RE:beginning of the end?
by Gajanan Mohite on Nov 05, 2007 06:59 AM Permalink
Imran Khan will play Indoor Cup Cricket till release competition with many in house arrest.
so what happens in the emergency?? can you get in and out of the country?? or no??? no films, no cinemas no fun n frolic??? no singing and dancing on the streets??? hate emergency!! darn
by Sahadevan KK on Nov 05, 2007 10:05 AM Permalink
Our leaders bring a civil war in our country also. Congress and BJP's stand will bring a civil war in our country also, what Mushraff brought into Pakistan. America does their duty to divide and rule India. They help Musharaff, terrorists and Benazir spontaneously. We are continuing our struggle against communalism even after 60 years of Independence, what Britishers gave us in the name of India and Pakistan. Befitting reply cannot harm the Left parties. It will harm Congress as well as our nation.
Why Muslims in India who support Pakistan go to Pakistan to enjoy emergeny there ? Why are they in India ? Their mind set is to make India another Pakistan.
RE:Why Muslims in India supporting Pakistan go there and enjoy emergency there ?
by Uttamkumar Samanta on Nov 04, 2007 11:23 PM Permalink
Mush said, Pakistan needs few centuries of time to bring democracy in Pakistan like USA or the West. After creation of Pakistan from India, India maintains democracy. Why Pakistan failed.
Reason is simple. Pakistan created on the wrong basis and Pakistan is a wrong nation approved then and now.
RE:Why Muslims in India supporting Pakistan go there and enjoy emergency there ?
by Deepa on Nov 05, 2007 01:16 AM Permalink
how about kicking minds like u out of india.india is great country and we are proud to be its part and also ashamed of some elements like u.guess what seems ur upper story is empty, therby make more noise. keep religion out u idiot. seems u donot know of vedas. go read and understand it properly. it says love and peace for all
RE:Why Muslims in India supporting Pakistan go there and enjoy emergency there ?
by Mark roy on Nov 05, 2007 02:15 AM Permalink
India is a great countryy thats why they are on number 1 on HIV positive...every one know abt how great they are.....bloody loser and sukerr
RE:Why Muslims in India supporting Pakistan go there and enjoy emergency there ?
by Loan Shark on Nov 05, 2007 04:53 AM Permalink
Democracy is for the educated folks ... livestock has to be controlled with sticks and dogs
RE:Why Muslims in India supporting Pakistan go there and enjoy emergency there ?
by Antoni D'souza on Nov 05, 2007 07:36 AM Permalink
Please Guys...Excuse Mark. He is surely misguided.
India is great because of the people of India. Religion does not matter.
RE:Why Muslims in India supporting Pakistan go there and enjoy emergency there ?
by Keerikkadan on Nov 05, 2007 01:25 AM Permalink
race? what race.. all races came from same people..
RE:RE:Why Muslims in India supporting Pakistan go there and enjoy emergency there ?
by Mark roy on Nov 05, 2007 02:17 AM Permalink
Anu.....that what i think india is democracy only cuz of muslims/hindus/christians/sikh/buddhists but Hindu think that itz cuz of them....they themself spreading HIV Positive and Gayness