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India must have reservations till 85% of all registered marriages are inter-caste.
by usa on May 04, 2008 06:58 PM  Permalink 

Till then,
Vote for candidates from your caste only.
Do not care if he is corrupt or competent!!!!

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by Hema Karmore on Apr 30, 2008 03:24 PM  Permalink 

I like you .I have seen u functioning since 1976 when u were Opposition leader in Assembly.But still I didnot like you when u allowed BS Yediyurappa tobecome CM for 7 days.
Keep him out.>Manju

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Gowda....a ragi ball eater
by indiaaus on Apr 30, 2008 09:16 AM  Permalink 

Gowda says....The legislators are upset; he is trying to keep up their morale. Despite reports to the contrary, father and sons are together (laughs).

Deve gowda was the man who were against Kumaraswamy in breaking JDS and joining with BJP.....This is shit Politics mate

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Open letter to H.D. Deve Gowda
by antonio on Mar 06, 2008 03:30 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

%u201CStop supporting terrorists%u201D
Shri Ramchandra Gowda, former Minister for Science in the BJP-JD (S) Government of Karnataka, has appealed to the former Prime Minister, H.D. Deve Gowda to refrain from making statements, either in favour or against the suspected jehadi terrorists as the police is doing their job and it should be given free hand. It is to be noted that Shri Gowda had recently made a statement that poverty and unemployment are the root cause for the youth to take to terrorism.
In the letter, dated February 24, Shri Ramchandra Gowda said: %u201CYou have been proved wrong, in the wake of the CoD police taking into custody a well-qualified, hitherto well-employed and perhaps, well-paid software techie on the charge of being an activist of Student Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), an organisation banned by the Union Government. It only means that this techie never lacked education, he was not poor and he was not unemployed%u2014the three criterion that you mentioned as cause for terrorism. If you still call the techie poor, then all well-meaning and right thinking people ought to know your definition of poverty. Does it mean that the techie is poor because every member of his family do not own houses, do not own large tracts of land and do not own flashy cars?%u201D, he asked.
He further said it is not difficult to fathom as to why he took up the cause of alleged terrorists in the name of secularism. %u201CYou are downright pseudo-secular, for whom secularism is an euphemism for indu

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RE:Open letter to H.D. Deve Gowda
by nagesh singh on Mar 06, 2008 03:38 PM  Permalink
euphemism for indulging in minority appeasement, majority bashing and vote politics. And anybody who is a pseudo-secular is personification of hypocrisy. But this attitude of yours and your friends in the so-called secular brigade is a great harm to the country%u2019s unity, integrity and internal security. It does indeed harm the minority brethren,%u201D he said.
Clarifying the stand of the BJP on the issue he said the BJP is of the clear opinion that all the Muslims are not terrorists. Justice to all and appeasement to none is our credo.

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the worst possible politician of the century is mr. dewagouda.
by Thrinadh vasantavada on Dec 07, 2007 08:58 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

the country and indian people should think twice before making any person like dewagouda th
e prime minister in the worst senario.also. mr. dewagoda not only degraded himself but also the ppost of primeminister by involving himself in dirty politics to keep his family interestsat top.after serving in the post of pm of the country it is disgusting how his concuss has pemitted him to lead a regional party and also playing dirty games.no sensible person in country can appreciate his actions and every one should condemn him.

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DeveGowda V/s SM Krishna
by veeraballala on Nov 30, 2007 12:55 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hegana Deve Gowda used to come to Bangalore every two days and create a nuisance to all. He used to come to open even a pan beedi shop and now he talks about Krishna coming regularly.

Mr Gowda, karnataka will never see a bright day till you and your Kahndaan are out of it

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RE:DeveGowda V/s SM Krishna
by Biju jacob on Dec 05, 2007 11:10 AM  Permalink

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RE:DeveGowda V/s SM Krishna
by Manju on Apr 28, 2008 07:42 PM  Permalink
where are you from? ( just curious to know )

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Mr. Reddy
by Rupakshi on Nov 29, 2007 01:02 AM  Permalink 

Mr. Reddy here has passionate love for Gowda. As far as I am concerned it is fine. On one side his every alternate email is brahmin bashing calling them communal. It appears his love for his own caste is beyond human reach. One way to hide caste prejudice is to criticize others I suppose.

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man oopsssssss'!!!!!!!! i am sorry
by azaad on Nov 28, 2007 09:14 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

sorry to relate this person(re gowda and family) as human,how can a human being be so ruthless,cunning,opportunist.......these r all deffeinetly animal instincts, need thorough checking of this man, whethet natural process of evolution has been complete in thisparticular case.............??

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RE:man oopsssssss'!!!!!!!! i am sorry
by poolu on Nov 28, 2007 10:15 PM  Permalink
See my reply below

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