RE:BJP got what it deserved!
by peter decosta on Oct 03, 2007 03:43 AM Permalink
oh hi hello mr go-pal now i remember you are the same person whom i met at deve-go-wada house when you were washing his undies n banian when he was about to go lick some jokers a-s in delhi for the CM chair for his another chamcha who was cleaning his comode
ya ya i remember and then he gave you 2Rs and said continue and i will make you also CM one day because our countrymen dont realise the difference between good bad and worst
so next CM imagine you washing george bush's undies you can be next president of USA
keep trying and washing all the best
will you pl wash mine also i will try and make you god
it is not new in Indian politics.Elected representatives by people have appetite to corner everything , most glaring example is that of POP, where all communist parties also wanted to share, not surprisingly with others political parties.YEH DIL MANGE MORE is the new mantra,almost all have amassed wealth & many have it is said to have money in Swiss banks. Deve Gowda like other state parties milch the cow.No body is interested in aam admi, they divert the attention of people with the economic reforms translated in terms of rising SENSEX.They have become shameless & created lineage of ruler for their sons/daughters.Future of democratic India is bleak.States of UNION ARE FIGHTING on linguistic & political "rowdism" as seen here & TamilNad recently. Dr NItin Mehta, Florida, USA.
RE:RSS's Day Dream
by Rajeev on Oct 03, 2007 03:14 AM Permalink
Mr. Die Hard, we can understand what the guy like you (who do not have faith on his own name, that's why u hide ur name also) can write. All hate only, you never think about the India u always talk about the divide (North & South) not the unite (India).
The political parties ruling in South India is really worst compared to BJP or Congress. Talk about the DMK they abuse Lord Ram and the people like you support him. Gajatguru Sankaracharya was arrested and humiliated by South Indian only. Periar put the shoe on Lord Ram picture. But you worship Rajnikanth, Khusbu, Jayalalitha etc..... In Andhra also, the money collected from the Sri Balaji temple is used by the present Christian CM (Rajsekhar) to Christian organization. You people is being fooled that he is Hindu, b'z he wear dhoti. This can happen in South only. People like you in South is really greedy, convert to Christianity just for the sake of money. Conversion rate is much higher in South compared to North.
If you change your Indian name b'z u do not like it one day you can change the Mother also if she does not listen to u.
RE:RE:RSS's Day Dream
by peter decosta on Oct 03, 2007 03:57 AM Permalink
you die hard you are sure to die as you hardly have time and thats why you write die hard anyway just to give you a small comparision you ass--le south indians just want to study and fly abroad they dont want to serve the country but just talk about it analysis shows that only 15% of south indians actually know how to read and write Hindi the so called national language of India half of bloody south india is in gulf and UK and y the hell u talk about patriotism you cant even grow fruits and vegetables the bulk of food grains needed for India comes from Northen state you just know Lungi and not proper language show me how many south indians have participated in war of independence so pl if you havent done anything for the country dont create differences on the basis of north and south you were always back seat passengers and you will always be India already has lot of existing problems dont increase them on basis of north and south
RE:RSS's Day Dream
by harsh maheshwari on Oct 03, 2007 02:42 AM Permalink
HEllo Mr. Die Hard it is peaople like you who create a divide between north india and south india. BJP or NON BJP but we at north are not fools to be ruled by a dynasty type party which has family takeovers rather then leaders and puppets sitting on chair. You are dumb fellows who wish that the son should become the PM after his father. GUYS tell me honestly who has been the most effective PM after Mrs Indira Gandhi. You fools donot cramp about north or south. If South India has done great achievements in IT and telecom then donot forget that 30% of work force in bangaloe is from north. You can can only do IT when you have a safe future and that is given by NORTH INDIA fighting in Armed forces. IT is great for India but not the only thing. so please for GOD sake doonot ignite the NORTH and SOUTH issue. we already have enough of these type of issue in our plate. remember one thing any party can be better than the bullshit congress which has narrowed the mentality of common man. They are only bothered aboout ALOO and PYAJ . abe jantaa ko upar uthne do. Let the common man think and get educated.
RE:RE:RSS's Day Dream
by p sreenivasulu on Oct 03, 2007 03:02 AM Permalink
hi ur message is good harsh..its nice..the guy idiot...he is literate not educated guy....we are all united India....Because of the worest politician Nehru our country divided this kind of idiots are creating south and north feelings....ur reply is good for that idiot......he is unfit to comment any thing abt any indian organisations..he is best suited for sulbah complex admin job....again thanks for ur good nswer for him...
Kumarswamy has proven that he is a very good drama artist and specially under the support of his PAPA / Daddy.Mr.Devegouda is bascially jobless, he has nothing to do in centre so he is keeping himself busy in small small politics.Some time ago he was working in local body elections. I will not be surprised if he started to offer his brand of politics to families, as he has good experience to spoil the seen and game.Mr.Devegouda has strong personality complex so he started doing distruction to others to show his presence. Kumarswamy should feel a true shame, he had promised to BJP before taking CM post and now he is showing his back.Its like a childish game, by doing this kind of cheap acts his Papa has already lost his creditilibity so his son is on the way.They don't know that Indians livibg abroad feel very bad upon viewing such incidents.
Honeymoon ended and the struggle started for BJP, which is fool for not being understood the malafied intention of the JDS before the wedlock. Every one could guess it 20 months ago when this government was formed. Who knows Now, Congress will support JDS or vice versa. All political parties are in the same boat. You don't need to feel pity about any one because you can't be proud of any of them
RE:Drama compay
by on Oct 03, 2007 01:55 AM Permalink
That is what I said - Karnatak has become Natak Karo. And there are three small GGs trying to rule a larger GG. GG1- Gowda Gang aka JDS. GG2- Greedy Gang aka BJP. GG3- Golmaal Gang aka Congress. Big GG is the Gampara Gumpu or electorate of Karnataka :)
Kumaraswamy you are blackmailing the entire state by not keeping up your words. You change tone and color now and then. You, your brother & father are fit for nothing.
RE:You are blackmailing whole state now
by Pradeep Kumar on Oct 03, 2007 01:43 AM Permalink
Kumaraswamy was never fit for anything so is yeduirappa..he made populus budget and drained complete state reserves.Get back SM Krishna from which ever party