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Chip of the old block
by purna on Oct 03, 2007 12:11 PM  Permalink 

Kumaraswamy is no different from his dad devi gowda. Thoroughly unscrupulous. BJP is another foolish party to put faith in such unethical politicians; it has suffered a similar snubbing from mayavati. But it has not learnt its lesson - once bitten twice shy.

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gowda & family
by Ramachandra on Oct 03, 2007 12:08 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

i am wonder how jds won last week municiple election all over karanataka. are the people of karnataka r foolish

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RE:gowda & family
by gajendra p on Oct 03, 2007 12:24 PM  Permalink
yes, the people who have voted jd-s are really foolish

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Devegowda has still some moral left in him
by Rahul on Oct 03, 2007 12:07 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I was thinking that Devegowda after aligning with BJP had lost all moral. But now, I feel that still there is some sense of morality left in him. By refusing to handove power he has sent a strong message to communal BJP that it can never rule in south and he is still secular. Great Mr. Gowda. Keept it up. If elections are held JDS and Congress will get equal seats, BJP will be wiped out.

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RE:RE:Devegowda has still some moral left in him
by Rahul on Oct 03, 2007 12:14 PM  Permalink

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RE:Devegowda has still some moral left in him
by vg on Oct 03, 2007 12:29 PM  Permalink
this statement shows your Secular culture....or rather lack of it

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RE:Devegowda has still some moral left in him
by Navneet Bithra on Oct 03, 2007 12:19 PM  Permalink
Mr. Rahul.
Devegoda & Moralty????????
Do u know the communalism???
India is suffering because people like you who support leader like devegoda.
SHMAE ON U!!!!!!!!!!
He is

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RE:Devegowda has still some moral left in him
by satish hegde on Oct 03, 2007 12:25 PM  Permalink
My dear friend, could you tell me what do you mean "COMMUAL". Why you people are shy in calling our country as "HINDUSTAN" when pakinstanies are always calling as "Hindustan".

Now only thing left is to fight for our country. Otherwise, Hindustan will become Pakistan or some christan country very shortly.

Why JDS is still sticking to power even after BJP resigned? if BJP is communal, why JDS has to take their support 20 monts ago, and now it is Devegowda who is playing the drama. I feel he is no longer have the respect of a former PM. We have VAjapee, VP Singh, how they are living. This devegowda is campaining for Local body elections.

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RE:Devegowda has still some moral left in him
by Ice Fruit on Oct 03, 2007 12:10 PM  Permalink
great to see people like you, morality and devagowda? how dare you are?

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RE:Devegowda has still some moral left in him
by rajesh on Oct 03, 2007 12:23 PM  Permalink
Rahul : Deve Gowda and Morality ?. Too Stale a joke... Crack a more interesting joke man...

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RE:Devegowda has still some moral left in him
by purna on Oct 03, 2007 12:15 PM  Permalink
He has no morals to lose. But he has lot of luck of the wicked and criminals. He deserves to roast in hell. Father and son duo is flouting all moral principles and make one puke. I hope the wise karnataka public throws the party out without a single seat in the next elections.

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RE:Devegowda has still some moral left in him
by Mohamadp on Oct 03, 2007 12:16 PM  Permalink
hey idiot Rahul .. do you know what is secular ???? explain
you hell you supporting dirty pig devegowda ??

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RE:RE:Devegowda has still some moral left in him
by jayasimha on Oct 03, 2007 12:14 PM  Permalink
wishful thinking!!

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RE:RE:RE:Devegowda has still some moral left in him
by AmarAkbar Antony on Oct 03, 2007 12:17 PM  Permalink

Jayasimha - why do you say wishful thinking.

Rahul is already seem to be holding Deve's Gowda oooops Deve Gowda's Lau...da in his hands

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Karnataka Political Crisis
by Rangan NN on Oct 03, 2007 12:06 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Kumaraswamy has already got a bad name. If he dumps BJP and dumps them and opportune marriage with congress will doom the JDS in the next elections. Don't under estimate the congress. They are very shrued and clever. Once you join for the sake of power, later they will dictate terms to you. So honour word and give the power to the BJP

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RE:Karnataka Political Crisis
by shikaripur ranganath on Oct 03, 2007 12:16 PM  Permalink
as per the agreement, he should handover the power to bjp otherwise, bloody go to hell, once they ditched the congress, now they are trying to blackmail the bjp. if they face the election, then people of karnataka should wipe out both the congress and jds for their double games.

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Slap Politicians
by on Oct 03, 2007 12:06 PM  Permalink 

I request all readers to SLAP politicianswhen they come to your door next time for VOTES.

I urge POLICE department let them whoever punishing politician. POLICE department is nothing but PUPPETS of politicians. This JOIN ACT will raise your standard, self respect and honor in general.

- Bhavesh Jain

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Blackmail only by 2 idiots of JDS
by Carti Rengasamy on Oct 03, 2007 12:06 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Blackmail only by 2 idiots of JDS and not by BJP.

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RE:Blackmail only by 2 idiots of JDS
by Sahadevan KK on Oct 03, 2007 12:14 PM  Permalink
Congress' policy, Beat Weak Ally (http://sahadevan.wordpress.com/)

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by Kishan on Oct 03, 2007 12:03 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

There are 3 things uncertain in INDIA !

1. Indian Monsoon

2. Indian Cricket

3. King Devegowda

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by rajesh on Oct 03, 2007 12:29 PM  Permalink
Deve gowda is very predictable -

1. He is just power Hungry.
2. He thinks he and his sons only have to get CM's Gaddi - for ever.
3. 'Morality' and 'Ethics' do not find any mention in his dictionary
4. His aim is to fool the people of Karnataka by claiming that he is the son of the soil - (he is already too 'soiled' by corruption and nepotism)
5. Deve Gowda can stoop to any level (it has reached the bottom now) to keep his sons in power - Nobody else matters to him.
6. Deve Gowda can ditch anybody to attain his ambitions - look at the fate of Ramkrishna Hegde, Siddramaiah, PGR Sindia etc... The Guy can dump anybody - what a crook!

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by Venkatraman Kannan on Oct 03, 2007 12:07 PM  Permalink
beg to differ, King Devegowda is predictable totally; he always ditches the one who believe him !! other two in the list appear OK

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JDS firm on not letting go CM's post
by James Bond on Oct 03, 2007 12:01 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

People of India should rise above their petty differences and vote for a single party preferablty national party stature, otherwise, there will be elections, re-elections, horse trading etc. The state with such narrow mindset suffers the most.

James Bond

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RE:JDS firm on not letting go CM's post
by Ice Fruit on Oct 03, 2007 12:08 PM  Permalink
WHO CARES about THESE EXPENSE INCURRED ON ELECTION BY-ELECTION ETC. Only we who pay the tax think about it. people who vote for a 90 ml of Arrack and one chicken piece are waiting for election. they dont pay tax they does not know what is development

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RE:JDS firm on not letting go CM's post
by ts gopinath on Oct 03, 2007 12:06 PM  Permalink
Excellent suggestion. But difficult to succeed

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by RAVI NA on Oct 03, 2007 12:00 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies



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by Kishan on Oct 03, 2007 12:05 PM  Permalink
In Politics also better to have 20/20 understanding in Karnataka !

20 months for Cong-I

20 months for JDS

20 months for BJP

Avoid Elections & save national revenue & keep everybody happy !

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by Rahul on Oct 03, 2007 12:10 PM  Permalink
JDS has batted for 20 Overs and now rain started BJP cannot bat. Match is abandoned due to wet out-field.

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by on Oct 03, 2007 12:18 PM  Permalink
This wet out field is because Devegowda & sons Contiuesly shitting on the field(on Karnataka).

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