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JD S Govt. in Karnataka
by swami pudipeddi on Nov 17, 2007 01:09 PM  Permalink 

The conditions of older Gowda show that he wants the cake and eat it too. When the BJP prepared to face elections without comprosmising on the arm twisting by the JDS on the due date of power transfer, it is always ready to repeat the same. It is JD S whichwill be a loser if the elections dawn on the Karnataka people much ahead of the normal tenure of the house.
Congress is a party which paraises the virtues of Gandhi and does not care to implement any of his policies. Gandhi advised to abolish congress immediatley after getting independence. Why did not the party follow the advice?
What the UPA did all these years in power. Prices are skyrocketting through the roof and poor became poorer and rcih became richer. All works entursted to its cadre which is compromising in quality in every aspect of the work got.

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What ever it is
by Shree on Nov 17, 2007 01:04 PM  Permalink 

wheather bjp or jds atleast it is not as much worse as mayawathi/cpm/moolayam/

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by Rahul on Nov 17, 2007 12:53 PM  Permalink 

Governments are formed with each prties interests. No one bothers what public needs at this moment. There should be a system where the Governemnt takes public decision since we are the tax payers and we are the sufferers. The Governments will be formed as per theirt whims and fancies but who cares about the public interest.

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