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Dirty Politics!!!!!
by Kiran R on Oct 03, 2007 07:26 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Its all Dirty Politics. Whether its BJP or JDS or congress, they just want power to make sufficient money so that their 10 generations can sit and eat. No politician is interested in development of Karnataka State. Karnataka is not just bangalore and mysore. God bless and save karnataka state.

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RE:Dirty Politics!!!!!
by Abdul Bashar on Oct 03, 2007 07:31 AM  Permalink
All parties have faults, but the faults are not equal.

Similarly everyone makes mistakes in exam, but some get 90% some get 20% marks.

We cannot give same marks to everyone just because "everyone makes mistakes" nonsense.

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And the Gowda hits the fan
by Abdul Bashar on Oct 03, 2007 07:25 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Mahatma Gandhi taught us Gandhigiri.

Gowda family is teaching us Gan%^giri (fill in the blanks).

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RE:And the Gowda hits the fan
by ranjan singh on Oct 03, 2007 08:30 AM  Permalink

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RE:And the Gowda hits the fan
by Deepak MA on Oct 03, 2007 10:03 AM  Permalink

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by bloreking on Oct 03, 2007 07:16 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Gowda, We are with you in this fight. Never give power to BJP. I am sure JDS will get an absolute majority in the polls.

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by Niranjan Halady on Oct 03, 2007 07:23 AM  Permalink
Yes, stick to power like a leach as you have always done! Dont worry about your promise. Nobody respects your words anyway! Never waste time on thinking what would people of Karnataka do, if you break your promise. India needs more politicians like you to prosper. Good job! Keep it up.

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by Dravid on Oct 03, 2007 08:28 AM  Permalink
Secularism should be maintained, at any cost. I second your views.

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JD-S not to give up CM Post
by choudhary laxmi narayan on Oct 03, 2007 07:16 AM  Permalink 

Quite a shameful & dusgracing act

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by shiva vaidyanathan on Oct 03, 2007 07:10 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Dear Mr. CM.... I was pleasanlty surprised by this action of urs. When you became CM, you surprised everybody with ur wrk. Everybody appreciated ur wrk. Infact I became a fan of u. But now wht is also so surprising is ur holding of power even after knowin that u can hold it only for more than 20 months.

Think our politicians lost eithics and morality for sure.

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by Truth Seeker on Oct 03, 2007 07:15 AM  Permalink
He knows for sure that he can never become CM again, and wants to earn as much money as possible. What can you expect from such a person. Looking at his face itself anyone can guess what kind of guy he is. He looks like someone who steals chicken.

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Whom to blame Wierd Politicians of Karnataka or the people who elect them?
by Truth Seeker on Oct 03, 2007 07:06 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Deve Gowda, Kumaraswamy, Bangarappa, Veerappa Moili. What kind of leaders are these wierd people. Vishnuvardhan and Raghavendra Rajkumar are the heroes. Who watches these people. I guess it's very clear that it's the people of Karnataka who have the problem. I doubt their judgement.

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RE:Whom to blame Wierd Politicians of Karnataka or the people who elect them?
by Truth Seeker on Oct 03, 2007 07:07 AM  Permalink
I forgot to add Upendra.

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RE:Whom to blame Wierd Politicians of Karnataka or the people who elect them?
by RAJANI AGADI on Oct 03, 2007 10:09 AM  Permalink
we r the same people who elected Ramakrishna Hegade who gave the concept of decentralistaion of Panchayats as well as women resevation in them and the same people who elected SM krishna who revoultionised IT and the same who gave BJP the maximum no of seats in the last elections after seeing the work of NDA and AB Vajpayee only to see the minority opportunists joining together to keep the BJP out. what can we do ????

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Who is ruling K'taka? Kumaraswamy or HD?
by irfan khan on Oct 03, 2007 06:50 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Dear CM and former PM...one should learn politics from u guys. Bcause of u, today we are still a developing country. We don't have infrastructure, still have poverty, don't have jobs, People sleep on road sides. What are u achieving by playing these dirty politics. Do you think you will have face to face the nation ? Why don't u keep ur words? You are clearly showing people that you guys are a cheat...We will never grow as a state as a country with rogue politicians like you being our leaders...

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RE:Who is ruling K'taka? Kumaraswamy or HD?
by ashok kumar on Oct 03, 2007 12:08 PM  Permalink
These politicians r worst than street side

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Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by Ganapati Hegde on Oct 03, 2007 06:48 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Kumarswamy should honour his agreement with the BJP and resign. He should think about the long term impications instead of short term gains. His credibility and reputation will be in tatters and he may never recover from it. People will not believe him in future.

If he has any shame left in him, he should now, immediately resign and hand over the baton to BJP, failing which BJP will gain the sympathy of the public and form the next government by absolutely majority.

The BJP Juggernaut cannot be stopped and Karnataka will be the gateway for the "Lotus Bloom" in other southern States.

Vote BJP and live with pride !!!

BJP stands for progress and development of India.

BJP is a patriotic and nationalistic party, unlike other "pseudo sickular" parties.

"BJP is the radiant future of India"

Vande Mataram !!!

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RE:Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by ram on Oct 03, 2007 07:21 AM  Permalink
Yes u r absolutely right but in a negative way. If u remember kargil war dirty BJP was to be blamed as they never revealed the infiltration by terrorist to the country. During their tem spending on India's infrastructure was minimum..
good luck my friend if u think if BJP is great.
In my view all political parties are same

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Remember that
by Mahesh on Oct 03, 2007 06:34 AM  Permalink 

Kumaraswamy should remember that the person getting cheated would be excused as innocent or naive but the person cheating is a criminal and would be treated as such by the people at the next elections.

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Kumaraswamy is so honest.. he keeps his words
by prem kumar on Oct 03, 2007 06:27 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

"During the meeting, Chief Minister Kumaraswamy is reported to have told his legislators about his intention to resign from the post of chief minister. However, the MLAs were united in their stand and urged him not to step down."....

what the hell... are guys playing some drama.. Mr.Deve gowda first you played a drama where in you told your son to break your own party and told him to join hands with BJP.. Then you wnet and joined him again as though nothing happened.. now you are saying that the time is not auspicious to transfer power.. just because ppl voted for you doesnt mean that they are totally dumb... its a shame on India that you were a PM for some days... YOU ARE A SHAME ON THE NATION

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RE:Kumaraswamy is so honest.. he keeps his words
by kaushik sinha on Oct 03, 2007 07:35 AM  Permalink
correct boss. This guy should have been in movies. Big nautanki this..

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