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Simply Great :)
by SONIC on Oct 13, 2007 09:53 PM  Permalink 

Che showed us that, the other way of living is possible.

I salute REDIFF for coming up with a special column for him.

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After Che Guevara , what next from Rediff ?
by Avinash on Oct 12, 2007 02:38 PM  Permalink 

After Che Guevara , what next from Rediff ?
Osama bin Laden ?
Joseph Stalin ?

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Please kill indian communists
by Avinash on Oct 12, 2007 07:45 AM  Permalink 

Please kill indian communists. The following are communist / leftist ideology warriors.
Theses people are legitimate targets for execution.
1: Pronoy Roy
2: Bharka Dutt
3: Sagarika Ghosh
4: Rajdeep Sardasai
5: N Ram
6: Vinod Mehta

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Too much importance
by Narasimha Swamy on Oct 08, 2007 04:11 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I think too much importance is given to this guy. He tried to meddle in some other countries in Africa and South America and tried to build communist/revolutionary movements in those countries. How can any one accept him as a role model for any revolutionary when what he did was unacceptable? You can see his photo in many our communist party leaders' desk there by showing their attitude towards humanity and the country.

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RE:Too much importance
by Vishwamithran TKB on Oct 10, 2007 03:20 PM  Permalink
Well said!

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RE:Too much importance
by asit badajena on Oct 09, 2007 03:12 PM  Permalink
stupid fellow .Don't speak when you don't know anything.Go read about him properly.

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RE:Too much importance
by JKP on Oct 09, 2007 07:39 PM  Permalink
Hi fool. Do you anything about revelutionaries? Do you know who is Bhagat Singh, let alone Che? Of course Che will not have put up a message like you sitting pretty on an armchair: Instead he proved that he has lived and died for the masses.

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RE:RE:Too much importance
by Vishwamithran TKB on Oct 10, 2007 03:21 PM  Permalink
Why the hell are you corelating Bhagat Singh to this Che (a born criminal)? Have some sense while making comparisons at least.

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Che Guevara - the Ecumenical Revolutionarry of 1960s
by D goel on Oct 08, 2007 03:48 PM  Permalink 

Panchkula Afternoon 3.30pm. Monday the 8th Oct.,'07
Very obviously the over-informed critiques of the ecumenical revolutionary Guevara do often discover him as ruthless killer and other evidence of
his having the darker side, as has been high-lighted by his denigrators.It is possible to think that nobody is unalloyed Superman ,even if he be such ecumenical Latin -American Hero from Argentina who led for yrs revolutionary action in Africa, Mexico , Bolivia and of course Cuba.
Rightly or wrongly he was always soaring in the imagination of generation of revolutionary youth from Vietnam to Europe.

outh in Hidelberg, Paris or Congo.
more than his actual daring resurrectionary actions what dominated the imagination of several generation of moral sensibilities of generations seething with anger for securing Justice for the shirtless masses of the world over..Well ,as it is the tragic destiny that the most ardent revolutionary is seen by some as a cruel savage only interested in carnage...
His greatness lies ,inasmuch as without any political clout by way of being in a position of Authority by sheer courage of conviction his word became the trumpet call for hundreds of youth to risk life and death for the cause of the meek and oppressed of the world D. Goel

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I found Fast & Free Music / Video downloads
by on Oct 08, 2007 03:09 PM  Permalink 

I found Fast & Free Music / Video downloads
& viewing only on livewikimapia.com/music0610

Have Gre8 Time

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First time in India all A2Z Bollywood videos & Music Free On Internet
by on Oct 08, 2007 02:45 PM  Permalink 

First time in India all A2Z Bollywood videos & Music Free On Internet
only on http://www.wifibollywood.com

|-----Its Free-----|-----Its Fast-----|-----Its Hot----- |

I liked it so much.. Thanks.. Pooja K.

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RE:the Cruel Joke
by nadeem on Oct 08, 2007 03:11 PM  Permalink
why r u pointing to islam ,wat do u knw abt islam juts analyse yr knwledge then comment

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RE:the Cruel Joke
by on Oct 08, 2007 05:54 PM  Permalink
can you explain,

Why ???
"All muslim are not terrorist,but all terrorist are muslim "

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by Mayala Fakir on Oct 07, 2007 05:10 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Only Communists can glorify murderers and demented blood thirsty monsters

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by S Kiran on Oct 08, 2007 09:54 AM  Permalink
That is communism, killing their own people and others. Look at Stalin and Mao, they killed millions of their own people. Our commie terrorists are not far behind, though their methods are different.

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