Why do we forget that there is no need of the Nuclear deal in the first place because we have enough Solar and Wind energy resources. The people sitting in the power must open eyes to the fact that we have already devastated the nature due to our myopic vision. First coal & petrol and then killing nuclear power(yes, it brings with it many environmental hazards)!! What a rubbish? For all our energy needs, Let's switch over to the Solar & Wind energy immediately and not waste time in Nuclear deal. With due respect towards friends of US, I would like to say that one should talk of facts and figures. I am just saying that when greener ways are there to produce energy, then why are we advocating such killers of nature like Nuclear energy. India's euphoria over nuclear deal with the US is puzzling. If nuclear generated electricity is good for India, so should it be for the US. But the US hasn't built a single nuclear plant in the last so many decades. In Western Europe, most of the nations are phasing out nuclear power. India should question its overnight enthusiasm for a source of energy that is being rejected in many of the world's most advanced countries. The world tide is largely against it. The reasons are based on safety and economics. Public opinion in Europe opposes nuclear plants because they generate radioactive waste whose storage can kill and injure future generations. Dr. Chetan Upadhyaya, Satya Foundation. namastemedia@rediffmail.com (Mail me 4 detailed reports)
RE:Indo-US Nuclear deal
by Bhupendra Singh on Nov 25, 2007 10:39 PM Permalink
You are absolutely right, Mr. Chetan. But what to do with the spineless, dollar-loving public which also consists of our 'estemed' leaders from diferent political parties. They are one in increasing the global warming. They know the hazards of Radioactive waste, but will continue to oblige the US government. We need to promote companies in the field of Solar and wind energy and give them all out help in the form of subsidies etc. Thanks once again Dr. Upadhyaya for enlightening us. BHUPENDRA SINGH
From the chronology of happeninings it seems that the Deal is highly useful for US than India. Tomorrow China, Russia, European countries etc. will be in Queue for some agreements with India.
u.s.a. shall not twist the arm of india after signing the agreement.india should negotiate for the permanent seat in the united nations.india shall also find alternative sources of energy.like hudraulic energy thru' dam construction.water can be used for irrigation purposes.dual benefit from hydraulic energy.think deeply before signing the agreement.
RE:nuclear agreement
by Sunny Sunil on Nov 22, 2007 05:31 PM Permalink
In that case we have great problem of so called environmentalist who are always there to stop dam construction.
RE:nuclear agreement
by MOHAN PYARE on Nov 22, 2007 06:22 PM Permalink
For opposing nuclear plants, you say "build dams and make hydel power". When they go for building dams. you say "Do not build dams because it will submerge lot of land resulting in displacement of tribals". This happened in Gujarat when the government wanted to increase the height of Narmada dam. Again, plan of another dam on Narmada in Madhya pradesh had to be abandoned because of this problem. Yet another Hydel project on Koel-Karo was abandoned by NHPC in Jharkhand. Assamese are objecting to several prospective hydel projects in Assam. The list is endless.
RE:nuclear agreement
by Bhupendra Singh on Nov 25, 2007 10:43 PM Permalink
No Sir, we don't need dams nor the nuclear plants. WE NEED SOLAR AND WIND ENERGY. Yes, only that way, we will be able to save our planet. And we must thank Mr. Chetan Upadhyaya of Satya Foundation(his message is there at the beginning of this page only) for enlightening us. Bhupendra Singh
hi guys do all noticed one fact that when US started N deal dollar value has got reduced due to high investments of US companied in stock AFTER THE DEAL IS OK YOU NOTICE THERE WILL BE DEFINTLY RAISE IN DOLLAR VALUE