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Scrap the idea of Nuclear power FOREVER
by Chetan Upadhyaya on Nov 25, 2007 04:51 PM  Permalink 

Solar and Wind energy, if promoted by the GOVERNMENT properly can fulfil every requirement. The money which we are investing in Nuclear reactors and Hydroelectricity etc. should be diverted to the LARGE SCALE promotion of renewable sources of energy. Otherwise all our slogans on environmenmtal conservation will be slogans only. And I request readers to do some more research before writing anything against any idea. Why do we see everything so negatively? What is the point in labelling some organization with Publicity-starved even without knowing it?
To quote a report by Rob Edwards published in "The New Scientist" , 10th June 2006 (Magazine issue 2555),"In the mountain village of Kara Agach in Kyrgyzstan, people are unwittingly eating radioactive waste. Radium left behind by more than two decades of uranium mining during the Soviet era has contaminated their chickens,milk, potatoes and pears." THIS IS JUST ONE EXAMPLE....
Till what time will we live in stone age? Everything must be decided on the merits and demerits & on purely scientific grounds. What is the point in ignoring the freely available energy and kissing the death? If we could start to see the things in more correct light, we can save our nature from more extinction. With warm regards, Chetan Upadhyaya, Satya Foundation

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