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But China and Pakistan is using CPIM and CPI
by Samir V on Oct 10, 2007 11:36 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

But China and Pakistan is using CPIM and CPI for stopping and blocking this N deal.

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RE:But China and Pakistan is using CPIM and CPI
by YouthForEquality on Oct 10, 2007 12:09 PM  Permalink
Are you sure china is using our communist leaders?? I do not think so yaar..Out communists are confused lot..they do not know what will be benefit us..and their ego problems that's all..

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RE:But China and Pakistan is using CPIM and CPI
by Amit Arora on Oct 10, 2007 11:58 AM  Permalink
Communist is stopping and blocking this N deal because.
China is already become a Nuclear Superpower & Global power.
China is now world 3rd largest Economy after US& Japan and it will become biggest economy in the world by 2020 only.
China GDP is about three times larger than India, and its exports are eight times larger. China $4,800bn in savings dwarfs India $215bn.
China has $1,400bn of foreign exchange reserves, India has $221bn

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Will help India get some N-deal steps cleared: US
by babu on Oct 10, 2007 11:30 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

USA is right, Before going forward on N-deal first India should resolved its internal politics playing by Left.
Left is now successful for delaying the N-deal.
Now it is a time for debate real issues in Parliament.
Communist Party wanted to avoid debates on major issues.
Major Issues in India.
1) How many jobs Communist Party has created for poor since they are in power.
2)How many poor become rich in West Bengal & Kerala.
3)How many industries closed after commies comes in power.
4)How much money is wasted after every agitation by communist.

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RE:Will help India get some N-deal steps cleared: US
by Vijayan on Oct 10, 2007 12:11 PM  Permalink
The Indian Left wants India to be slaves of China and Iran. Overthrow the Left.

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RE:Will help India get some N-deal steps cleared: US
by ashok y on Oct 10, 2007 12:42 PM  Permalink
stoppping nuclear deal will prevent Indian becoming slaves of america

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RE:Will help India get some N-deal steps cleared: US
by Madhu on Oct 10, 2007 01:50 PM  Permalink
Which is best? choose the correct answer...A) Become slaves of China & Iran without N-power B) Become slaves of USA with N-Power

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Be Indian - By Indian
by Raj Nair on Oct 10, 2007 11:14 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

We have all resources to create & generate & Regenerate Nuclear Energy, Better then making a deel with US, our scintist can work & produce the same... We have enough scientist manpower the US, we must understand Once US also worked hard to generate the same ... Dealing with US is we all bleady indians are servent of them, if it is not today tomorrow US will entertain us in the same manner


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RE:Be Indian - By Indian
by gaurav on Oct 10, 2007 11:23 AM  Permalink

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RE:Be Indian - By Indian
by raj on Oct 10, 2007 11:27 AM  Permalink
Yes, we should wait till next 60 years for our scientist to create & generate & Regenerate Nuclear Energy.

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RE:Be Indian - By Indian
by ravi h on Oct 10, 2007 12:29 PM  Permalink
Show your idiotic nationlistic RSS funda of "Swadeshi Jagaran Manch" to someone else. Irony is even BJP doesn't believe it in anymore. No point in re-inventing the wheel. It doesn't matter if a technology is indegeniously built or acquired. Its always a smart move to leverage on the something thats already developed.


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RE:Be Indian - By Indian
by Sahadevan KK on Oct 10, 2007 01:45 PM  Permalink
We will not allow to attack Iran and for fuelling your war planes.

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RE:Be Indian - By Indian
by Sreekanth Nemani on Oct 10, 2007 11:52 AM  Permalink
It is ot about scientists, it is about raw material. How much ever good scientist you are, india has no uranium resources so what can they do?

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RE:Be Indian - By Indian
by Vijayan on Oct 10, 2007 11:57 AM  Permalink
True, we have the resources, but without international help we cannot build on it. Essentially, our technology has been built on the Candu reactors given to us by Canada under the US led Atoms For Peace programme. Since the PNE of 1974, we have had to develop the technology on our own without international help. This has slowed down ur nuke tech development while the international tech has raced ahead. It is this gap which can be filled with US help. Even China has had to sign a deal with US for development of their nuke tech. Incidentally China is way behind us in civ nuke tech. They have only 12 reactors for our 22. But after signing the deal with US, they are building lots of nuke reactors and will be ahead of India in the next 5 yrs. It shud be noted that China has placed all its reactors under IAEA safeguards due to Australian pressure. This they did to get at Australian uranium deposits. If they have no problem to throw open their reactors why shud we have any. This is what the Indian Left has to explain. India is had a gud deal as we can still keep many of our military and fast breeder reactors out of reach of IAEA and US inspectors. Another fact is that we do not have enough uranium deposits to power our present and future reactors. By signing the deal we get to buy uranium frm other countries like Australia and Canada, thus saving our meager deposits for our military and fast breeder reactors. If we do not get to the foreign uranium in the next year our present rea

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RE:Be Indian - By Indian
by YouthForEquality on Oct 10, 2007 12:24 PM  Permalink
Vijayan, Small doubt..All our reactors are CANDU reactors?? Is Kalpakam,BABA all are candu reactors?? We have some Soviet reators as well right..

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why America is showing so much tolerance
by Prem Prakash on Oct 10, 2007 11:10 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Despite fighting between congress & communist over n-deal, government may fall out and may be possible mid term poll why America is showing so much tolerance and giving every possible support to solve the problem related to n-deal?

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RE:why America is showing so much tolerance
by Vijayan on Oct 10, 2007 12:04 PM  Permalink
The US desperately want to develop a counterbalance to China in Asia. They see India as the natural candidate. It us our national interest to toe the US line, as long as we are economically and militarily powerful, the US can never force us to do anything. There is no point in keeping the NAM ideals in a unipolar world. Even China is trying to please the US in all matters. Ppl respect power, so if we have power we will get the respect we deserve. The power is in economic and military development. The US is the leader in both. So to reach their level we have to go with them in the short term. Later once we have become their equal, we can do whatever we want. Even Russia has to listen to what the US is saying. Look how they stopped the cryogenic engine sale to India after US pressure.

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by manoo kaushal on Oct 10, 2007 10:47 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

To do business with USA is foolishness.

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by Vijayan on Oct 10, 2007 12:09 PM  Permalink
The Indian Left wants to keep us poor. This will help to save their vote bank. Only the poor and the so called intellectuals still vote for the Left. Lets not have the huge employment opportunity given to the poor by opening of retail, insurance etc. We shud always be a poor agricultural nation. Lets not privatise our loss making PSU's, so that the Left will have a solid vote bank in the pampered, inefficient unions.

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by chanakya maurya on Oct 10, 2007 11:02 AM  Permalink
It is not understood why the US is so eager about this 123.

Are they suggesting Bharatvarsh to let them (the condies and fondies) deal directly with the left who are pliable and buyable ?

What UPA is paying them in INR the condies and fondies would pay them (the left)the same amount several times over and that, too, in USD.

Remember that event in Singapore where the Secretary of State of the United States had offered to buy Dr Lee Quan Yu for a million bucks ?

The condi at that time was dean rusk !

And the doctor saheb produced dean's letter of offer in the press conference.

In any case, our leftoos are like paltoo kuttas, not like that Singaporean Doctor, whom the hats will be off spontaneously !

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by kshitij tumbde on Oct 10, 2007 11:08 AM  Permalink
Its a question of billions of dollars worth of trade. Once Indian implements the deal, they will execute their "real" plan

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by YouthForEquality on Oct 10, 2007 12:06 PM  Permalink
What will be their plan?? What can they do yaar..just do not use real plann stuff..Just tell what US can do if you we sign the deal with them..What a real plan Bullshit..

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Nuclear deal
by Jelly beans on Oct 10, 2007 10:46 AM  Permalink 

Commies hv been shown their place by the congress. Hope people show these traitors their place in the coming elections particularly in their strongholds viz. WB & Kerala. Hope people in these states show that much maturity.

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by Aditya Chandok on Oct 10, 2007 10:44 AM  Permalink 


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