the problem is with the rigid conceptions of the anti-communists populated world applies to the then minoo masani and the present anti-communist junks.
the people of russia(after the great colapse)now still rever stalin and lenin.this is because they have uderstood the reality of cia-fed raw fodder. similarly people world over rever che becoz they know well the evil-headed designs of US-cia-backed imperialism which has/is killed and miamed millions of struggling people(starting from latin america-africa-indonesia(millions were butchered in indonesia by the cia goons)). even if che has been slain NO BODY CAN STOP THE COMMUNIST MOVEMENT BECAUSE IT TALKS ABOUT REALITY)
RE:RE: Che
by H N on Oct 07, 2007 06:38 AM Permalink
Yah commie it the reality, just visit china or cuba and see what is reality and what is altruistic crap.
RE:RE: Che
by Murali on Oct 07, 2007 12:31 PM Permalink
You can keep talking about the failure of communism and the "reality". Go see for youself what was left over in Bolivia by the croonies of CIA, after Che was murdered. You are presenting U.S as the saviour of the masses, which it was not. Communism is not altruism , but at the time Che died, it did serve its purpose to rebel against exploitation.
RE:RE: Che
by Sahil Manekia on Oct 07, 2007 03:54 PM Permalink
So who is saying America is flawless? They did a lot of things that they can't be proud of. But nobody goes around sporting the american flag and claiming that it is perfect- like they do for Che. Che's supporters treat him like a god, but do they know that Che- 1>Had innocents executed without a trial? 2> Made families watch while their loved were murdered by his thugs? 3> Had POWs maimed before he shot them? 4> Was so incompetent as the minister of economy that he was expelled from Cuba? 5> That had he actually created a communist world, millions more today would be living in poverty and degradation without any of their rights, just like Cuba? . No they don't
Che Guevara was born in a wealthy family. In order to discard his bourgeoisie background he had to identify more with the proletarians milling around. He was a mass murderer, a savage saddist, he died while pleading for his life, he clutched the legs of the CIA man who was to shoot him and begged him to spare his life. But then as good riddance he was shot and he died a gory death. And the civilized world felt relieved at the death of this deathly plague.
by Lally Lally on Oct 06, 2007 03:37 PM Permalink
These people like Raju Aiyer write history by sitting on beds in their homes. He writes with the authority of Romila Thapar (LOL) .... Dear Raju, what do u profess dear? .... Join any profession, but not of a history teacher, thats my request.... Yes, Che was a murderer; but that evil and bad things have to be eliminated. Che did what China is doing today... China executes 5000 people annually. And that is imperative, as unwanted and undesirable elements need to be annihilated, along with positive strides made forward... Those killed on orders of Che were rapists, looters and cruel money lenders..... And Che stands justified in his act. Mr. Raju also writes, "while pleading for his life, he clutched the legs of the CIA man who was to shoot him and begged him to spare his life." .... Ufff! Log bhi kya kya kahaniyan bun lete hain .... Dear, why dont u join fiction writing bandwagon? .... For ur kind information, the last words of Che were addressed to his shooter only, in which he said, "Coward! Shoot .... You are only going to kill a man (not his philosophy)." ...... Thell words ooze bravely and strength, not timidness, as has been wrongly quoted by you. Please dont post anything on net, if u r not aware of the facts.
by sanjeev dhiman on Oct 06, 2007 10:51 AM Permalink
your logic is the same one as propagated by the ghost of mccarthy and minoooo masani. the logic is as follows: if cia kills CHE it is okay, but if the bolsheviks kill the Tsar it is saadist. IF SOVIET UNION INTERVENES IN DR NAJIBULLAH RULED(COMMUNIST) AFGHANISTHAN THEN IT IS AGRESSION, BUT IF US-IMPERIALISM LED BUSH PLUNDERS AFGHNAISTHAN THEN IT IS A HUMINATARIAN ROLE.