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Che is dead and so is his ideology
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 07, 2007 04:21 PM  Permalink 

People are born with different levels of intelligence and capability - in every society that would be the distinguishing factor between haves and have nots. Communists Russia used to identify talent from childhood and those were marked for success and power. Capitalists system do it even better as only the bright survive as survival of the fittest is nature.
The nations will always be unequal as well - those nations with races that have superior IQ will be always rich and powerful and those that are not are destined to be poor and filthy forever. All this talk of third world is only to create a society of losers.
Read data below which will show reality.

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Che - The Revolutionary !
by Lally Lally on Oct 07, 2007 02:54 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

In the eternal fight between the haves and have-nots, the haves seem to have upper hand, all the time. Though there have been instances when the proletrait seem to have its just hands on the power, but have lost grip soon.... Perhaps man is too selfish a creature.... The attitude changes with situation and times.... Its sad that martyrs like Che and Bhagat Singh have become only fashion statements... Majority of the world population still lives in penury because CHEs and BHAGAT SINGHs have been cleverly eliminated, not just from the face of the world, but also from the minds of those, for whom such greats laid down their lives.... Long live the thoughts of Che and Bhagat !...Atleast the spark should remain alive... May be one day it becomes a bonfire !

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RE:Che - The Revolutionary !
by ameya kingaonkar on Oct 07, 2007 03:21 PM  Permalink
You can not compare Bhagatsingh with Che,bhagat is more than god to me, He would have never done things che did after getting power. One's character is not what he does when he has no power, but it is what he does when he has power.

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RE:RE:Che - The Revolutionary !
by Lally Lally on Oct 07, 2007 04:26 PM  Permalink
Ameya, its pleasant to hear about your feelings for Bhagat Singh. Yes, his philosophy needs to be revived, and for that admirers like u have to be there. Yes, we can not compare Bhagat and Che; since there can never be comparison between two revolutionaries. But, if you study Che (without any bias), you will see a lot of similarities between Che and Bhagat. For instance, both stood for peasentry and the oppresses, both fought against imperial powers, both denounced the authority of God, and both though beyond the boundaries of state, when it came to Human welfare. Both of them were creative writers, both were socialist thinkers, and both had an unfearful attitude towards sacrifice of life. Its just a way of looking. The differences are there, but more than that are the similarities. Yes, hundreds of people were executed on orders of Che; but then evil and bad things have to be eliminated. Che did what China is doing today. China executes 5000 people annually. And see, where China is heading towards. And that is imperative, as unwanted and undesirable elements need to be annihilated, along with positive strides made forward. Those killed on orders of Che were rapists, looters and cruel money lenders.And Che stands justified in his act.

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RE:Che - The Revolutionary !
by Sahil Manekia on Oct 07, 2007 03:22 PM  Permalink
Kind of sad you consider Che a 'martyr', even heroic. If you talked to the families of those he massacred i'm sure they would think differently. He relished killing captured soldiers from the other side, often shooting prisoners that he had wounded first (so they wouldn't go anywhere)Never mind that none of them were even given a trial- innocents merely suspected of being in league with the enemy were also shot and killed. Che even got their families to come and watch. Not so heroic now huh?

PS: Last time I checked Cuba (that iconic communist state ) is wallowing in poverty, while a tiny, barren (but strongly capitalist) island like Hong Kong has left it in the dust. Real shame how you keep lying to yourself to protect the communists.

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RE:Che - The Revolutionary !
by Paramjit Singh on Oct 07, 2007 07:43 PM  Permalink
Mr. Sahil , be ashamed of yourself for lying to the public with ur useless, trash scrap. Get your facts right. Dont fabricate fiction by sitting before ur computer.... You say %u201CCuba (that iconic communist state ) is wallowing in poverty%u201D. The statement is as ridiculous as ur attitude. Before opening your mouth, please do try to have a bit of knowledge regarding the subject.

Check this : http://www.rediff.com/news/2006/sep/15sfa3.htm
After reading the article, I hope you will be better informed than before !

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RE:Che - The Revolutionary !
by Lally Lally on Oct 07, 2007 04:15 PM  Permalink
Sahil, BIG SHAME on you ! It is really pathetic that people having myopic vision like you, weave stories at your places and post them online with authority. Before commenting on Che, you should better have checked his philosophy. Yes, hundreds of people were executed on orders of Che; but then evil and bad things have to be eliminated. Che did what China is doing today... China executes 5000 people annually. And see, where China is heading towards%u2026. And that is imperative, as unwanted and undesirable elements need to be annihilated, along with positive strides made forward... Those killed on orders of Che were rapists, looters and cruel money lenders..... And Che stands justified in his act.
What do u know about Cuba? Huh? %u2026Yes, it is poor %u2026..and that poverty has been not an outcome of Castro%u2019s or Che%u2019s legacy; but because of the evils designs of US and its allies in blocking its development. As far as human development index is concerned, Cuba is much better than majority of nations across. There is one doctor per 6 people over there (whereas medical care is a problem in countries like US, also%u2026. In India, patients have died in premises of AIIMS- the hub of medical provisions in India, because of lack of doctors/medicine/attention). The human development edifice in Cuba better than majority of belonging to developing world. When %u201Cdistribution%u201D takes place, naturally the shares are reduced; but still better than the skewed development in so-called developed countries. The fo

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RE:RE:Che - The Revolutionary !
by Lally Lally on Oct 07, 2007 04:18 PM  Permalink
What do u know about Cuba? Huh? Yes, it is poor, and that poverty has been not an outcome of Castro%u2019s or Che%u2019s legacy; but because of the evils designs of US and its allies in blocking its development. As far as human development index is concerned, Cuba is much better than majority of nations across. There is one doctor per 6 people over there (whereas medical care is a problem in countries like US and in India, patients have died in premises of AIIMS- the hub of medical provisions in India, because of lack of doctors/medicine/attention). The human development edifice in Cuba better than majority of belonging to developing world. When %u201Cdistribution%u201D takes place, naturally the shares are reduced; but still better than the skewed development in so-called developed countries. The forces which raised Hong Kong are all the same which destroyed Cuba%u2019s economy (and Afghanistan%u2019s, Iraq%u2019s also). Mr. Sahil, BROADEN YOU VISION

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RE:RE:Che - The Revolutionary !
by Gautam Kapoor on Oct 08, 2007 04:17 PM  Permalink
I agree with you Lally..... We need a "Che" in India. We need a "Che" who will shoot the corrupt and rape the rapists.

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by Lord Mahesh on Oct 07, 2007 02:45 PM  Permalink 


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Che was a great revolutionist
by Paradesi on Oct 07, 2007 09:22 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

There is world and wherein people want to flourish with wealth among themselves. That is a capitalist world. Che wanted to see the world with equal wealth among all people. His dream became fulfilled at least in some parts of the world in the present days.

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RE:Che was a great revolutionist
by Sahil Manekia on Oct 07, 2007 03:33 PM  Permalink
Actually there is one world where people get paid based on how hard they work, and what they are willing to risk to help others.
Then there's the world where somebody gives orders, and shoots you if you disobey. Later, he says it was for the 'common good.'

An entrepreneur/ businessman risks more than a regular worker. If you lose a job, you go to zero- you have to start again. If an entrepreneur loses his job, he goes negative- getting into so much debt so fast that it will take him a long time to recover. Only a madman would take such a risk if it was not compensated more.

Hence inequality is necessary, even justified, as long as the welath is attained fairly- through investment and enterprise, not by stealing, regulation, price control cheating etc.

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RE:Che was a great revolutionist
by Avinash on Oct 12, 2007 07:31 AM  Permalink
Yes , I agree with you. There is nothing wrong in being rich or aspiring to be rich, as long as one is using fair means. People who are able to produce better results at the work place should get better pay. Also I don't understand why some people crib about how the rich spend their money ! Its their money, they decide if the want to live a rich live-style. If for example a rich man spends crores of rupees on his son / daughters wedding, others should not crib.

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Che deserved to die.
by Vishnu Sharma on Oct 07, 2007 05:33 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

He was a Communist !!

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RE:Che deserved to die.
by Sajan on Oct 07, 2007 04:34 PM  Permalink
So do Bhagat Singh... y dont u say that?? U will not say that in India.. then u will not be spared to live rest of ur life!!

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RE:Che deserved to die.
by Vishnu Sharma on Oct 09, 2007 02:18 AM  Permalink
Bhagat Singh was misguided.
It is normal for all youth to be misguided by socialism's promise of a "False Utopia".

A greater patriot was Subhas Bose.
Any way I will stick to my previous statement
All Communists in INDIA deserve to be dragged away in the middle of the night.
Strangled or Beheaded and Buried hastily.
I would not mind vultures and Hyenas feasting on Communists.

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Why does rediff have so many commie writers
by H N on Oct 07, 2007 04:07 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It is just unbelievable. dear editors Communism is a dead, yes even in China. Chinese communist party is just an capitalist dictator ship in the form of a political partty. That Concept has many many folds more of problems than capitalism.

Fidel is a murderous thug. Che was his friend who was left high and dry by Fidel and Russians to die in south America. So he is not a martyr and so called friends are using his image (in spite of stabbing on his back) to rule over innocent, oppressed south Americans.

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RE:Why does rediff have so many commie writers
by Aalsi on Oct 07, 2007 02:33 PM  Permalink
HN go out of India and then find out when you interact with young crowd,here in Europe and other places,what Che means to them.He is a symbol of rebellion not against the system but against the American dominance.It is not just about communism.You have totally missed the point.I pity you.

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RE:RE:Why does rediff have so many commie writers
by H N on Oct 07, 2007 07:52 PM  Permalink
I am out of India and have been interacting among with the young among the west I can gaurantee you that pot heads and commie minded people are the ones who revere che. Also the rebels without cause who do nothing anyways also where his shirts and walk around. And the people who want to keep che's image around are commies.

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RE:Why does rediff have so many commie writers
by H N on Oct 07, 2007 04:11 AM  Permalink
If he would have survived he would have become another dictator like Fidel.

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why is rediff has so many commie's
by H N on Oct 07, 2007 04:03 AM  Permalink 

It is just unbelievable. Communism is a dead, yes even in China. That Concept has many many folds more of problems than capitalism. Chinese communist party is just an capitalist dictator ship in the form of a political part.

Fidel is a murderous thug. Che was his friend who was left high and dry by Fidel and Russians to die in south America.

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