It is not at all strange how the JD S behaves. Seeing this no political party should align with JD S since there is no intention of honouring any thing. Is it not childish on part of the CM not handing over power as per the agreement? P.S.R.SWAMI
The time has come!! Yes the time has come when all those who think they are smart are very close to their own downfall and that is the reason they act like that. Even as a candle burns brightest just before it turns off, our leaders are showing of their extreme smartness, which is the sign that they are one step over the precipe falling straight down. Time to watch the fun!!! Ah Bharatha Matha, Mother I know you can take care of yourself!!!.
RE:Vinasha kaale vipareetha budhdhi
by Prem Mohan on Oct 04, 2007 08:20 AM Permalink
I sincerely and fervently hope so. That is not the story of the past thousand years and more. But you are right. Our political leaders from extreme right to extreme left are simply appalling. Perhaps Mr Rahul Gandhi will be our saviour!
The Brahmins of Delhi will decide the fate of 97% non-Brahmins of Karnataka. What a shame, we managed to escape the shackles of the mughals, the british, pray when will we get azaadi from these Brahmins!
RE:Yet again!
by Rajadhas Rajamony on Oct 04, 2007 04:35 AM Permalink
The days of the brahmins are numbered as they are a minority in the nation. They are trying all their tricks to capture power.They cannot tolerate a non brahmin at the top.They cannot fool the people anymore. Beware of brahmins in even communist parties.
RE:Yet again!
by Rocky Kapoor on Oct 04, 2007 04:42 AM Permalink
which issue you are taking where? do not blame anything on brahmins and escape. I suspect ur a paki with psudo rediff username and want to hurt india and hindus by making them fight with each other on name of caste and region.
RE:Yet again!
by chandan visweswar on Oct 04, 2007 04:45 AM Permalink
Mr Gopal Krishna and Mr Rajamony, Mnay thanks for enlightning people about the persecution you underwent under Brahmins. Anyway not many of them are left now.With effective Job quota even reaching urinals and people like you to propagate the hatred and secular parties like cngress to pread the message even further we will be in safe hands.
RE:Yet again!
by Gopal Krishna on Oct 04, 2007 04:52 AM Permalink
Yes, we are ones who propagated hatred in the name of caste for 2000 years and now propagating hate in the name of stupid political ideologies. You are so right, aren't you?
RE:Yet again!
by deepak on Oct 04, 2007 04:52 AM Permalink
Gopala Krishna or whatever is ur real name, i m not bahmin bt not mad like u to blame brahmins for this situation!!!
RE:Yet again!
by Dr.Gopala Govinda Rajan on Oct 04, 2007 04:57 AM Permalink
An outstanding example of casteism.So long as the country is flooded with caste/religious fanatics,there is no hope of any prosperity for the citizens.Whom does the gentleman describe as brahmins of Delhi and who are the non-brahmins of Karnataka?Where did this policy go, when the non brahmin JD(S) formed an aliance with BJP, ruled and looted the state for 20 months? This proves only casteism is uppermost and not ethics.The fact remains 'Pen is any day and anywhere is better than sword'.
RE:Yet again!
by K.A.Kuttaiah on Oct 04, 2007 06:02 AM Permalink
Hey Gopa Baby- What a monumental inferiority complex- if this complex does not kill you You will kill yourself. You seem to rue not being born a Brahmin. Come to Karnataka and we will get you converted. You look at a mango and call it an orange and incidentally if BJP comes to power in Karnataka it is the Karnataka Brahmin who will rule and not the Delhi one. Good day Chela Maharaj
RE:Yet again!
by ramachandra mahale on Oct 04, 2007 07:26 AM Permalink
I do not belong to BJP; but remember that Yadiyurappa, Subramanya Naidu, Ashok, Shankar Murthy, Nagaraja Shetty, Shettar, Shettar etc. ministers of BJP are not Brahmins. The present issue does not pertain or arise out of casteism, but the powermongering attitude of ex-prime minister who is always concerned about flourishing and promoting the cause of his family, in the process posing different riders and colours.I reiterate I am not belonging to BJP nor a politician. But good sense should prevail. Most importantly rediff forum should be a role model with high stature.The mud slinging and cutting loose discussion is not good in the name of free expression.This is my fervent appeal.
RE:Yet again!
by srinivas iragavarapu on Oct 04, 2007 08:18 AM Permalink
Brahmins do not ask for power. They get it by default. See how Lal Bahadur Sastry,Atal Behari Vajpayee and P.V.Narasimharao became P M s without asking for it.
RE:Yet again!
by Amakant Chaudhary on Oct 04, 2007 05:59 AM Permalink
Stupidest thing to say. Thats the general mentality of all Indians. Instead of standing up as equals and facing adversity, stooping to cliches about being oppressed. You are like the cricketers of the world attributing Australias dominance to the mind games they play and racial taunts. Think free and act freely. Act instead of whinging and you'll get success.
RE:Yet again!
by Sonia Gandhi on Oct 04, 2007 06:54 AM Permalink
I think Gopal Krishna and Rajdhas Rajamony are drunken dogs who dont know what to say!
Gone are those days when people used to enter politics to serve the country , now its only money the drives people to join politics. So it does not make a difference as they do the work just for the sake ot it and are manily behind the so called FREE MONEY that comes in from different routes
It's a shame that we vote for such bunch of jokers, who are incidently elected by people hoping they (politician) will make a difference. Indian politics has hit rock bottom!! this system needs an Overhaul.