How many nuclear bombs you want to protect our country?I think one is enough and we have that capabilities. Gov. instead look after other issues such as infrastructure development,eductaion for all,uplifting the life style of citizens living in both urban and rural areas,increasing the capabilities of homeland security(to prevent terrorists dont need nuclear bomb for this),decrease pollution and so on.To do these, you need nuclear power not nuclear bomb!
RE:Nuclear Tests!
by srinath kandhukuri on Nov 29, 2007 04:43 AM Permalink
you mukherjee... it is not about the numbers.... it is about sovereignty... our will to do what ever we want..and not with someones permission...
RE:Nuclear Tests!
by Biren Mukherjee on Nov 29, 2007 05:19 AM Permalink
You there whatever, There are many things one might do to improve the plight of the poor people in India. A panel of nuclear bombs is not the solution but the nuclear power. Nuclear disarmament will improve the stability our planet. Being a headstrong you can kill yourself but dont let your deed being the burden of others.
RE:RE:Nuclear Tests!
by Gautam Puri on Nov 29, 2007 09:35 AM Permalink
Nuclear disarmament?? Are you crazy ?? We have two countries with nukes on our borders. Nuclear disarmament will never imcrease stability because theres too many nations with nukes, and even if all agree to disarm there is too much incentive to still hold on to them in secret. Besides the USA and russia will never disarm, and consequently no one else will. If india disarms, the rest will remain armed, so our security will be severly compromised.
RE:Nuclear Tests!
by Dibyendu on Nov 29, 2007 01:35 AM Permalink
I believe Mr Singh's statement was to show that india would retain the right to conduct nuclear explosions if required. The government , whatever may be its shortcomings , is trying to develop the infrastructure of India and energy security is essential for growth and development. Mr. Mukherjee, and if the country is strong and stable, all of us will prosper and be benefitted.
RE:Nuclear Tests!
by Biren Mukherjee on Nov 29, 2007 02:33 AM Permalink
Thats what every other Gov said-they are trying their best! Honestly, not many things regarding the developments are done so far. On the contrary what British developed, was not even maintained. In the current paradigm, rich people are becoming richest (example Ambanis, Bajaj and so on) and poor people are becoming poorest. The allocation of wealth is so unjustifiably restricted to a certain community that I would shame to call it a development. Another person in the forum has mentioned about the health. That is another restricted facility to the rich people. So the bottom line is: NO DEVELOPMENT.
RE:Nuclear Tests!
by HRS Mani Mani on Nov 29, 2007 10:36 AM Permalink
There is nothing wrong in rich becomes richer. On the otherhand, the money allocated for poverty alleviation is siphoned off by politicians and executives including IAS officers. Poor people cannot expect any govt to do miracles to uplift their living standards. They have to take pains to become literate, work hard intelligently and come up on their own. They only things can change. If you give money, to a drunkard, what will happen, he will go the bar/arrack shop and drink. Only through education poor people can improve their lot, which is not going to happen in the near future under the present dispensation.
RE:Nuclear Tests!
by ravikanth on Nov 29, 2007 03:07 AM Permalink
You are No 1 ignorant in this world. India is one of the fastest growing nations. Many poor are getting jobs
RE:RE:Nuclear Tests!
by jayachandranravi on Nov 29, 2007 03:43 AM Permalink
you are convincing yourself....what are the criteria for the fastest growing Nations?This is however, different from fastest growing economy.....what did you use to measure that poor people are getting job?I think you should study this first.
RE:Nuclear Tests!
by Gautam Puri on Nov 29, 2007 09:28 AM Permalink
What do you mean by "what the british developed was not even maintained". What the hell did the british develop? 50 years ago when we got independence from the british the country was in a pathetic state, barely any infrastructure, 90% poverty rate, 88% illiterate. Thats why we fought for independence. It is all true that the indian govt has underperformed and done far less than it could have, but we are 100 times better off today than during the british raj. And no, it is not true that the poor are becoming the poorest. Indias rich may be getting richer at a faster pace than the poor are getting richer, but our middle class is gradually growing at a steady pace. Instead of such negativity and condemnation you should try to find solutions for the problems that exist.
RE:Nuclear Tests!
by ephrem tigga on Nov 29, 2007 01:43 AM Permalink
Yes Biren I do support your view. These politicians are speak about everything eccept the development of the country's social security, i mean social justice. every person in India is left for herself/himself to fend and live. No sanitation and people are living in hazzards. Health system has reached in such a state that they cannot go down beyond it. there is no way I can speak about transport and roadways safety. the electricity and water facilities are totally neglected. Politicians are busy in fighting for religion,casts, nuclear bomb and all that destroyes humanity. I wonder when will the people of India rise above these destructive attitude and get started on making us feel safe, cared for, accepted and work for each ones good.
RE:Nuclear Tests!
by raja on Nov 29, 2007 02:56 AM Permalink
Indian prime minister wants this deal so bad maybe american government paid aolots of money to indian prime minister. They know, they can't trust america. Why Manmohan singh is so obesses with this deal. Indian santions just got lifted and by doing something stupid we gonna gonna endup putting sanctions back on us.
RE:RE:Nuclear Tests!
by Gautam Puri on Nov 29, 2007 09:32 AM Permalink
Why shouldnt he be interested in the nuke deal?? We do have an extreme energy problem in case you havent noticed that. Manmohan might be a weak prime minister but he is not a traitor to this country. Besides, america is the superpower and it is beneficial to increase cooperation with them while at the same time maintaining our sovereignty. All deals will involve compromise, but the compromise in this deal is not as great as some of you are making it out to be. China has struck deals with america, the russians (their arch enemies) also strike deals with the US, why not us? We have got a far better deal than we should have expected. Unless you are ready to invent another energy source I suggest we go with the deal.
RE:mm singh will hide in sonia's a*ss when time for nuclear test comes...
by ephrem tigga on Nov 29, 2007 01:48 AM Permalink
this is very very uncharitable comment. It is not acceptable. If a hindu says then he goes to his religious head for permission. If muslim comments does s/he go to their religious leader for permission. I think it is you who go to your religious leader to ask permission even to pee.
Role of the Communist Party of India in China's favor.
- CPI(M) heavyweight HK Surjeet influenced by Russia to setup an underground organization CPI(M) did proceed to recruit a secret organization within the Indian Army.
- The Peoples Republic of China and Soviet Russia both insisted that the CPI(M) must develop a standby apparatus capable of armed resistance, while intensifying penetration of Indian Military forces.
- With the PLA now present along the Indian Border the Indian Party had a channel of support for Armed Operations and a potential liberator in the event of mass uprisings - 13 Sept 1959
- 4 powerful radio sets had been installed in the office of the China Review in Calcutta to listen to broadcasts from Peking Chinese Financial Subsidies to sections of the CPI particularly the left faction strongholds in West Bengal A foreign supply base was now available for the underground organizations with Chinese occupation of Tibet and other frontier areas. Letter asking for collaboration in Indian underground organization work aimed at an eventual revolution, because China has a border with India and can provide arms and supplies Also Jaipal Singh, head of the illegal organization within the Indian Army decided to reactivate his organization in May 1961 following the hard left faction gaining control of the party.
During the debate on the proposed Indo-US nuclear deal, Mr. Rup Chanda Pal of CPM and many other MP's raised the issue of propagation of Solar and Wind energy in Loksabha today(28th November, 2007).
And the speech of Mr. Lakshman Singh of BJP was simply mind blowing. He said that "We have the technology and we can be Solar superpower of the world and lead the world in the field of Solar energy." He also said that Wind energy too has a lot of potential and scope.
The list of MP's, who supported the cause of GREEN EARTH in today's discussion on Indo-US nuclear deal in the parliament, is too big & it is not possible to list all of the statements.
The country is highly thankful to them for opposing the Nuclear energy and favoring the Renewable sources of energy.
RE:The country must salute these MP's !!!
by SATYA FOUNDATION on Nov 29, 2007 12:10 AM Permalink
It is due to 'intellectuals' like you that the humanity is kissing death. Have you ever visited the websites of Suzlon, Tata Solar and other hundreds of companies in the field? Have you done some study or crying foul without home work? Where are you man? And in case you can't find suitable answers, go to the site of 'WISE'. But for God's sake, don't use abusive language for the technology u don't know about. AND AS FAR AS DIVERSIFICATION is concerned, please read properly: THE COUNTRY NEEDS SOLAR & WIND-both. More questions? Write to me today & I will send you comparative charts and analysis. Chetan Upadhyaya, Satya Foundation
by Pradip Parekh on Nov 28, 2007 10:49 PM Permalink
exacto mundo, ap ji. congratulations. this simple truth refuses to come out in the diplomatic discourse. let hyde and lantos get lynched in the u.s. media.
Communists are headless chickens who suck up to Chinese. Had this deal been linked to China they would say they would withdraw support if they dont sign the deal. How can we become beggars when signing the deal is for our self determination. Our energy demands have to be met to sustain our growth levels. Left idiots think right atleast for once. Put the country's interest above your rotten and dead ideology. Here are the achievements of communists in India: 1) Opposed India's independence 2) Called our nethaji a dog 3) Set up unions to destabilize every public sector 4)Supported China openly in Indo-Sino war of 1962 5) Called for illegal strikes even on essential services that affected public 6) Opposed privatization of every loss making bleeding public sector entity 7) Opposed computerization in 80's by Rajiv Gandhi saying it will cut employment 8) Opposed liberization of the economy which is serving every poor middle class Indian now 9) Opposed all the development projects saying it is against the poor 10) They are a party for public servants / union leaders not the public 11) Latest achievement was to kill 1000's in Nandigram 12) Gave birth to naxalites killing tribals 13) Life long achievements: stall the progress of poor Indians
Friends in Bengal and Kerala, instead of flocking to other states and abroad for jobs you can live with respect in your own home state. Think sensible and vote out the communists and it will prove you have some self respect left.
RE:Achievements of Indian communists
by Praneet Goel on Nov 28, 2007 10:12 PM Permalink
Well done Natesh and Imran and the Gang. I only wish that the point you are making is more widely disseminated to the general Indian Population so that these absolutely backward, good for nothing communists who are Chinese poodles, are thrown out of office, then out of India and hopefully finally out of our conciousness.
RE:Achievements of Indian communists
by Murali Krishna on Nov 28, 2007 11:20 PM Permalink
Each of the sentence you have written is 1000% correct. Communist Parties are root cause for many evils in India today. I am sad that Communist Parties in India have not died like it happened in many countries during the last two decades.
I hope in the next election West Bengal People will throw out Communists from power. In Bengal many good companies like Dunlop, Bata are forced to shut their factories. I have personally seen many Bengalis are migrating to other states for jobs. I had colleagues in Bangalore / Hyderabad who had no other option but to migrate for jobs.In Andhra Pradesh they encouraged Naxalites to kill Chandra Babu Naidu as he is developing the State.
It is high time, they are kicked out from the country.
RE:Achievements of Indian communists
by HRS Mani Mani on Nov 29, 2007 10:40 AM Permalink
Bengalis are brainwashed by communists. I don't think communists can be dislodged from W.Bengal. One more generation should pass before it(dislodging communists) actually happens.
RE:Achievements of Indian communists
by Anil Bharali on Nov 28, 2007 11:30 PM Permalink
Another headless chicken has presented a long list of aurgument of against communists but he doesnot know that he is incapable of finding an aurgument why communists are elected to power by people of west Bengle, Kerala and Tripura.
RE:RE:Achievements of Indian communists
by Hardik Mehta on Dec 04, 2007 07:46 AM Permalink
why do we care for that mr Mani..we know what development this states have?and why Budhdhdeb is not sticking to hardlined communist policies?what happened to communist Russia?Yes it is good for some time and for people who love to work under boss..thts why they call their meeting as po light buero.. :)
RE:Achievements of Indian communists
by Gautam Puri on Nov 29, 2007 09:40 AM Permalink
Maybe you can find some arguments explaining why west bengal and tripura, big supporters of the communist parties, are in the worst condition compared to all other states in the country. Can you not see what effect the obsession with communism has done to them? We saw what happened to soviet russia. West bengal and tripura will fall apart just as the soviet empire did.
RE:Achievements of Indian communists
by imran patel on Nov 28, 2007 09:19 PM Permalink
Natest, The solution to this problem is defeating the Commies in open elections. It is by offereing a better alternative.
We focus a lot of our time/energy on describing the problem which is a known fact.
We need to use this time and energy to defect the commies in their own backyard (WB and Kerala).
The crux is to stick with issues. Communism is failed economics. We just need to show people the benefits of FREE MARKETS and FREEDOM. People are holding on to these commies because of fear and inertia. It is upto us to show them PLAN B.
RE:U.S. 101st paratroopers to land in Pakistan...SPINE CHILLING FACTS
by imran patel on Nov 28, 2007 09:13 PM Permalink
It is a BLOG, not news. Hope you understand that difference.
If people write something on this forum, it does not mean that it is a fact.
However, it is possible that this maybe true. But it does NOT become a FACT unless it is validated. Till then, we can call it a "RUMOR"
RE:U.S. 101st paratroopers to land in Pakistan...SPINE CHILLING FACTS
by Gautam Puri on Nov 29, 2007 09:42 AM Permalink
Assumign of course this is true, what difference does it make? We already know the US has been pakistans biggest source of money and weapons for decades. At least after 9/11 they realized their folly and are far more pro-indian, so these paratroopers are probably gonna teach them to fight terrorism, not to attack india. America may have done a lot of messed up stuff with pakistan against india in the past, but today they are probably the only stabilizing influence in pakistan. It is better they go in and make sure terrorists are crushed than we have to do it ourselves.