They have grown this extemism with the help of USA to keep India underpressure for last 60 yrs. Let them realise the pain u feel when someone is killed for no reason. This is same musharraf who was helping the Jihadis to kill in India. Let him enjoy now the extremism. There is no hell or heaven after death it all here.
HAHAHA So many messages!!!! for what? For nothing. Nothing has changed in Pakistan. There was no democracy in Pakistan anyways. This would have been big news if Musharraf had dismissed a government and taken over. But he was in power and he will be in power. Nothing has changed. And anyways this this not the first time emergency has been imposed in Pakistan. Musharraf has half a million strong army equipped with modern weapons and even nukes. I cannot believe that he has any threat from a handful of jihadis but as long as he can scare the west by these extremists, he will remain in power and keep getting billions of dollars in military aid.
by maranare nambi on Nov 04, 2007 05:22 PM Permalink
really realistic view, he is sitting pretty high on sofisticated weapons the world ever know (thanks US) and he is the man who nurchered these terrorist with help of ISI and more so he is not like our spineless (italian lady leg lickers and knee jerking towards china for the shouts of Communies of india)He has run a parellal war with india even while navasheirf was in power without his knowledge!! it is only a drama again!!! our foolish politicians beware we would get better and more attaches by them soon. Let our ministers hide inside their houses at the shout of china and donot attend the meeting with DalaiLama
RE:Cant understand..
by maranare nambi on Nov 04, 2007 05:24 PM Permalink
lallu and jaya are shouring even more police around their bath rooms why cant they show it??
RE:thank u pakistan
by Orissa India on Nov 04, 2007 05:00 PM Permalink
Yeah and lets see a couple of suicide attacks and bombings. Great show Mush baby. Go ahead do it. Bomb the Taliban and frontier areas.
RE:RE:thank u pakistan
by maranare nambi on Nov 04, 2007 05:26 PM Permalink
follish thought orissa!!! no Director of a drama will kill his own cast!!! beware now that he is firmly set. india will get a lot of attaches