Few are sons are sitting here doing their duty, to abuse Govt anyhow they are seeing everything Wrong in Dr Manmohan Singh Govt whtever done in Past Govt was very good either they release Terrorist / taking mmoney for defense deal/ strip off their cloths before security agency in USA , asking Question in Parliament with Money, open Govt Sponsor Masscare,false pressure tactics by advani to become Dy PM, More over last week Brijesh Mishra agreed that Atal Govt was Agreed in same deal only two defnse point spare from any deal, they did nothing in Five years except making money at large or making a fool of Public, any son dare to tell what your papas had done in Last Govt any decision / any work that proud to say by anyone except to stop Dr Kalam to do more for Country they fix him before President house wall so that he could not do more on missile development , after Pokhran 2 India were short of uranium , they stopped all deveopment India felt proud , They Forget RAM /they promot Leader Like lalu/ Mayawati/ Mulaym / paswan/ Devegouda, by supporting just to come in power,
RE:Papa Always right
by Raja Shekar on Nov 17, 2007 04:17 AM Permalink
Buddy, I just dunno what you wrote up there. Improve your language skills please......
Left has surrendered themselves on this issue due to they have not any options. Nandigram in WB fired them to keep on supporting the UPA Govt either of WB is very suitable for implementing president rule.
first of all they are hopeless for india..never take any accountability and responsibility and wants to enjoy the power....itz been like that wherever they exists...some time support from outside some times in...they are good for nothing and also obstacles for the development...never support anything in the first....their principles no longer valid/does not make sense...see in this case...just becuase of them it got delayed....and thatz how everything gets delayed if you vote for them...what made you take so long....?? may i say nandigram deal....pathetic ..isn't it?
Well done left parties .You have shown the true colour ,though your parties are showing the same last 60 years .But this time your hipocracy is exposed by giving your nod to congress party .Good, this is good deal to compensate your Nandigram massacar ,to avoid article 350 and Bjp 's opposition to nuclear deal despite Dr ManmohanSingh .s friendy approach to Atal Behari Bajpai .Ok since you have come for a developmental solution though belated for India ,I admire now for your parties but for god shake please develop Nandigram ,an asset ,a strategic point ,a gateway for entire south east asia,australia,south america .Imagin hence forth entire world economy will be flooding to start business in eastern India and the nearby port is only calcutta and Haldia ( NANDIGRAM is only 40 km from Hadia) .Imagin once civil nuclear deal is finalised ,West Bengal has been earmarked for starting a nuclear power station .Imagin the potential of West Bengal with so many skill unutilised manpower available.Give a solid hand to cherismatic CM Buddhadevji ( who is equal to Dr Manmohan Singh,Late PM P.V.Narsimha Rao,Ex Pm Atal Behari Bajpai in terms of development for India forgetting their party line).I appeal to all parties ,please accept your falt like Buddha if you have done any mistake but never compromise against development of India .People will forgive your party .This is India .The land of Mahatma,The land of people with forgiveness.I am proud to be an Indian.
by pattu on Nov 16, 2007 11:04 PM Permalink
I appreciate your optimism. I hope every Indian be an optimist like you and thrive to excel. Hail India !!
Communists take long time to understand things. They said Netaji was a quisling later accepted him a national hero.They said yeh azadi jhuta hai now they are a part of democratic system.They will ultimately accept Nuclear agreement after a lapse of time when China will go miles ahead of India.They are a drag factor in the UPA.They enjoy power without any accountability.
RE:Waite and see
by raj on Nov 16, 2007 11:25 PM Permalink
After all it is a Communist party. What you expect out of these brain dead party. They still think cold war is going on between Russia and the US. Communism is dead where it was started. They(RUSSIANS) even removed Lennin's statue and renamed Lenningrad and Stalingrad. Furthermore they even changed the Red flag. And these idiots like Karat and Barathan worshiping Lennin and Mao. That shows how backward they are.
RE:left got a deal with sonia
by Drive A McLaren on Nov 16, 2007 10:46 PM Permalink
I think its a positive development for the country. Nandigram is being handled in the courts. Hopefully justice can be served. But after Gujarat anything is possible.
The left sent the PM to Russia...to make finalisation of purchase of 4 nos. of Nuclear reactor...For the left... if India gets everything from Russia under the blue sky...they will be the most happiest...
Will someone tell them..it was the US which had provided us with the Tarapur I & II reactor and also the first Nuclear reactor...The CIRUS...
RE:Give & Take policy Of the left...
by kraft on Nov 16, 2007 10:33 PM Permalink
Because the Left has a CUT in everything we get from the COMMUNIST and ex-communist Countries thro, Contacts. Otherwise why the old rascals from Kolkotta howl so much?
RE:RE:Give & Take policy Of the left...
by tapan majumdar on Nov 16, 2007 11:06 PM Permalink
The rascals refered to are not from Kolkata,but Kerala,Andhra and Nagpur.But my request not to be mean to mention state,caste,religion as we are all Indian and also please choose better words than rascal.Please do not mind..
I am surprised that Cong calls itself a secular party whereas it is the most unsecular and biased party .. instead of blaming CPM for Nandigram riots, murders, rapes, they have bought them for Nuclear deal .. shame shame
When it happened with Sikhs 1984, nobody is ready to talk .
When it is happening with Hindu Pandits in Kashmir since las 20 years, nobody is ready to talk.
When it is happening in Gurjarat, Cong & its selfish companions are shouting at the top of their voice ..
and now Cong has started another story in Indian History ..
and soon , it will be a part of the Indian politics ..
Wah cong wah .. you have really brough a new development in India.
RE:Cong is ready to buy even murderers .
by Kumar S on Nov 16, 2007 11:19 PM Permalink
Papa always Right, You forget continious killing in punjab, two sikh Body guard Killed Prime Minister Of India, No Body condem that killing they start beating drums and distributing sweet among sikhs, do you think Hindu have No blood,