RE:JD(S) has taken right decision to kick out BJP
by Pradeep Kumar on Oct 03, 2007 04:51 AM Permalink
I agree Robin. We should totally wipe out BJP from the face of Karnataka. I have seen BJP corporators near my area terrorizing ppl once they came into power.I appeal to all like minded hindu's to annihilate this party
When Cheif minister is HD Kumaraswami and his father is HD Devegowds. Why the father and son have different Sir names? Why is he just not another Devegowda?
RE:BJP will massacre minorities if it comes to power
by RR on Oct 03, 2007 03:58 AM Permalink
Why the hell he went into a pact for power sharing with BJP than? Does Public words have any sygnificance now a days?
RE:BJP will massacre minorities if it comes to power
by raghu ravi on Oct 03, 2007 03:59 AM Permalink
You people whnatedly blaming BJP as communal.If so why Goda group taken the support?if u whant critise real communal, write frankly.
Insted of critisize gouda power politics why you bring communal thing in to picture
RE:BJP will massacre minorities if it comes to power
by Robin Hood on Oct 03, 2007 04:01 AM Permalink
It is ok to take support from BJP to form govt (like VP Singh, Mayawati earlier did) but IT IS NOT OK to give them support to rule. BJP has proved that it will not hesitate to unleash terrorism on minorities as it did in Gujarat. Do you want bloodshed in Karnataka also?
RE:BJP will massacre minorities if it comes to power
by Reddy Reddy on Oct 03, 2007 04:00 AM Permalink
Yah go and lick ur sucks sony a ss.. that is the only thing u can do..
RE:BJP will massacre minorities if it comes to power
by Gopal Krishna on Oct 03, 2007 04:12 AM Permalink
We have lot of reddy beggars in Karnataka licking our a$$ for a
RE:BJP will massacre minorities if it comes to power
by girisha nijalingappa on Oct 03, 2007 05:33 AM Permalink
I think u r ot HINDU that's y u r speaking like INDIA if we HINDUS want to leave happly we need BJP in power. BJP is party with difference. It is a party always think about the intrest of the nation. other parties will always think about their personal things. This felow Deve Gowda is a thirdclass fellow. He can all third clas things to bring his son fot he CM post. At the time when they got BJP support they are not terrorist but now they are terrorist. Shameless fellows. I have ever seen such a third class polititian like Deve Gowda. It is shame for Karnataka that we have such a worst fellow in our State.
BJP is a party of dignity. BJP will never massacre minorities if it comes to power. It will always work for the safety of the country. They never do cheep politics. Be careful while talking about the BJP. If u don't know about HINDUS shet ur mouth. don't bring communal things to picture to save ur face. INDIA is a peaceful country because of people like u it is getting polluted. Shet ur mouth and do ur daily work. If Kumaraswamy is a gentleman he should step down from the power and give the power to BJP and support BJP for another 20 months.If he is like his father he will follow the lines of cheep fellow his father Devegowda's line.
gowda or gowdung's actions are worst and below human dignity.How can he ever use that word upset after doing what he is not supposed to do.Cant politics have atleast 00.01% ethics?
Kumarswamy should honour his agreement with the BJP and resign on October 3. He should think about the long term impications instead of short term gains. His credibility and reputation will be in tatters and he may never recover from it. People will not believe him in future.
If he has any shame left in him, he should now, immediately resign and hand over the baton to BJP, failing which BJP will gain the sympathy of the public and form the next government by absolutely majority.
The BJP Juggernaut cannot be stopped and Karnataka will be the gateway for the "Lotus Bloom" for other southern States.
RE:Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by Die Hard on Oct 03, 2007 04:04 AM Permalink
What else one can expect from a fanatic Brahmin. BJP is nothing Brahmin Janata Party...
RE:Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by Robin Hood on Oct 03, 2007 03:50 AM Permalink
BJP also stands for spreading venom in society, creating massacres, unleashing bloodshed as well. The JD(S) has made the right decision in denying power to the sangh parivar terrorists. Otherwise, a progressive and peaceful state like Karnataka will burn.
RE:Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by ice tea on Oct 03, 2007 03:54 AM Permalink
true and u can sit behind sonia's ass and continue your conversions happily forever.
RE:Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by Reddy Reddy on Oct 03, 2007 04:01 AM Permalink
Hood, Go and lick ur sony sucking A ss that is the only thing u can do.
RE:Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by Gopal Krishna on Oct 03, 2007 04:09 AM Permalink
We have a lots of reddy beggars in Karnataka living on the crumbs we throw. Are you one such or are you a wannabe?
RE:Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by Omar Shariff on Oct 03, 2007 04:54 AM Permalink
u bjp mens also can sit behind advani man's ass and continue conversions in USa happily forever !
My guess is that the JD(S) after tasted power for a while may try to go back to the "secular" brand by ditching BJP. The latest election would have given JD(S) some hope.
BJP, pull the plug before you let JD(S) take the initiative from you.
RE:Act now BJP
by Gopal Krishna on Oct 03, 2007 04:13 AM Permalink
Yes, the Bharat Jalao Party should act now and terminate itself. It has not place in South India, else we'll become another BIMARU!
Hindus are Hindus wether they are from North or South. Some people, whenevr they get chance, are trying to divide them further already divided Hindu society. Please don't fall in their trap. We are just Hindus. No southi, no north, no upper cast, no lower cast, forget all these. We are just Hindus.
RE:Divide and rule
by Gopal Krishna on Oct 03, 2007 04:15 AM Permalink
Kumarswamy and Deve Gowda are devout Hindus too, they go on a lot of pilgrimages. I am sure god is more on their side than all these NRI deserters criticizing them.
RE:Divide and rule
by ravi h on Oct 03, 2007 04:00 AM Permalink
I appreciate your thinking. But caste is an ugly reality that Hindus have to live with. We really dont have a choice.
Kumarswamy should honour his agreement with the BJP and resign on October 3. He should think about the long term impications instead of short term gains. His credibility and reputation will be in tatters and he may never recover from it. People will not believe him in future.
If he has any shame left in him, he should now, immediately resign and hand over the baton to BJP, failing which BJP will gain the sympathy of the public and form the next government by absolutely majority.
The BJP Juggernaut cannot be stopped and Karnataka will be the gateway for the "Lotus Bloom" for other southern States.
RE:Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by Pradeep Kumar on Oct 03, 2007 03:14 AM Permalink
BJP hahahahah because of ppl like u one day we will should be shot. Leave religion at home and vote with an open mind for secularism and developement
RE:Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by Brijesh on Oct 03, 2007 03:18 AM Permalink
As long as Hindus are in majority you can talk about secularism. The day Hindus number goes down, India won't be secular country. Look around the world
RE:Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by Pradeep Kumar on Oct 03, 2007 03:15 AM Permalink
I was in the US and these ppl only think of development but sadly ppl like Ganapati think only of religion for them God is more .... remember God only helps u if u help urself by voting for a religious party like BJP dont kill ocmposite india
Deve gowda and his dynasty have already spoilt the reputation name of Kannadigas. These guys are not ashamed of selling anything and everything to fill their pockets. It is a joke on democracy when a leaders like Devegowda and his allies, continue to win elections year after year. I am sure everyone knows the reason why. The future of India if at all any, will rely sololy on whether these shameless, filthy political creatures are kicked out of the Government. No body is worried about the common man. They sell land, sell education, sell medical, dental and engineering seats and I am not sure whatelse they can sell to amass wealth.
If there is a Bharatmatha, I am sure she will die of shameful acts of her own children !! God save India... ( I am writing with a heavy heart and a anger). Please clean up politics. otherwise, the whole world will bask in the glory of indians working for them and India will continue to be what it is!!
RE:RE:get these thieves out of kannada politics
by Gopal Krishna on Oct 03, 2007 03:03 AM Permalink
I don't think Kannadigas require to be lectured by yet hypocrite NRIs who ran away with the subsidised education provided by the government to serve in foreign lands for the sake of %uFFFD%uFFFD%uFFFDs!
RE:get these thieves out of kannada politics
by peter decosta on Oct 03, 2007 03:34 AM Permalink
you gopal your name suggests you should have been sitting in some temple and just praying rather than writting sh-t things bout NRIs you a--h--e mindless patriotic man(?) have you heard of a saying Brain Drain is much better than Brain in drain anyway you can write all this just because you didn get a chance to go abroad otherwise i am pretty sure you would had been the first to stick your legs to ur a-s and run you seem to be a bloody chamcha of useless good for nothing devegowda take care you n your lovely politicians will very shortly take india into a drain hope you understand that its people like you who have made these shit useless politicians great so pl go to a temple pray for your f----ng politicains rather than writting about NRIs
RE:get these thieves out of kannada politics
by Piush Beaspal on Oct 03, 2007 03:17 AM Permalink
Hey dude whoever you are it is easy to say that NRI's have run away to serve in foreign lands, but the fact is all this big money that you are seeing in our country is coming from these NRI's. You are blind to not see various NRI groups lobby for India in different countries. The Nuclear deal which our stupid politicians are not signing was supported by Indians in US. You easily feel proud that Sunita William is first Indian to go into space. You are nothing but illiterate like our politicians. It is easy to say these things but go out and show what you are doing for your country. Can you clean up this political mess in our country. Can you give decent roads, electricity, education, medical support, two meals per day to people. YOU DO NEED LECTURE AS YOU CANNOT HANDLE YOUR OWN COUNTRY
RE:get these thieves out of kannada politics
by ice tea on Oct 03, 2007 04:00 AM Permalink
gopal krishna, i know you are a mannina maga and nobody can lecture you.Becoz you will not understand.Enough of eating bisebela bath and start to look around.NRi's are contributing a lot nowadays and ofcourse they cannot directly pay for your bisebela bath.If all these guys stayed in india, it would have been an extra competition for you and who knows, u may be climbing trees now rather than showing yr frustrations in rediff