Terrorist are doing for Votes, TStay away from their enticement, or better tell them on their face, Don't INVOKE religion in POLITICS.
RE:Y abuse
by tunak on Oct 11, 2007 12:29 PM Permalink
Any organized religion with political aspirations is most ugly and disastrous thing for the humanity. And I feel Islam is nothing if it is not a political religion, and so are all those religions which have a certiude of monopoly over the God, a conviction that my God is the only God, my Book is the only Book, my Prophet is the only final Prophet, my religion is the only religion and rest all are devil worshippers, Jahils on the express shuttle to hell. Imposition of Sharia even in the mildest form, and any desire (as one anonymous commentrator has expressed) means just that, non Muslims should have no political rights, they have no other alternatives but to accept to Muslim's conviction that there law should be the law of the land, they should give up all their ideas about any other form of governance, however rational it may be. THere is no compormise, there is no power sharing, and all the separatist movements, Shia Sunni war in Iraq, is the outcome of just that.
RE:RE:Y abuse
by Mahendra Patel on Oct 13, 2007 08:24 AM Permalink
That will make you ZOMBIE,not LIVING entity, GOOD LUCK TO YOU, Don't enter in that zone.
What you are entering into is TOTALLY REVERSE OF IT.
RE:Y abuse
by Imran on Oct 11, 2007 12:32 PM Permalink
Well said Tunak, organized religion is a tool to exploit the people by the clergy, politicans and terrorists.
RE:Y abuse
by The Dude on Oct 11, 2007 12:15 PM Permalink
What you are doing is pasting selected verses to spread hatred. Its hate mongers like you that spoil our country.
RE:Y abuse
by ALIYAR HUSSAIN on Oct 11, 2007 12:30 PM Permalink
Don't worry nothing will happen, US will help Pakistan to destroy the terrorist. After sometime even it will help India. And again we will fight for Freedom from US and we are going to get one more Father of our Nation (Then say Mere do do baap)