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so emergency again??? 100th time???
by U on Nov 04, 2007 07:13 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

so what happens in emergency?? no films, no cinemas no fun n frolic?? no tvs??? oh thats awful man, i hate emergency can these people get in and out of that country?? or no??
i guess you can't sing and dance on the streets during emergency yikes!!

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RE:so emergency again??? 100th time???
by kamlesh pant on Nov 04, 2007 07:43 PM  Permalink
u bhai
bina emergency ke sarko main naach gaana kar lete ho

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Inevtable outcome!
by shiva on Nov 04, 2007 07:13 PM  Permalink 

Mushie is not a fool to release his grip. He knows what might play out for him. The fate of Najibullah & Saddam cannot be far from his mind. Any fool would have seen that he was releasing the rope liberally and his subjects found enough to hang themselves.

This is what waits for people without any aim in life. That in this present day, people have nothing much to do, other than while away in a pastime of killing innocents whose only fault was in the wrong place, to get themselves killed mindlessly is something beyond me and many others. There are so many useful things one can do within the alloted time in this world, than be in a hurry to get to heaven by killing others.

I dread for the day these things are imported into our country. Sri Lanka is another, where killings are like having breakfast and ultimately does anybody remember these supposed "leaders". Even the revered Gandhiji is easy target in these times for mudslinging.

Let us all try to find more meaning in life, first by looking after our families.

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by Vijay Raman on Nov 04, 2007 07:12 PM  Permalink
What the f is this vasant rokade exposed

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RE:divide pakistan
by Ballu on Nov 04, 2007 07:23 PM  Permalink
tumhara baap divide karega?

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Great Rediff
by Raj Kumar on Nov 04, 2007 07:06 PM  Permalink 

Some Paki's Report Abuse, and Rediff Blocks Indian's View.... What a Shame..

My View..

Divide Pakistan in multiple parts, Give one to Pehalwan Mushraff, One to Bhencho Bhutto(She can give that further to her 12 children), One to Mr Sharif, One to Shiyas, One to Sunnis and So on..

Hey "Pakis or Muslims or terrorist" (All are same under one Allah :D ) No Offence meant.. Think about it, its for your own good..

Dear Human Beings (Attached to any Religion), what is your opinion on this?

PS: [I am deliberately not Including muslim in any religion as Muslim is a cult not a religion, every one knows :) ]

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overdose ...
by Guru HM on Nov 04, 2007 07:03 PM  Permalink 

Plz. all news channels .... I getting a head ache .... this is clearly an overdose ... Y bother ... let them screw themselves !

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by on Nov 04, 2007 07:02 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I really pity you pakistanis, really u deserve this, because you allowed musharaff ride on you all these days. Your future shall be in dark for another few more decades. DEMOCRACY SHALL NEVER BE RESTORED IN PAK UNTILL MUSHY IS ALIVE. SO YOU PEOPLE DECIDE, YOU PEOPLE WANT DEMOCRACY OR MUSHY.
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by Raj Kumar on Nov 04, 2007 07:07 PM  Permalink
Divide Pakistan in multiple parts, Give one to Pehalwan Mushraff, One to Bhencho Bhutto(She can give that further to her 12 children), One to Mr Sharif, One to Shiyas, One to Sunnis and So on..

Hey "Pakis or Muslims or terrorist" (All are same under one Allah :D ) No Offence meant.. Think about it, its for your own good..

Dear Human Beings (Attached to any Religion), what is your opinion on this?

PS: [I am deliberately not Including muslim in any religion as Muslim is a cult not a religion, every one knows :) ]

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