Mr. Karat is now talking about foreign policy & he expressed that a small block like Nandigran could never be forced for compromising on nuke deal. Grate Karat, then why your tone about Nuke deal%u2019s implantation was ready for withdrawing support of UPA Govt & Now you support on this issue without any barriers? How? It could never be digested among public. It shows clearly that either before you are wrong & really enemy of country or now you are in favor due to you have lack of knowledge about nuke deal. We know that you are opportunist so must be you are working on some hidden deal to support the UPA Govt on Nuke deal issue for.
RE:Nuke Deal has been forwarded by left in cost of Nandigram by Karat..
by Sam Nath on Nov 19, 2007 12:30 AM Permalink
Dude, Everybody knows Commies are cpportunists.
After left front compranmise over Nuke deal, the center will leave Nandigram at the mercy of LEFT PARIVAR Again. Now the LEFT PARIVAR Goondas can go back to Nandigram and resume their daily rapes and killings. No stopping them. Meanwhile, after supporting each other in betraying the Nation, Congress and UPA will jointly unleash the goonda MPs on opposition members in the Parliament.
What a shame? i wonder where have these so called intellectuals, secular champions, human rights activists gone? where are they hiding? are they cooling their gheals in Five star guest houses of CPI (M) waiting to come out only there some trouble in BJP ruled states?
There will be some drama in the parliament for the consumption of public.All MPs are fully united for Democracy - a government for the politicians , by the police , against the people.
by ramoo on Nov 18, 2007 11:24 PM Permalink
muslims are being raped in nandigram. here only cpim cadres are doing this with the backing of the cpim top brass so where is your problem now with advani? Modi is a killer agreed but what about the CPIm who have raped muslims and Jamiat e ulema e hind is one of the main parties opposing this carnage so who are you talking about. be impartial in yoour views. It seems it ok if cpim cadres rape muslims and only wrong if Modis men do it and nothing wrong when hindus get raped in bangladesh and pakistean and kashmir. be impartial all crime has to be condemned be it by modi or by cpim or bay any person against any religion.
Any intervention or inspection by the Congress party or UPA government is too little too late. If this is all to save its biased image, then it is better for UPA to admit its failures. This scratch my back and I do yours, will only leave nail marks on the skin of both the CPM and the Congress party.