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Shame on society
by Virgil Raju on Oct 06, 2007 12:53 PM  Permalink 

It is a shame that people sleepin on the road - the common man - is being attacked - the media should showcase this issue properly - not focus on big celebrities like Dhoni and Yuvraj winning twenty twenty against a second rate club side of pakistan (with no Shoib Aktar or Inzy or other heavy weights ) - or Sanjay Dutt launching books with PM;s blessings or Sonia 's blessings

Media - please wake up . Bring out the truth !!!!

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Police will name terroist behind this stone attack...
by Abs on Oct 06, 2007 12:45 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

After some small investigation politicians and police will name terroist after this deadly and unhuman attack which shock whole nation..... silly ppl of india will keep quite after hearing this actually Indians are used to yellow journalism, they believe what they hear and they don't wanna see the truth, they don't have any social resposibility, they just wanna look after thier community and thier family...in my opinion they are like illetrate being literate

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RE:RE:Police will name terroist behind this stone attack...
by nadia sani on Oct 06, 2007 03:14 PM  Permalink
Our educated are literate illiterates. You are correct about their being no social responsibilities, there is also no civi sense, just plain cruel indifference.

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Barbaric Act
by rajesh prajapati on Oct 06, 2007 12:38 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This is an absolutely shocking and shameful act in a so called civilised state of Maharashtra at a place called Lonavala where during the weekends thousands of 'civil' people from Mumbai and Pune come for a weekend. I have heard about such events in the BIMARU states, where again it is unexcusable but to happen in Maharashtra - so close to Mumbai - shocking and the guilty must be immediately caught and punished. Moreover, action should be taken that such events do not recur.

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RE:Barbaric Act
by nadia sani on Oct 06, 2007 03:16 PM  Permalink
Wonder where the Shiv Sena supporters are now? Strangely enough none have commented, they were so eager to praise and exalt Thackeray in another page. When it comes to reality everyone looks the other way. Too bad.

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Five stoned to death near Pune.
by Vipin Chandran on Oct 06, 2007 12:38 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Where are the human right activists who always run to the rescue of hardcore criminals & terrorists in the name of rights violation ?

Why are petty thieves (?) targeted when organised crime go on without anybody batting an eyelid ?

This society is highly corrupted and it is showing in the form of intolerance !

There is no doubt that this are getting out of hand.

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RE:Five stoned to death near Pune.
by nadia sani on Oct 06, 2007 03:37 PM  Permalink
Where are you? What are you doing other than criticising human rights activists?
You can punish but still be human about it.
Do you believe that you must be as cruel in your punishment as the criminals have been? What then is the difference between you and them?
Our civilisation is what makes us differnt from them. If we retailiate we end up doing what we have condemmed them for.

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by Palakkadan on Oct 06, 2007 12:33 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Even rediff did not give enough importance in publishing this Barbaric act.

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by salim salahuddin on Oct 06, 2007 12:37 PM  Permalink
Lets say that those attackers are from Pakistan, and Members of some JIHADI MOVEMENT.

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by apurva singh on Oct 06, 2007 04:31 PM  Permalink
go home mosie

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by vijay agrawal on Oct 06, 2007 12:44 PM  Permalink
Muslims like you don't deserve to stay in India,better go to Pakistan and stay with Sayed Salahuddin,he will treat you better.

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by Ravi Roy on Oct 06, 2007 01:01 PM  Permalink
And in pakstan thse same paki favoring indian muslims are treated as outsiders, muhazir...they are screwing already the POK muslims to much. Just send Salim kind of muslims there and ask them the end result after 10 months. Even leader of such muslims Dawood is regretting his association with Pakistan and is today ready to return back to India and close all his underworld activities! Jannat me reh rahe hain ye saale gaddar log..bhar jaa ke laat khate hain aur apne hi ghar me aag lagate hain..inke liye jannat nahi maiyyat honi chahiye.

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by ramaswamy prabu on Oct 06, 2007 01:08 PM  Permalink
In the recent past, I have seen any issue reported in this space soon degenerates into a debate of Hindus vs muslims.

Rediff please rein in the mode of publishing these opinions, before you become another red FM.

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by Lekha Menon on Oct 06, 2007 01:37 PM  Permalink
I totally agree with you. it is such a sense of deja vu... every bit of news, positive or negative, even if the facts are not clear, turns into a free for all among rediff viewers. sad. These guys have a wonderful ability to turn everything into a hindu-muslim issue. shows a lot about our maturity as a country.

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by nadia sani on Oct 06, 2007 03:19 PM  Permalink
Very true. We all agree about this. Unfortunately there are people both Hindus and Muslims who see every issue as though it is a competition to see who can insult the other the most.
As a result they damage their own country, so busy ot insult and so little vision to see the problems and tackle them in a united manner.

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Stoned to death
by Rajesh Kumar on Oct 06, 2007 12:28 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Our Dear Prime Minister was reffering in high level meeting about a similar incident asking the Director General of Bihar to take care of these kind of incidences. However it is a fact that the similar things had happened in the past in other parts of the country also. In a high level meeting only mentioning the name of Bihar speaks about the biased attitude of the Central Govt. which is hostile to an efficient Bihar Government because of obvious reasons.
Now the same thing has happened in a so called advanced and civilised state - where is the prime minister. Why he is mum. Again because of obvious reasons - the state is ruled by his own party. Shame ..................

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RE:Stoned to death
by kris ch on Oct 06, 2007 12:37 PM  Permalink
he can't say anything about minorities or else his government will come down. hence this mum. He knows well about the incident

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RE:Stoned to death
by Bhaskar kurien on Oct 06, 2007 12:43 PM  Permalink
Where in this entire episode is the mention of minorities?And,you want to drag them into this.Guys like you will never live in peace;nor will you be happy if someone else is happy.The world will be so much better without the likes of you.

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RE:Stoned to death
by Ravi Roy on Oct 06, 2007 01:08 PM  Permalink
Bhaskar he is correct in his telling. In Bhagalpur a criminal was beaten by public and by chance he was muslim. Within a day minority comision objected and reached Bihar against this act. Same NHRC did...he was a hardcore criminal. But he became so much important for PM that PM felt more to worry about this criminal who belonged a muslim community than people of Bihar! Why not he is taking the same interest in all those more gruesome acts and public lynching , total 30 in past one month, whose reporting in media is even missing? Is not it a double standard towards your own countrymen?
PM should not have cited example of Bihar and projected Bihar only as the place where such thing happen as he and his kind of media has made in fashion for negative publicity of the state...while more than Bihar more gruesome brutal acts occur in rest of India and Delhi itself where even 3 days back an innocent boy was killed by too scooterist in full public view, in a road rage and a lady was killed by bus driver just coz she protested her molesttion inside the bus! Why not media highlight such news for 10 days everywhere which better declines the falling civilization and morality of so called civilized society.

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RE:RE:Stoned to death
by Ravi Roy on Oct 06, 2007 01:10 PM  Permalink
This is the easiest way to defend your act. Today regionalism has become the biggest threat to the integrity of India. COme out of such mentality otherwise days are not far when you will be confined to your home only and world will be burning. This is absolute backwrd mentality which is pushing india back much ore than these criminals.

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It is barbaric act..
by gandhiji on Oct 06, 2007 12:25 PM  Permalink 

even if they are murder,Law of jungle doesnt allow any one to kill them the way they are done..

Great Tribute by Pune to Mahatma Gandhiji's birthday--

another advocate from satara filed fake case to get publcity on name of gandhiji!!
Yah I have heard this guy KVPatil MA,LLB@camproad.Satara is filig case agaist Mr MK Gandhi(Gandhiji) for post- humous Domestic Violence case usng Mr Gandhi's Autobiography" The Experiments with Truth" as an evidence as
Mr Gadnhi confessed of

1.Abusing Kasturba(Physically,emotnally and Econoimically) and

2.Depriving Mrs KaSturba Gandhi for sexual pleaseure!!!-(Forced Brahcharya on Her)!!!

Look as the insight of this Unscrupulos K.V.PATIL MA.LLB@camproad.

Satara when Noble Prize Committe regreetuing missing Gandhiji and here he is using DV Laws to get fake publicity!!!

What to say to Mr KVPatil MA,LLB and calling himslef as DVPatil(Domestic Violenece ATM PATIL!!)
Get him punished for insulting Mr Gandhi--father of the nation!!-a MAHA MANAV!!
Is this tribute MAHAMANV deserves? Punish This DV abuser for insulting father of the nation. HE IS TYPICAL QUOTA CRIMINAL WITH CHNAGED SURNAME!!.

Yahi Hai Jina to Phir Marna Kya hai?

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Jai Maharashtra !!!
by Avi on Oct 06, 2007 12:23 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Jai Maharashtra !!! We r proud of whatever we do ...

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RE:RE:Jai Maharashtra !!!
by nadia sani on Oct 06, 2007 03:23 PM  Permalink
Avi: Proud of what you do? Killing people innocent sleeping? Which disease do you suffer from? Congenital imbecillity or adult insanity?

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RE:Jai Maharashtra !!!
by Ravi Roy on Oct 06, 2007 01:13 PM  Permalink
Keep on doing Jai maharastra and go out of India Rastra! You people are behind the split of India and today are the biggest threat to Indian integrity in form of regionalism.
Nothing is wrong when your kind of people are beaten when go outside if state becuase a hateful heart can get only hate. And your kind itself define what kind of civilized society you people can define..of which even maharastra will feel ashamed. Ever Jai Maharastra jai tamil Jai Kaandiga Jai Punjab will be defaming and antinational act towards state as wella s country idiot.

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Public law !
by s kumar on Oct 06, 2007 12:18 PM  Permalink 

why this act is not used against corrupt politicians, rapists, mudererors, terrorists etc......

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Medieval Barbarism in 21st Century India?
by Jaime Yzaga on Oct 06, 2007 12:11 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Something unheard off man.Stoning to death here in India! I thought this kind of activities are legal only in few prehistoric socities and in some islamic countries such as Iran and Afghanistan.

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RE:Medieval Barbarism in 21st Century India?
by xq see on Oct 06, 2007 12:22 PM  Permalink
hei, how far behind india is, you think. we are pretty much closer. see the traffic in the city, the way people behave, the way elections are fought (well, we are still a bit behind, considering at least we have elections!), the way everything is manipulated and the way certain people get promoted for politics, business and elsewhere and everywhere...

soon we shall achieve goals of medieval age. long live india.

if we can justify police killing people, whoever that bugger was, a criminal or not, in encounter, this is not surprising. and you will see lots of support for such cases (havent you heard of lynching recently??).

dont be sad. thats what we aspire to be and we shall achieve it soon. till then...

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RE:Medieval Barbarism in 21st Century India?
by kris ch on Oct 06, 2007 12:18 PM  Permalink
Sure, when the names come out, you will know the persons who are hit and persons who killed all belong to islam only. No doubt about that.

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RE:RE:Medieval Barbarism in 21st Century India?
by Lekha Menon on Oct 06, 2007 12:21 PM  Permalink
oh really kris? y dont u join the police? ur predictions would definitely be useful to them.

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RE:Medieval Barbarism in 21st Century India?
by kris ch on Oct 06, 2007 12:29 PM  Permalink
Let me complete my story. When it is proved that all are muslims, RSS will come to picture. How? Muslims will stage dharna in front of RSS offices saying that there is a hand of RSS.
Now Madhur Bhandarkar are you here, canning a film.
It's India boss.

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RE:Medieval Barbarism in 21st Century India?
by Bhaskar kurien on Oct 06, 2007 12:46 PM  Permalink
This "kris" seems to be mentally deranged.Does not have the guts to even out his real name here.

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RE:Medieval Barbarism in 21st Century India?
by Mir Abdul Rahman Khan on Oct 06, 2007 01:06 PM  Permalink
You r perfectly right Lekha, now a days we r just blaming each other on religious basis & closing our eyes/ears from the truth.
We should speak truth because one day we have to back to The Almighty God.
Atleast u seems to be understanding with a open mind/big heart/well educated human being.
God bless u,


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RE:Medieval Barbarism in 21st Century India?
by hitesh sharma on Oct 06, 2007 12:21 PM  Permalink
no the killer must be Muslims on the victims

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RE:RE:Medieval Barbarism in 21st Century India?
by Old Monk on Oct 06, 2007 12:49 PM  Permalink
Cultish behaviour by follower of cult.

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