What shall i say to this Mass murderer,UN-democratic coup leader Che Guevara.He and his communism killed more than 100 million people and put billions of peoples in poverty.
Thank god USSR is no more Thank god communism is dying and Thank god Che Guevara is dead.
RE:Thank GOD he is dead
by cfhhhh dgdgg on Oct 05, 2007 10:07 PM Permalink
God isn't all powerful, otherwise terrorist orgs like RSS and VHP would be dead by now
RE:Thank GOD he is dead
by Jaffer Ali on Oct 06, 2007 11:11 AM Permalink
The same GOD made Muslims and the RSS/VHP is vanishing very fastly. Future generation will abandon this nefarious anti-national elements.
In the name of revolution, he had killed many people (500 is just for namesake). If he is alive, he would have been more threatening than Osama Bin laden. The naxalites and maoists which we see here in india and the world are his products combined with other bas-tards like mao, stalin. Remember Marxism killed more people in the world than hunger, disease or any world wars. In russia and china itself more than 50 million people died because of this menace. Our idio-t commies still take this mugheads photo everywhere and say kill more in the name of revolution. These commies are not inspired with our freedom fighters but they are ionspired with blood thirsty evkils like che, mao, stalin and others
RE:This Moron looks good in T-Shirts and Mugs
by jugibus caesar on Oct 05, 2007 10:00 PM Permalink
Dude...you need to know more about him before equating him to binladen or for that matter any other terror groups. Calling him a bloodthirsty character will be like calling subhash chandra bose and azad as terrorists. Which revolution was ever peaceful. Even the "peaceful" movements led by Mahatma resulted in a lot of death and despair. You can have your opinions, no doubt about that, but just don't be so narrow minded that you reject all other rationale thoughts!
RE:This Moron looks good in T-Shirts and Mugs
by Sahil Manekia on Oct 07, 2007 04:00 PM Permalink
So if killing innocents is okay with you, then what is the difference between Osama and Che according to you? Oh wait- Che was communist!
after killing him, the CIA had done a great mistake of parading his dead body before world media.....but his peaceful pose of his dead body resembled that of jesus christ after his crucification......this resemblance made che guevera to remembered even today......in some latin countries he is worshipped same as that of jesus christ........thats the greatness and mystery behind popularity of che guvera......
by Kishore on Oct 05, 2007 08:58 PM Permalink
He is your illegitimate father dumb Nut !!!!!!!! Try Learning about the world ,Don't make the same mistakes of the pre-British Era India
by Genghis Khan on Oct 05, 2007 09:55 PM Permalink
What shall i say to this Mass murderer,UN-democratic coup leader Che Guevara.He and his communism killed more than 100 million people and put billions of peoples in poverty.
Thank god USSR is no more Thank god communism is dying and Thank god Che Guevara is dead.
In the eternal fight between the haves and have-nots, the haves seem to have upper hand, all the time. Though there have been instances when the proletrait seem to have its just hands on the power, but have lost grip soon.... Perhaps man is too selfish a creature.... The attitude changes with situation and times.... Its sad that martyrs like Che and Bhagat Singh have become only fashion statements... Majority of the world population still lives in penury because CHEs and BHAGAT SINGHs have been cleverly eliminated, not just from the face of the world, but also from the minds of those, for whom such greats lais down their lives.... Long live the thoughts of Che and Bhagat !...Atleast the spark should remain alive... May be one day it becomes a bonfire !
RE:Che-- The revolutionary !
by shanoj s on Oct 05, 2007 07:55 PM Permalink
Rightly said.... Rarely one finds such amazing comments in Rediff. Keep going.....
RE:Che-- The revolutionary !
by Vishnu Sharma on Oct 09, 2007 04:50 AM Permalink
Keep Dreaming. I would rather Admire a Henry Ford or a Rudolf Diesel or an Edison than a pathetic person like Che. Communism is a big curse that has Blighted all man-kind and is being kept alive by some idiotic die-hards.